Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 232: Remaining man

"Brother Smelly, Brother Bad, what great hero, savior! Pooh, you are a super scumbag."

Chu Xiaorou grumbled darts at Chu Feng's photo, and shot Chu Feng's photo all over the place.

Originally, Chu Feng had perfectly established the image of a good brother in her heart, but in a blink of an eye it was ruined and clean.

Although she wouldn't have turned against Chu Feng, it's just that the feeling of collapse of this kind of personality was not good.

And during this period, someone wanted to visit Chu Feng, but she actually blocked it.

After all, no matter how scumbag Chu Feng was, it was her own business, and it was ruined when outsiders saw it.

It took another two hours before Chu Feng slowly walked out with Su Yuyan.

The look in Chu Feng's eyes at this time was also a bit resentful, although the physical quality of the supernatural person was stronger than that of ordinary people.

Chu Feng wanted to comfort his sister, Su Yuyan stopped him, and gave him a roll of eyes:

"Have you figured out how to say it? Just say you are a scumbag and want to take all the beauties of the world into your harem?"

Chu Feng said with some guilty conscience: "Well, let me comfort you first!"

Because of the values ​​and ethics that he has cultivated in the next ten years, no matter how many women he accepts, he will be able to have a clear conscience.

However, the thing that made him the most helpless was his sister.

Explaining to Zhang Ziqing is not so troublesome.

Su Yuyan gave him a blank look and said: "You should go and see Ziqing! She is in the room above us, and although no one can hurt her, Xiaoxi must accompany her anyway. You have many methods. Seeing how heartless you were just now, you should be sure to wake her up!"

She knew that even though Chu Feng was a little bit sullied, he was also a scumbag, but she knew that Chu Feng was not the kind of heartless and irresponsible person. If it weren’t for Chu Feng’s confidence to treat Zhang Ziqing, he would not be in Zhang Ziqing When you are in a coma, you still have the mind and initiative to do that kind of thing to yourself.

Otherwise, when facing the Insect Emperor, why didn't Chu Feng run away by himself?

Are you really reluctant to bear your own power? Maybe he can fool himself with this reason, but he can't fool a woman's intuition.

Chu Feng said, "Then leave it to you."

Su Yuyan is also a good teacher. He is very experienced in educating students. When he can't help himself, he can only trust Su Yuyan.

As soon as Su Yuyan approached Chu Xiaorou, Chu Xiaorou was disgusted.

"You fox, don't come near me."

Chu Xiaorou looked at Su Yuyan with hostile eyes. While Su Yuyan had been taking care of Chu Feng these days, she realized that she might be interesting to her brother.

She originally thought that this should be a scene of Luohua deliberately and ruthlessly, after all, her brother already has a kind and gentle sister-in-law like Zhang Ziqing.

Unexpectedly, the romance drama turned into an ethical drama in an instant.

Su Yuyan said: "Why don't you pay attention to your brother's arm healing?"

Only then did Chu Xiaorou realize that Chu Feng's arm had become a blood mist, but it had just grown back.

She was pleasantly surprised: "Brother is really, wrong, why are you telling me this?"

Although she was happy for her brother, she did not want to be happy in front of Su Yuyan.

Su Yuyan smiled slightly, the moment Chu Xiaorou just showed a happy smile in front of her, it proved that she had opened a snack room to herself.

She didn't want to divert Xiao Rou's attention just now, but when she reminded the other party of something really worthy of joy, she would instinctively drop a lot of vigilance towards the people around her.

Then, Su Yuyan began to whisper to Chu Xiaorou.

Chu Xiaorou was still very resistant at first, but gradually began to talk more.

Seeing that his sister had already been taken care of by Su Yuyan, Chu Feng didn't stay too much, lest his own existence would let Su Yuyan's previous achievements go to waste.

Now that there is no problem here, Chu Feng immediately went upstairs to find Zhang Ziqing.

"I just went crazy with a woman and went to find another woman in a blink of an eye. Am I really a bit scumbag? What do I think?"

Chu Feng shook his head and stopped his own random thoughts. He has always been a person with a clear conscience. If he is truly ashamed, then he will try to convince himself not to have it.

Anyway, I have already eaten it, can I still vomit it?

With this mentality, he entered Zhang Ziqing's room with a look on his face as usual.

As long as a man has a thick skin, he can face everything calmly.

After finding Zhang Ziqing's room, Chu Feng saw Zhang Ziqing lying flat on the bed with a calm expression and even a drop of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

After seeing this drop of saliva, Chu Feng's last worry was also let go.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Ziqing didn't hurt in a substantial sense, it was just excessive consumption. With the existence of the gate of hell, she would not hurt the future because of it.

Then, a beautiful shadow in a nun's clothes guarding Zhang Ziqing's side turned around.

"Ah! Master!"

Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, Xiao Xi looked a little flustered, turned around in a hurry, and covered her face, "Master, why are you here? No, don't look at my face."

"I saw it all, it's no big deal."

Chu Feng didn't mind at all, but was a little happy, "I thought you would care about nothing but the gods in your mouth! Now that you actually care about your appearance, I feel relieved."

When Xiaoxi had no defenses, Chu Feng did see Xiaoxi.

Due to excessive consumption, her hair on both sides has become a little pale, and there are some wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, and she looks like she is 10 years old.

But despite the change in appearance, Chu Feng was even more happy with the change in Xiaoxi's mentality.

