Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 233: Seal the gates of hell

"I know you have become like this because you want to save someone who is important to me. A heart like you is more beautiful than your original appearance."

Chu Feng took Xiaoxi's hand and looked at Xiaoxi with a "clear" look.

Xiaoxi felt that her tears were going to stay in despair.

She was originally worried that after her appearance changed, she might be disgusted by her master, but Chu Feng didn't mind at all.

Of course, if she knew that the reason why Chu Feng's eyes were clear was because he had already turned in all the inventory from Su Yuyan, that would be another story.

At least now Xiaoxi's heart is full of moving.

Chu Feng said: "I named you Sylvia. Although I don't often call you by this name, for you, this should be your real name. You don't have to believe in you. The **** in your heart, because you yourself are doing what the **** is doing, you yourself are the goddess."

A confused look flashed across Xiaoxi's eyes.

She never understood why Chu Feng insisted on giving her a name that she didn't often call. Was it because of this?

At this moment, she only felt that she had a strange sense of satisfaction in her heart, which came from the fulfillment of the soul. Compared with when she prayed to the gods, she could make the soul full.

Chu Feng's hand stroked Xiao Xi's cheek, all wrinkles disappeared wherever he went, and the beautiful face that could be broken by a bomb was restored.

Then, Chu Feng took out a mirror and handed it to Xiaoxi: "Look!"

When Xiaoxi saw the mirror, she was initially a little resistant, but after she couldn't help but took a quiet look, she cried out in surprise: "My face, my face..."

She wanted to jump up in surprise, but felt a moment of weakness that made her unable to get up.

Chu Feng sighed when he looked at Xiaoxi like this.

The ability to pull people back from the death line and restore the ability as before is no longer a category that Tier 4 can easily afford. She paid a huge price, but she did not have the opportunity like Zhang Ziqing, so she lost some life, temporary life. Still second, more important is the loss of vitality.

Although her mental energy can be recovered now, her body will not get better in a short time.

Chu Feng comforted: "You can treat the wounded here during this period of time, and I will find a way to get you to stand up again."

Xiaoxi said contentedly: "Even if I can't stand up all my life, as long as I can help the owner, then I will be satisfied."

It might be a little hypocritical for other women to say this, but for her, it is from the heart, and she can say it calmly.

Chu Feng said: "Needless to say, you stand up to help me even more."

Of course, this matter is not an overnight event.

Although he had the means to supplement his vitality, plundering and transferring his vitality itself also had to bear a great price, and he could not bear this price now.

Of course, even if he could afford it, he had to have enough opportunities to find those things that were rich in vitality. Otherwise, would he have to sacrifice the people in the survival base?

Let alone whether he can pass his own level, if he really does this, even Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi will not be able to accept this fact.

After comforting Xiaoxi, Chu Feng began to deal with Zhang Ziqing's affairs.

Chu Feng released his mental power that had become stronger through the gate of life and death, carefully and repeatedly checked the power in Zhang Ziqing's body, and finally confirmed the existence of the gate of hell.

The so-called gate of **** is the gateway to hell, through this invisible gateway, power can be obtained directly from hell.

When the person who has the gates of **** in his body falls into despair or desperately desires power, the power from **** will flow into the body. Such power is good in a short time, but if too much power is used, then It will sink deeper and deeper.

When such a person falls into true despair, **** will confuse him to open the door of **** and bring his inner despair to the world.

"People who can repeatedly borrow the power of the gates of **** are generally desperate people. Such people suddenly gain strong power, and the disasters they cause will inevitably be devastating. In the future, if such people are not eliminated as soon as possible, they will Caused a great disaster."

"But there are also some anomalous existences. They can even rely on their strong spiritual beliefs to suppress or even use the gates of **** as their strong foundation. In the future, the famous Ice Queen will have such a strong spirit. Faith can even be used against **** in turn."

"Put the gate of **** on Zhang Ziqing's body. There is nothing wrong with the choice itself. After all, Zhang Ziqing was originally a person with a relatively fragile mentality. However, no matter which existence in **** arranged this hand, I will be your misfortune."

Jujue flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and then the qi of vitality turned into a needle shape, piercing Zhang Ziqing's body.

In his perception, a certain portal in Zhang Ziqing's body began to close gradually, and finally only a small gap was left.

This gap was not because Chu Feng was unable to close it, but because he left it on purpose.

Although the gate of **** is a very dangerous thing, since he discovered its existence, it is destined to be impossible to make waves.

From now on, the gate of **** is no longer a disaster, but a chance for Zhang Ziqing.

When he has enough abilities in the future, and his forces have expanded to a certain extent, this gate of **** will instead become the nightmare of the big man behind him.

After closing the gate of hell, Chu Feng was still a little worried, so he used the "Winter Tibetan Talisman" to infuse Zhang Ziqing's body with the power of life. When you act, you can find it for the first time.

After completing the seal of the gate of hell, Chu Feng checked Zhang Ziqing's situation again.

"At most one day, she should be able to wake up!"

Chu Feng exhorted Xiaoxi, "Since you can't move right now, please guard her here first! When she wakes up, you will notify me immediately."

Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, Master."

If it were in the old days, Chu Feng’s society stayed by Zhang Ziqing’s side and waited until she woke up, but just like Su Yuyan stayed by her side, everyone has their own responsibilities and everyone has their own tasks , I can't get away at all.

In this era, everyone is involuntarily involuntarily, in fact, they are very lucky relative to many people with such involuntary opportunities.

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