Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 234: Xu Yan's choice

After leaving Zhang Ziqing's room, Chu Feng went to visit Su Yuyan.

At this time, Su Yuyan no longer knew what means to use to completely dissolve Chu Xiaorou’s hostility. Although she did not feel like a sister, Chu Xiaorou had begun to believe in Su Yuyan and expressed that she was willing to "reluctantly" endure having such a person. Brother scum.

The fly in the ointment is that Chu Xiaorou still looked at Chu Feng with contempt in her eyes.

Chu Feng also had nothing to do with this. It was the limit that Su Yuyan could do to make himself and his sister reconcile. There were some things that couldn't be rushed, and they could only rely on time to slowly influence.

Su Yuyan asked Chu Feng: "Since you are awake now, do you want to call all the survivors of the survival base and then hold a general meeting?"

If Chu Feng becomes a useless person, then it would be very dangerous to want to regain power without waiting. Although Chu Feng's reputation has now reached its peak, some people can't bear to take risks.

After all, whether it is a dangerous environment or a powerful force, it is easy for some people to have their evil thoughts infinitely magnified. They may not mind that a ruined person, Chu Feng, has a very high reputation, but it will still be very good for a Chu Feng who has recovered. Fearful.

But since Chu Feng had recovered his strength, it was only natural to regain control of everything.

In this matter, Su Yuyan supported Chu Feng more than his sister.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I consumed too much last night, and it will take some time to recover, and the meeting is not in a hurry. I still have to understand the current situation first and inform everyone of the evening meeting."

Su Yuyan's face flushed, and she lightly tweeted: "It consumes too much, you are still so messy."

In the eyes of Chu Xiaorou looking at Chu Feng, there was even more contempt.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he had only a wry smile.

He was talking about the huge consumption of repairing the broken arm by himself, but the two women obviously misunderstood something.

He can only rub his nose awkwardly, and can only divert the topic awkwardly: "Well, by the way, where are Xu Yan and Guan Qiaoqiao? Where did they go?"

Chu Xiaorou said with murderous aura: "Do you dare to hit my sister with the idea?"

Chu Feng: "······"

His image in his sister's heart has been completely corrupted, and under the huge gap, he has reached such an unbearable level.

It's over, now I don't know how long it will take to re-establish the majesty of the brother in front of my sister.

Su Yuyan covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Don't worry! If your brother really wants to do something with those two little girls, will he wait until now? He just bought your two sisters to protect you, so now ask the situation. !"

Only then did Chu Xiaorou let go of a little wariness.

But Chu Feng looked up at the sky, alas! It's hard to be a scumbag, and it's even harder to be a scumbag!

Su Yuyan explained: "Because of the danger at night, Guan Qiaoqiao now joins the night shift inspection team, so during the day to make up for sleep, while Xu Yan is chasing Zhao Fan backwards, Zhao Fan went to the fortress to pick up the students. Xu Yan also followed, saying that she would take care of Zhao Fan along the way."

Then, she told some things between the two.

There are many girls who are greedy for Zhao Fan's power, but most of them give up directly after everything fails, thinking that Zhao Fan is the kind of arrogant person.

However, in fact, Zhao Fan is only introverted and self-cleaning.

Xu Yan did not make any seductive behavior, but stayed silently by Zhao Fan's side, helping him to cook and serve tea, and even to wash his clothes. She was also very conservative in her clothes. She seemed to be establishing a good wife and mother. Image.

This method seems to have had a certain effect. Although Zhao Fan has not completely accepted Xu Yan, he has adapted to Xu Yan's existence.

Xu Yan fell in love with Zhao Fan, still chasing him?

When Chu Feng heard this, he felt that it would not be easy, but after a careful analysis of the personality between the two people, he also roughly clarified the general cause and effect.

Xu Yan is different from An Ran. An Ran is easier to perceive, so it is easy to be hooked by a man. Xu Yan is more sensible. She looks at Zhao Fan, it should be the power of Zhao Fan. .

However, talking about feelings in the last days is an extravagant hope, and being able to find someone to live with is already considered to be happy. On the contrary, a match is more important.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Originally thought that Zhao Fan, that kid would be too innocent, and then could not find a partner, or could not bear to completely degenerate, now I see such a beautiful girl chasing him. , I am relieved."

And Chu Xiaorou patted her little chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yuyan nodded in agreement: "I can see that Xu Yan may not have a true feeling, but she is more serious than many people who have true feelings. She really regards Zhao Fan as a future support. When I started chasing it, I ran for a lifetime, so I was happy to see it happen."

These two seem to be contradictory, but in fact they are not contradictory.

Love is a very beautiful thing, but not all love can blossom and bear fruit. In this era, love is more like a fragile work of art, far from the reality of the bread and water in your hands.

Xu Yan is a person who sees things very thoroughly, so she gave up her plan to pursue boring love in this era. From the beginning, she rushed to get married, or went for a lifetime.

If it were in the old days, a nerd like Zhao Fan would not be her first choice, but in this era, a man like Zhao Fan is simply the best thing a woman dreams of. There are flowers in the bowels, and once you are really moved, it is easier to take a person seriously.

Therefore, in the foreseeable future, the two people are likely to skip the stage of love and go directly to the palace of marriage, but they will skip the steps of the wedding ceremony.

Then, Chu Feng quietly found the key person near the new residence, and then asked about the development of this new gathering place.

In the afternoon, Chu Feng used the "Juyuan Talisman" to restore the vitality in his body, while thinking about the difficulties he encountered today and the hidden dangers that might arise in the future.

After 10 o'clock in the evening, most people have fallen asleep, except for those who are responsible for night patrols, protecting everyone's sleep, or exercising at night from monsters.

After everyone had a rest, the core members of the Dawn Alliance, including Gu Nanfei, Su Yuyan, and Gao Yangsong, gathered together to start the first future planning meeting.

Important personnel gathered together, and Chu Feng sat on the main seat without letting it go.

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