Xiaoxi has always regarded himself as a servant of the gods, even if he is loyal to him, he also regards himself as a messenger sent by the gods.

If Chu Feng really had feelings for Zhang Ziqing, he was really impressed with Xiaoxi, and he really didn't like this character.

But since she already cares about her appearance, it means that she still has the feelings of a real woman, caring about the image of her appearance in the hearts of men, and it proves that she is not only based on the loyalty to the master, but also the feelings between men and women. The factor is here.

This kind of humanity is what Chu Feng likes more.

Uh! Although it seems he is even worse.

Chapter 411 Be honest

"Is this the beginning of cooperation?"

Chu Feng looked at Su Yuan who was curled up on the bed seriously, and couldn't help thinking.

In addition to being a woman with outstanding appearance and explosive figure, Su Yuan's strong female temperament can also arouse the desire of many men to conquer.

In the future world, Chu Feng sometimes knows a few women out of necessity.

It's just that many women have lost hope in life and become muddled, and only a few can interact and have feelings.

Compared with those women who are conscientious in front of men, and even have no gods, women like Su Yuan can make men feel more real and conquer.

If it were not for her own talent and strength, she would definitely be miserable in this world.

As long as such a woman does not die, she will generally achieve something and will not remain unknown.

But Chu Feng's later generations searched the vicinity of the southern capital, and had not heard of such a person. I am afraid she had already died halfway.

Too many people died in the historical trend, Su Yuan's road was originally a dangerous road.

What she wants is not the way the world returns to the past, nor does she have such big ideals and ambitions. What she wants is to maintain her bright and beautiful life, to be able to live cleanly, Really live by yourself.

The life now is the lowest standard that Su Yuan can endure.

If the world becomes worse, if the environment becomes more filthy, she doesn't know if she can continue to bear it.

So she was very scared, very terrified.

But she couldn't tell anyone, she couldn't talk to anyone.

If the deputy city lord of the City of Dawn showed a weak appearance in front of outsiders, most of his subordinates would lose confidence in her, which would be a fatal disaster.

But fortunately, there is another person who can shelter even such a strong woman.

"Don't tell me what happened last night, just assume that nothing happened."

Su Yuan stood up silently, preparing to find clothes to wear, but a pain in her legs made her almost unable to stand firm.

She looked at Chu Feng angrily, this man really didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu, facing such a beauty, he used such rude means to deal with it.

Well, although she likes it very much.

"What you said is the same as your sister." Chu Feng teased.

"Sure enough, you even took my sister."

Su Yuan gave Chu Feng a white look, with her eyesight, of course she had seen through all this long ago.

The person closest to her is Su Yuyan. Of course, she can't hide her sister's affairs.

But she didn't mind this kind of thing too much. She would rather give her body to the strong, to someone who can protect herself, than to someone who is good for herself but can't protect herself.

In other words, she is also the kind of woman who would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.

"But then again, you and Teacher Su are really alike."

Chu Feng looked up and down at Su Yuan's snow-like skin and fiery figure, and couldn't help but compare her and Su Yuyan together.

Seeing Chu Feng's malicious eyes, Su Yuan couldn't help but sip.

This color embryo just finished this kind of thing, and began to think of things that are not suitable for children.

Of course, Chu Feng also knew that this kind of thing could not be anxious.

Although the relationship between Su Yuyan and Su Yuan is very good, it is still psychologically difficult to let two women with stronger personalities share the same man.

But Chu Feng believes that this day will always come.

"Chu Feng, what do you think the City of Dawn will become in the future?"

Su Yuan asked with some worries, "I'm really scared sometimes. Even the City of Dawn will inevitably become a ruin."

"We can guard all this with our strength."

Chu Feng's tone was full of firmness and no doubt, "No matter what kind of enemy we will face in the future, as long as we don't give up, there is hope for everything."

He has experienced the darkest years of the last 10 years, but still has not given up.

Even knowing that the last moment is coming, Chu Feng is still struggling.

Even if everyone around him has been lost, Chu Feng understood that his life entrusted the hope of too many people, so he had to live no matter what.

He is very grateful for this opportunity to be born again, so he must cherish life even more and cherish everything he has.

"That's right, as long as you don't give up, there is hope."

Su Yuan suddenly opened her jade arms and wrapped her arms around Chu Feng's neck, "No matter how the world is fighting, we will definitely guard our pure land. I know that I can't do it with my own strength. You want to do this. It is also a very difficult thing, full of difficulties and obstacles, and it can only be achieved if we truly work together."

She wanted to open her heart with Chu Feng, and through this cooperation, she could achieve a spiritual union.

"Do you want to continue to provoke me?"

However, regardless of whether Su Yuan tied herself firmly together in this way because she liked herself or because of lack of security, he actually didn't mind.

Men want to show their value through women in this way. If you can't bring women what they want, then go find Silly Baitian!

Seeing Chu Feng's evil eyes, Su Yuan trembled.

The flat boat may sink at any time.

However, that special feeling brought her the ultimate joy.

"Aren't you going to open the harem? I want to see, how many can you parry."

Su Yuan snorted coldly, and she stretched her slender hand to the man's face and pinched it hard. Although her legs were still a little limp, her personality made her refuse to give up so easily.

She doesn't want too many women to share men with herself. This is a woman's nature, but if it can't be stopped, let this man not have the energy to fight more women!

"Really? It depends on your abilities."

Chu Feng threw Su Yuan down again to let her understand the consequences of seducing herself.

This night, Su Yuan regarded death as home.

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