Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 229: Repair broken arm

In addition to leaving some materials suitable for refining weapons, the corpses of the insect emperor and those high-level insects were all refined by Chu Feng.

After the refining was completed, Chu Feng's strength quickly returned to its peak state...10%.

"Even if there is life force to reduce the consumption of the recovery arm, at least I have to wait for the vitality in my body to recover more than 80% before it can be done. Anyway, even if one arm is missing, it will not affect the fighting. That's it."

Chu Feng laughed at himself.

"Have you recovered?"

Su Yuyan appeared from the corner with a guilty conscience. Just now, she didn't know why she was suddenly so bold and did such an indulgent thing.

It may be that the unfamiliar environment amplifies people’s emotions, and Chu Feng saved her twice, and the impression left in her heart was too deep. Therefore, after letting go of her sense of responsibility, she couldn’t help it. Chu Feng was teased.

After she was done, she immediately fled and left.

Seeing Teacher Su, who was obviously with a mature charm, but now with a shy look, Chu Feng's heart was also swaying for a while.

He slowly approached Su Yuyan's ear, and the heat exhaled from his mouth made Su Yuyan's earlobe blush: "Where did you recover?"

Su Yuyan's complexion was flushed red, and then she said with anger: "Looking at your appearance, it is probably all right, then I will leave."

However, Chu Feng didn't intend to let her go. He blocked the door and said, "Is there anything wrong, you can try it yourself!"

Su Yuyan said sternly: "Don't think about anything until you recover."

Chu Feng asked back: "What about after recovery?"

Su Yuyan said: "Wait until you recover."

As she said, she dodged from one side and escaped from Chu Feng's interception.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly, then returned to his room, began to recover his vitality through practice, and calmed down the throbbing in his heart by the way.

After he broke through Tier 4, the absorption efficiency of vitality has also improved a lot, coupled with the unlimited supply of crystal nuclei, so that his recovery speed has been accelerated a lot.

However, when he was about to go to see Zhang Ziqing, Su Yuyan reappeared from some place and stopped him.

In Su Yuyan's words, this was because he was afraid that Chu Feng was young and energetic and couldn't help it for a while, and then made his injury worse again.

Chu Feng felt very speechless about Su Yuyan's behavior, but unfortunately his strength did not recover, so he could only stay in the room honestly and slowly recovered.

As the crystal nuclei were absorbed, the vitality in Chu Feng's body gradually filled.

After the night fell, the vitality in Chu Feng's body finally recovered to a sufficient level.

"The broken arm can be repaired."

Although the impact of missing one arm on his strength was not as great as the exhaustion of his vitality, Chu Feng didn't want to be a one-armed hero, and the place was still safe for the time being, so he recovered with confidence.

Before he repaired, he was going to take out a bottle of water and a bottle of Yuanshui from Yuanfu.

The "water pool" in the Yuanfu space is not real water, but is formed by the concentration of vitality, but this "fake water" formed by the convergence of vitality can be poured into ordinary drinking water in an overlapping manner , And then used to recover their vitality and repair injuries.

These yuan water can't repair his broken arm, he just wants to prevent himself from waiting for a short time to make up for the consumption.

When he used his mind to manipulate the water in the pool into the drinking water, he suddenly found that in the Yuan Palace space, there was a black long snake entrenched.

"Thunder Corpse Dragon, why is it in my Yuanfu space?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised. He used the first-person perspective when he entered the Yuan Mansion a year ago, but now he is looking at the Yuan Mansion from the third perspective, so he can get a clear view.

After sensing the existence of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, he immediately released the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

After the Thunder Corpse Dragon appeared, he remained motionless in front of Chu Feng, as if dead.

After Chu Feng felt the Thunder Corpse Dragon's condition through the contract, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out that it was only the second transformation, which scared me."

The Thunder Corpse Dragon is a very important hole card for him. If he loses it like this, he will be very sad, and he will be less sure about what he will do in the future.

Now that the Thunder Corpse Dragon is okay, he can safely turn it into a tattoo and put it in his left arm.

When putting away the Thunder Corpse Dragon, he suddenly felt a certain change in the Thunder Corpse Dragon's body, as if it was alive: "Although the Thunder Corpse Dragon was a specimen at first, it became a special change. The complex of zombies and alien beasts, but now it seems to be a real living thing. No, the death is also very heavy."

The power of life and death coexisted, as if he was in his current state.

"Could it be that because I opened the door of life and death, there is also a certain connection between the Thunder Corpse Dragon and my Yuan Talisman? If this is true, can Yuan Mansion reach the point of gestating life? "

Chu Feng remembered the record in the ancient book that Yuan Palace is a real world. Since it is a real world, it should be able to carry and nurture life.

However, he has not reached this point in his previous life. He always thought it was because he did not reach the holy rank. However, after comprehending the power of life and death and opening the door to life and death, he suddenly realized that what he lacked may not be the previous life. I thought it was.

"It’s not that you can reach the holy order to nurture life, but you can reach the point where you can nurture life, so that you can reach the holy order. No wonder I didn’t have any clue in the final stage. It turned out that I had always reversed the causality between the two. coming."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng felt that his spiritual platform was clear.

After realizing this level, when he looked back at the Yuan Talisman, he realized that he seemed to have opened a brand new door.

He couldn't draw some special Yuanfu originally, but after he realized the power of life, he felt that he could draw it too.

Although not quite sure, he now feels that he has touched the door of the holy step.

The new discovery made Chu Feng feel very excited, and it took a long time before he managed to calm himself down.

"Yuanfu's abilities can be slowly developed in the future, and the effects of Yuanfu can also be tried gradually. The most important thing for me now is to repair my broken arm."

Looking at his empty sleeve on his right arm, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Just now I was just happy, but I didn't expect to forget the most important things.

As a result, the vitality in his body began to gather, and then a little "fluorescence" of life fell into the vitality in his body, making the vitality in his body begin to be full of vitality.

As these life forces poured into his right arm, a sharp pain came, and he gritted his teeth, not letting himself make any noise.

Then, his right arm began to regenerate cells at a speed visible to the naked eye, bones, blood vessels, and finally muscles and skin gradually grew out.

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