Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 225: Shocking sword

Chu Feng's previous calculations have been very smooth, and even some preparations did not even come in handy. The enemy's too weak and small made him a little proud.

He didn't realize that a complacency was born in his heart, but the opponents he met before really hardly made him serious.

But there was one thing wrong in his calculations, and that was that he couldn't break through to Tier 4.

He didn't know how many corpses of the Zerg race he had refined, nor how many crystal nuclei he had absorbed. The Yuanfu space in his body was much larger than the previous third-order peak.

However, he could not break through.

When he broke through this barrier in his previous life, it was as easy as eating and drinking water, but in this life, he felt an invisible obstacle.

No, if he encounters the shackles, he still has the will to break, but this obstacle even makes him feel weak.

It seems to be attacking the unreachable sky, no matter how hard you use, you can't even get the response of the counter-shock.

He didn't know why this happened, he always felt that something was wrong.

But now he has no time to think carefully, because there is a powerful enemy in front of him to deal with.

Seeing Su Yuyan and the sacrifices made by unknown people one after another, Chu Feng's heart, which was supposed to have completely turned into ice, began to burn again at some point.

Seeing those figures who sacrificed their lives without hesitation, Chu Feng seemed to see his father in his previous life, as if he saw Aunt Liu who sacrificed himself to save him from the danger, saw the leader of the demon hunting squad, and saw what he was doing for himself. Dead teammates, seeing Yurou who died in his arms and lost her breath...

"Why save me?"

"If you don't even have a person to save your life in your life, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Yurou's voice echoed in his ears, as if it had been yesterday.

There was no regret in her eyes until she died.

There are no regrets in her life.

"Hehe, if life is not used to do the most meaningful things, then what's the point of being in this world, even if it's two trips?"

His heart is full of unwillingness, if he reaches Tier 4, a worm emperor in a mere hand will be caught.

But, can't he break through and fight?

In the face of disasters, spiritual will is the most powerful weapon of mankind.

He thought of innate sword qi.

Innate Sword Qi is a martial arts with a slanted sword. Theoretically, the power of Innate Sword Qi can be increased infinitely. Only limited by its own strength and physical limitations can it not exert the full power of Innate Sword Qi.

However, now he can no longer take care of it.

The vitality in his body madly gathered on his right arm, and he only felt that the sword qi in his body had become stronger and sharper.

"Be stronger, stronger!"

Chu Feng desperately raised the power of his innate sword qi, and he had already disregarded the limits of his arms and body.

He only knew that an Insect Emperor who could not even pierce the blood-drinking sword completely, no matter how powerful the sword aura was to deal with it, it was not an exaggeration.

not to mention,

Once his sword qi increased, the pace slowed down.

He will never be able to improve anymore,

Then lose the courage to surpass the limit again.

Step by step, he approached the insect emperor, as if everything had been separated by an invisible force on the road he passed.

He only felt that his body was torn apart, as if every inch of blood vessel had been cut by the power of sword energy and turned into fragments.

His consciousness gradually lost and his vision gradually blurred, but the insect emperor's figure became strangely clear in his perception.

"Kill it, kill it!"

The strong belief supported him, and now he only had the idea of ​​killing the insect emperor. He raised his right hand, and the sword energy was concentrated on his right arm.

"No, at this level of sword energy, your body will not be able to bear it."

Gu Nanfei's anxious voice appeared in his ear, evoking some of his sanity.

"Will you not be able to bear it? Then don't bear it! As long as this blow is strong enough."

Decision flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and his vision gradually became clear.

At this moment, it seemed that time was about to stand still, and all the pictures seemed to freeze at this moment, leaving only the figure of him swinging his sword.

Chu Feng's arm fell,

Chu Feng's sword aura fell.

The sharp sword aura seemed to penetrate everything, and the insect emperor's body was directly cut in half by the power of the sword aura, and then began to burn from the incision.

In a moment, the insect emperor had disappeared.

Sword Qi continued.

It had already killed the Insect King, but it seemed to not feel enough.

Then, it aimed at the surrounding bugs.

Sword Qi swept,

Insects within a hundred meters radius are just under this sword,

Swept away.

"Chu Feng!"

Zhang Ziqing rushed towards Chu Feng anxiously.

"I won!"

A smile appeared in Chu Feng's eyes. He had won countless battles, but he had never been able to make him so relieved like this time.

His body fell slowly, and at the moment he fell, his right arm turned into a handful of blood mist.

Then, a lot of wounds appeared from his body, turning him into a blood man.

"Chu Feng, you can't die!"

The water power of Zhang Ziqing poured into Chu Feng, desperately trying to suspend Chu Feng's vitality.

However, a touch of fear breeds in her heart.

Chu Feng, can you really survive it?

No, he is an omnipotent person, he will be able to wake up!

for sure!


Chu Xiaorou rushed over, but didn't dare to touch Chu Feng, for fear that if she was not careful, Chu Feng would be touched to pieces by her.

She only felt that she was so powerless, so helpless.

Chu Feng has always taught her to work hard to improve herself, but she hates fighting.

Chu Feng taught her how to survive in the wild. She learned quickly, but she always felt that something was missing.

Now, only self-blame was left in her heart.

It would be great if she was stronger, and if she could help, if she was not so weak, wouldn't her brother need to be so risky and desperate?

Gu Nanfei looked at Chu Xiaorou who was sad, and Chu Feng who was about to lose her voice when she fell on the ground. He didn't know what was flashing in his eyes, his mouth was murmuring, but he didn't say anything.

Finally, his eyes turned to the insect swarm a hundred meters away.

Chu Feng's shocking sword just now created a vacuum of 100 meters, but it attracted more insects.

Those bugs seemed to be attracted by the smell of blood, becoming more frantic.

What he can do is not to let any worm come near here before Chu Feng wakes up.

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