Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 230: You don't have to feel guilty

"What's the matter with this throbbing?"

Su Yuyan, who was right next to Chu Feng, suddenly became alert, and then looked at Chu Feng's room suspiciously.

In the three days that Chu Feng was in a coma, she had not left for half a step, and stayed by Chu Feng's side in the name of protection.

Just whether there are other emotions, maybe.

After Chu Feng woke up, taking into account Chu Feng’s self-esteem, Su Yuyan left for a short time, but in fact, he never walked far. Instead, he stayed in Chu Feng’s nearby room and opened his door. Anyone who wants Entering Chu Feng's room, or Chu Feng trying to get out of the room, could not escape her eyes.

Even if she hadn't sensed the vitality in Chu Feng's body, she would not even go back to her room.

Now suddenly I felt the same breath coming from Chu Feng's room, which made her become suspicious.

"Go and see!"

No matter what the situation was, even if it was just his own misunderstanding, Su Yuyan could not bear any unexpected consequences from Chu Feng.

After coming to Chu Feng's room, the first thing she saw was Chu Feng gritted her teeth, her face full of hideous pain, clutching the sheets tightly.

Seeing Chu Feng like this, Su Yuyan couldn't help but shed tears. She hugged Chu Feng: "With me, don't be afraid, everything will pass."

Her heart was full of pain. Did Chu Feng just pretend to be strong before?

Yes, how can a man like him easily show his weak side to others, no matter how much pain he has, he will always be talking and laughing in front of others.

Only in the middle of the night when there is no one, will he release his inner pain to his heart's content.

She didn't know how to comfort Chu Feng, she could only use this way to give him some comfort.

"I'm fine."

Chu Feng avoided Su Yuyan while reluctantly squeezing a few words from his teeth.

He is at a critical moment of flesh and blood regeneration, and the pain is comparable to that of flesh and blood being scraped off inch by inch. Su Yuyan's doing this has increased his pain.

And Su Yuyan kept Chu Feng regardless: "It's okay, it will be okay."

Then, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Her gaze fell on Chu Feng's right arm, and she saw a white arm, without a trace of blood, and a little shriveled, but it continued to regenerate as if filled with water, and the color gradually became ruddy.

Su Yuyan was surprised and speechless: "You, your arm..."

She didn't expect that what Chu Feng said was actually true. His arm had actually begun to grow again, and he had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Such hastily made her realize that she might have misunderstood something just now, and did not dare to move, for fear of disturbing Chu Feng at this time.

After a few minutes, Chu Feng barely recovered. His right arm had recovered as before, even as white as a baby's arm, but his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

Chu Feng wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then moved his arms. Some vitality began to gush out from the dantian, nourishing the newborn right arm with gentle means, and then picked up the prepared yuan water and drank it in one gulp. , The pale face gradually recovered.

The number of cell divisions in the human body is limited. In addition to energy consumption, rapid cell division will also directly cause additional loss of life. Just now, his right arm was reborn, and it took at least 10 years of life.

But this is a trivial matter to him, let alone he has a way to make up for his lost vitality by plundering some special lives, even if he really loses 10 years of life, it is not a big deal.

In the last days, being able to live safely to the limit of one's life span is simply the greatest happiness, and no one would take a mere ten-year life span seriously.

Especially in the middle and late end of the world, if 10 years of life can be exchanged for a full meal, more than half of the survivors will be eager to **** this opportunity. People who were extremely hungry at that time even made the meat of zombies. To the point of gnawing desperately.

Those days were simply a kind of hell, even Chu Feng shuddered in retrospect.

Su Yuyan looked at the miracle happening in front of her eyes and was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Chu Feng had caused enough accidents, but she really didn't expect that Chu Feng could even possess such a method, which had refreshed her knowledge.

No matter how amazing Chu Feng said she could do in the future, she felt that she would not continue to be surprised.

Compared with the miracle that happened before her eyes, what else could shock her soul?

Yuan Shui dissolves in Chu Feng’s body. He feels that with his breakthrough, Yuan Shui seems to have undergone some special changes. In addition to replenishing the vitality and moisture he consumes, it even adds some vitality to his body. It's just that the amount of increase is too small to be detected.

However, this change made him more sure of one thing, that is, his Yuanfu space really has the possibility of being born.

Of course, it does not mean that life is directly created, but to be able to put some soil in it, and then create a space where seeds can take root and grow into food.

If it can really reach this point, then Chu Feng probably won't have to worry about the food for himself and the people around him in the future. Even in the later era when resources are extremely scarce and there is such a large space, he doesn't need to worry about this problem.

At this time, other thoughts were born in his heart: "Planting life is an ability that I originally thought I could have only when I reached the holy rank, but now I may be able to have it directly. Then, I originally thought that I could only have the holy rank. Can you also display your abilities? Of course, except for expensive abilities."

"Chu Feng, are you okay?" Su Yuyan found Chu Feng lost in thought, and said cautiously.

Although I felt that my behavior just now was embarrassing, the concern for Chu Feng still prevailed.

Chu Feng looked at Su Yuyan, and saw Su Yuyan kneeling down on the ground, half leaning forward. A career line that would not be easily exposed directly stimulated his eyes, and...

"Bah! Pervert!"

Su Yuyan noticed a change in Chu Feng's body, and immediately flushed with shame, tightening the skirt of his clothes, and completely covering the part where he was seduce the man to commit the crime.

And Chu Feng pressed Su Yuyan to the ground and leaned over Su Yuyan's body. He smiled evilly: "Teacher Su, you seduce me twice during the day, shouldn't it be clear now?"

With that said, his newly grown arm began to crawl to certain parts of it dishonestly.

Su Yuyan suddenly said, "Are you worthy of Ziqing like this?"

Chu Feng sat up helplessly. He was not a dedicated person, but he couldn't ignore Teacher Su's feelings. If he really put her on her, would she be able to pass her conscience?

Just when Chu Feng accepted the conscience's condemnation, he suddenly felt that his body was suddenly overwhelmed by Su Yuyan on the bed, and then began to undress.

"Teacher Su, what are you doing?" Chu Feng was a little dazed. He was about to give up, but he didn't expect that Teacher Su would actually do this.

Su Yuyan attached to his ear and said, "You didn't do anything to sorry Ziqing, and you don't have to feel guilty. Everything is my fault."

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

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