Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 231: People collapsed

Chu Feng looked at Su Yuyan, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, with a fox smile.

Chu Feng liked Su Yuyan like this more.

A goddess who is aloof and does not eat fireworks is certainly a man’s fantasy, but perfection only needs to exist in the imagination. Such Su Yuyan is more realistic. Compared with a perfect goddess, Chu Feng prefers reality. People.

Chu Feng could feel Su Yuyan's depression during this period of time, and last night was more like a vent to her.

In this dangerous world, it is not easy to adhere to the rules in her heart. Su Yuyan is a person with a strong sense of responsibility, so she struggles in this world. I don’t know how much darkness she has seen, but there is still in her heart. Hope, but this flame of hope may be swallowed.

But she is not only for herself, but also to illuminate the people around her, so she has been forced to herself.

When ordering to leave those who are not grateful, she even felt that she had turned into a demon, and wondered whether there was still hope in this world.

When facing the insect emperor, Su Yuyan did not dare to let go, desperately trying to kill the insect emperor, although there was a factor that only the blood-drinking sword could hurt the insect emperor, and there was another reason hidden deep in her heart, that was she was very Desire to have such a decent ending.

She didn't dare to let go and desperately kill the Insect Emperor, she was unwilling, she was almost begging to die.

If there is only darkness in the future of this world, then she would rather choose a decent way to die, at least let her die to bloom with light.

However, when the warriors went forward and sacrificed, she suddenly felt that her persistence seemed to have a real return.

No matter how dark it is, the glory of life will never be extinguished.

Maybe some people have forgotten the most precious thing as a person, but someone will always think of it.

After she understood that Xiaoxi paid a huge price to save herself, she suddenly didn't want to wander, not to give up what she had to do, but to find the meaning of life.

Since the brilliance of human nature still exists here, don't let it go out.

Here is where she really wants to guard.

In order to protect this place, she is willing to give everything, really happy to give everything, not only to protect it, but also to protect her own inner order, for herself.

Chu Feng was also faintly aware of Su Yuyan's thoughts. Perhaps those who hold such thoughts will easily end up miserably. Su Yuyan is like this, so is Gu Nanfei, but it is the existence of such a person that can bring more people to life. The meaning of going down.


The door of the room was quietly pushed open, and a petite figure walked in with a bowl of hot porridge, for fear that any movement would disturb the people in the room.

"Xiao Rou, I'm already awake."

Chu Feng covered himself and Su Yuyan with the quilt, and said with a smile.


Chu Xiaorou was taken aback, but she reacted quickly, and then she cursed with red eyes, "Brother, I didn't expect you to be such a scumbag! Never mind you again!"

Chu Xiaorou wished to smash the hot porridge on Chu Feng's face, but she couldn't bear it after thinking about it.

Chu Feng was also a little embarrassed. He was a little overwhelmed just now. This kind of thing is not so easy to accept.

"My personal design is also broken!"

Chu Feng sighed.

After Su Yuyan's person setting collapsed in his heart last night, his image collapsed in Chu Xiaorou.


Su Yuyan also woke up, blushing, she was about to put on her clothes.

Her heart is full of complexity.

Chu Feng laughed and teased: "You were not so shy last night."

Su Yuyan took two deep breaths to ease herself.

After adjusting her emotions for about ten seconds, Su Yuyan has restored herself to the most common appearance on the surface.

She reminded her meaninglessly: "You remember, I seduce you last night, you don't have to feel guilty, you are just forced, I will explain to Xiaorou later, Zhang Ziqing is there After she wakes up, we can just assume that nothing happened."

Su Yuyan also blamed herself secretly, she must have lost her mind last night, that's why she did such a crazy thing.

Since what has been done cannot be remedied, just pretend that nothing happened!

"I will not shirk all my faults on the woman."

Chu Feng grabbed Su Yuyan and said softly, "You are mine, and Zhang Ziqing is mine. I will not let my own woman suffer."

Su Yuyan pushed Chu Feng away: "Do you think now is the time for male chauvinism? I have what I want to do. This is also the motivation for me to truly have expectations for the future. Please don't destroy my hope. If I really If you become the woman behind you, then I will be just a plaything."

Chu Feng was startled, he understood Su Yuyan's thoughts.

She doesn't care that she has a woman other than her, and believes that Zhang Ziqing can accept all this, but for her, a hopeless future is more terrifying than anything.

Her hope is to use her own strength to protect everything she wants to protect, but if this kind of thing spreads, then she will no longer be Su Yuyan, but a Chu Feng woman.

What she wants is not shelter, but power, the power she can control.

Chu Feng can understand, after all, this is a woman who not only wants to control her own destiny, but also wants to protect others.

This is Su Yuyan.

If she is no longer Su Yuyan, does her survival still make sense?

Chu Feng didn't want to destroy Su Yuyan's hope either. He whispered to Su Yuyan's ear and said, "I respect your choice. You are free to choose whatever you want to do."

Su Yuyan said: "In that case, let's end it!"

"It's over? It's too early!"

Chu Feng suddenly reluctantly pressed Su Yuyan on the bed, "Even if you want to turn yourself into a true goddess, you must remember that one of your identities is my woman."

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