Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 226: Gate of life and death

Am i dead?

Chu Feng's consciousness didn't know where it had drifted, and he only felt that his consciousness was gloomy.

He remembered that he seemed to cut a sword and then it was gone.

"Live again, I am determined to change everything, so that all tragedies will not happen again, and all regrets will be compensated, but it seems that something goes against my wish!"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly, and relived his life. He should have cherished this opportunity given by God, but on impulse, let his life be wasted like this?

Is it worth it?

Chu Feng didn't know.

However, when Chu Feng recalled the decision just now, he found that if he did it again, it seemed that he would still make the same decision.

"My biggest wish is to make up for the regrets in my previous life, but ignores the feelings of my family. My parents have what they want to do, and my sister has gradually grown up. Teacher Su has her own beliefs, and Gu Nanfei has her own ideals. As an ordinary person, he can also make fun in the dark environment..."

"Life is not an end, but a process. It is the carrier of life. Everyone's life is different. Not everyone has to be vigorous and life is magnificent, but everyone has the wonderfulness of everyone. Paranoia deprives others of their wonderfulness, so what is the difference between me and the devil who pretends to be a god?"

Chu Feng's thoughts continued to diverge.

A group of silhouettes flashed before his eyes, and he suddenly understood why some people were willing to give their lives for others desperately.

Do they not understand how dark this world is, or do they say that their hearts are full of light?

No, both light and human nature are part of the human heart, and they are both divided by the person himself.

Those who are willing to give their lives for others just love this world very much, like this world very much, and like to see all kinds of people.

That's it.

Why do people struggle to survive, and why not seek a relief like some people who have collapsed in a dangerous environment? It's not because life is exciting enough.

Regardless of suffering or joy, everyone has something wonderful for everyone.

"How could I think of this? Isn't this what philosophers should do?"

Chu Feng laughed at himself, and then he felt as if he had gradually recovered his "view" and came to a familiar but unfamiliar place.

He looked at the armored vehicle "in front of him", boxes of food, mineral water, and various daily necessities, and suddenly remembered something.

This is his Yuanfu!

The reason why he is unfamiliar is that he has never seen these things in front of him from this angle.

"The spirit entered the Yuan Palace from the first perspective, not the third perspective. It seems that I have made a breakthrough. It turns out that the fourth-order profound meaning is the gate of life and death!"

Chu Feng only felt that a diaphragm was broken.

The profound meaning of the fourth order is the "gate of life and death," and one of the powers of "life" or "death" must be understood in order to break through.

When he got the ancient book in his previous life, there was no way to the sky, no way to the bottom. Even if the path of cultivation was opened, there was still darkness in front of him.

In that desperate world, there is only coldness and death in his heart, and hatred.

This is why he made breakthroughs so easily in his previous life, because what he understood was the power of "death", the determination to put it to death and live thereafter.

However, after rebirth, although his blood was still cold and his heart was filled with darkness, the rebirth of life gave him hope and rekindled the blood in his heart.

Because of the hope and the warmth, there is no courage to put it to death and live.

Therefore, the path of the previous life will not work in this world.

However, when he slashed out that peerless sword, he seemed to feel that his sword had life, not knowing if it was an illusion.

Whether it is an illusion is not important. The important thing is that he did not die decisively. The reason why he killed the monster at all costs was not to seek death, but to survive.

Therefore, in this life, he understands the power of "life".

He "stretched" out his right hand, and a little fluorescent light appeared on the palm of his hand.

When he saw this fluorescence, his heart seemed to be throbbing, and his life and soul were longing for this fluorescence.

He stretched out his left hand again, and a little black fluorescence appeared in his left hand.

"Life, death, this is the complete door to life and death! I am a blessing in disguise."

Chu Feng laughed at himself.

However, before he could feel lucky, he thought of people outside.

"Teacher Su, how is she? There is also Zhang Ziqing. She has just reached Tier 4, so she uses the power close to Tier 6, will her soul be exhausted? There are others..."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's consciousness returned to reality.

He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Teacher Su who was guarding him.

The two looked at each other, and then said in unison: "You are all right!"

"Just fine!"

Then there was an awkward silence.

It was Chu Feng who broke the silence: "Teacher Su, what are you doing, um, I mean, I almost thought you were dead."

He found that he was sitting on a bed, and Teacher Yisu's character, if the outside world is already safe, she should not be by his side, so first ask the people around him.

It is not that she is unimportant in her heart, but because she will not delay the lives of others because of the love of her children.

Su Yuyan shook his head: "It's not me, but Xiaoxi. I was supposed to be dying, but she saved me desperately. Now she..."

Chu Feng's heart sank: "How is she?"

Did this girl also learn from Zhang Ziqing to overdraw her vitality?

Su Yuyan's eyes are also full of complexity: "She, she now, forget it, if you have time, go and see her yourself! I just don't know if she wants to see you."

It’s good to be alive, and there is hope if you are alive.

Feeling the power of life and death in his body, Chu Feng also reduced a lot of worry.

Then he asked: "How is the outside world?"

Su Yuyan said: "After the death of the insect emperor, those insects are like a group of dragons without a head. It becomes easy to kill some. Under Gu Nanfei's leadership, the casualties are not very large. The next day, military reinforcements arrived. A man named Luo Xingyao led people to clean up the nearby Zerg. This pest plague caused a total of nearly 200,000 casualties, but fortunately it has passed.

Now three days have passed. Gu Nanfei took us to a spring, which was the spring that Gu’s family discovered before. The spring water here is also very helpful to your injuries. And your sister, she seems to have grown up all of a sudden and volunteered to shoulder it. The duty of detecting danger has been supported by many people..."

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