Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 227: You must be strong

Following Su Yuyan's words, Chu Feng's heart gradually settled down.

He is now in the town near the spring as their temporary residence.

After he was in a coma, everything worked as usual.

Chu Xiaorou's growth surprised him very much. She did not accompany her, but took the initiative to take responsibility. This was even more surprising than companionship.

Thinking of this, he suddenly asked: "Where is Zhang Ziqing? How is she?"

When Su Yuyan talked about what happened outside, he especially avoided Zhang Ziqing, and this follower who had been by his side was not by his side.

Su Yuyan seemed hesitant to speak.

Chu Feng's heart sank: "What happened to her?"

Su Yuyan said: "When you were in a coma, Zhang Ziqing had been suspending your vitality with the ability of the water system. No one can persuade her to take a rest until you have a peculiar power born in your body that can produce vitality by yourself. She stopped, and then she passed out into a coma. When the battle was over, when I went to check, I found..."

Having said that, she stopped again, as if she didn't know how to organize the language.

Chu Feng said, "Take me to see her."

If it is overdrawn mental power, it is easy to cause the exhaustion of the soul. Such an injury cannot be cured by any means.

If she really had that kind of situation, he really didn't know what to do.

I thought I was accustomed to life and death, but found that I still couldn't accept the departure of people around me.

Su Yuyan shook her head and refused Chu Feng's request: "When we checked, we found that the vitality in her body seemed to have not been consumed, and her body was intact. If someone wanted to touch her, they would also be hurt by the cold force. , Just can’t wake up."

Chu Feng was a little surprised, and then he remembered what happened after Zhang Zi awakened.

She was not strong when she was awakened. In school, after evenly distributing the crystal nuclei, except for the newly awakened Lu Ming, everyone else was at least Tier 2 and Tier 5, while Zhang Ziqing had only Tier 2 and Tier 1.

He originally thought that Zhang Ziqing should have insufficient talent, but she has repeatedly used spells that surpass her own level in times of danger...

As everyone else's level improves, their cultivation speed is getting slower and slower. Even if they absorb crystal nuclei, the crystal nucleus that can be absorbed and digested every day is limited.

Zhang Ziqing is different. Her strength has been steadily improving, even if it reaches Tier 4, there is no obstacle.

Not long after Xiaoxi awakened, her level surpassed Zhang Ziqing. Originally thought that her talent was higher than Zhang Ziqing, she was surpassed by Zhang Ziqing. You must know that Zhang Ziqing rarely absorbs crystal nuclei, and the increased efficiency after absorption is also higher. Not on Konishi.

In other words, her current level is almost all obtained by herself.

"It seems that I am too focused on the dangers of the outside world, ignoring the abnormalities happening to the people around me.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly. Of course, he was not to blame.

In the last 10 years, he has seen all sorts of weird things, strange things for others, it is indeed common sense for him, so it is easy to ignore.

Coupled with Zhang Ziqing's current abnormal situation, he has roughly understood what.

He closed his eyes and began to slowly connect some seemingly unrelated things:

"Zhang Ziqing was awakened by my side. After I came to school, teachers Su Yuyan, Li Xiao, Li Ran, and Xiao Li, who hadn't awakened in the previous life, were all awakened. When summoned, **** three-headed dog, a small school , Monsters of Tier 3 and Tier 4 frequently appear, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon also appears in our school..."

"If these things happen alone, they are all accidental, but if they come together, it may not be as simple as a coincidence."

"If it is the calculation of the existence of the hell, it should not be aimed at me at the beginning, but I should be grateful for something special that has attracted some attention."

"If I'm not wrong, the things in Zhang Ziqing's body should probably be the gates of hell. This thing is a curse in the present, but if it is put in the future, plus sufficient preparation, to whom? I don’t know if it is a disaster!"

"But this has to wait for the future, now my power is still very weak, when I recover, I will seal the gate of **** first, otherwise, Zhang Ziqing will be in danger."

"Of course, the most important thing for me now is to establish a survival base, which will be my foundation in the future."

Chu Feng thought a lot, but was interrupted by Su Yuyan:

"Don't continue to be sad, but it's just a broken arm. There is news from the military that they have begun to study robotic arms. Maybe it will be better than your previous arm!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes in amazement, and he realized that when his arm exploded with a sword that exceeded the limit, it had already turned into blood mist.

Of course, this was not an irreparable injury for him. He had suffered more serious injuries in his previous life, and he finally survived.

Moreover, he has mastered the power of life now and should be able to recover soon.

And Su Yuyan comforted Chu Feng: "You don't have to worry about anything. You desperately stood in front of all alliance members and challenged the heroic performance of that powerful monster. You have become the spiritual leader of the alliance, even if you become Useless people, they will support you forever."

Chu Feng could not laugh or cry: "I'm fine..."

"Well, I understand, you will get better."

Seeing Chu Feng's performance, Su Yuyan couldn't bear to beat his enthusiasm, "I feel the vitality has reappeared in your body, and the elemental abilities can be used even if you don't have an arm, but I won't give you the blood-drinking sword. "

"The Blood Drinking Sword was originally given to you."

Chu Feng explained, "My arms can grow out."

Su Yuyan stroked Chu Feng's forehead: "Yes, it will grow out, and you will be better in one month at most."

Losing an arm must have hit him hard! Let him never accept this reality.

However, the military's progress on the robotic arm should be smooth, after all, the information is still very complete.

He will definitely recover at that time.

Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Su Yuyan had obviously misunderstood something. No matter how he explained, Su Yuyan would not take it seriously, only thinking that he would not accept reality.

"Forget it, waiting for my arm to recover, this is more useful than any explanation."

Chu Feng simply closed his eyes directly, after all, this method was not acceptable to people today.

And Su Yuyan sighed in her heart when she saw that Chu Feng seemed to be appointed, even if she was as strong as Chu Feng, could she finally compromise with reality?

"Do you want to give him an encouragement?"

Su Yuyan made up her mind and kissed Chu Feng deeply.

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