Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 239: Weapon and Equipment Trading

When Chu Feng cast his gaze on him, Gao Yangsong smiled bitterly.

Before this meeting started, he had received orders from the military.

In order to thank Chu Feng for killing the Insect Emperor and stopping the insect tide, the military sent a company and a series of important figures to help the Dawn Alliance build a new home.

However, the manpower and materials on the military side are also very tight, especially Chu Feng also has what they want, so he plans to make some transactions with Chu Feng, even at the mercy of arms exchange.

In the past few days, there have been some problems in the construction of the homeland, which made the people of the Dawn Alliance feel very headache, especially the problem of security protection, and made the people of the Dawn Alliance complain. He originally thought this should be a help. Great opportunity.

However, with Chu Feng's awakening, the problems that had plagued everyone are now almost resolved. They can no longer deliver charcoal in the snow, they can only do better than the cake.

Fortunately, they have the friendship of helping them before, otherwise they would not even be able to ask for a good price if they even added the icing on the cake.

Chu Feng said: "The amount of equipment I can refine is limited, so I need a lot of ordinary equipment. I think the army should not lack various types of equipment! Whether it is munitions or cold weapons, the army will never lack. ."

He can refine hundreds of pieces of equipment in a day. This number seems to be a lot, but in fact there are not many. It will take at least one month to equip everyone in the alliance with one piece of equipment.

Some awakeners can also refine equipment, but the number is still limited.

If you want everyone to have the ability to protect themselves, you still need a very strong and stable logistics.

Gao Yangsong said: "That's right, because the purpose of the army now is for everyone to have the ability to protect themselves, so a large amount of inventory of equipment has been taken out to the fortresses controlled by the military, and people who are willing to join the military reserve. Of course it can be given to you for free."

Chu Feng said: "The free one is the most expensive. Let's open the conditions directly!"

Gao Yangsong saw that this trick was useless for Chu Feng, so he said: "Our conditions are also very simple. We are willing to use a lot of ordinary equipment, even guns and ammunition, plus explosion-proof suits and explosion-proof shields, in exchange for some elite equipment from you. It must be able to have an effect on the abilities, and the cost of the materials is all borne by us, the ratio is 150 to 1."

150 to 1, which means that as long as Chu Feng refines one piece of equipment, he can exchange 150 pieces of slightly weaker equipment from the military.

Such an exchange is undoubtedly very cost-effective, because what Dawn Alliance lacks is not elite equipment, but to let everyone have the ability to protect themselves.

And Su Yuan and others were shocked: "Are you really willing to trade arms?"

The military's arms control is very strict. This is not because the military cherishes itself, but because thermal weapons can easily hurt themselves if they don’t practice for a long time.

Gao Yangsong said: "The military is willing to arm the people with a large number of cold weapons. Of course, they will not cherish themselves with hot weapons, because the cost-effectiveness of hot weapons will gradually decline, but without professional training, it is too easy to hurt themselves. However, most people have no security awareness at all. Mr. Chu does not have to worry about this issue."

This is not a reason for them to shirk, but the real situation.

When conducting fire cover on the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of bullets may not necessarily kill a person, let alone an ordinary person.

In the face of monsters that move faster and faster, the deterrence of thermal weapons will plummet, but the threat to people has not decreased much.

As far as Chu Feng knew, in a country with a flood of guns, because of accidentally destroying the protective cover with thermal weapons, there were countless examples of destroying his own survival base, causing more than hundreds of thousands of casualties. What's more, what about a China where smoking in the wild will cause forest fires?

Putting weapons in the hands of ordinary people is a disaster, not as useful as some melee weapons.

Chu Feng said: "150 to 1, I agree to this deal, and I want to hire your company to stay here for a period of time, but the price will need to be paid after a week."

Gao Yangsong said: "I am not qualified to make a decision, but I will report to my superiors."

Then, Chu Feng looked at Su Yuan: "There is another very serious problem. The number of the Dawn Alliance exceeds 20,000. I think there should be many of them that directly merge the entire group into the Dawn Alliance team! Now they have formed a gang, ready to separate powers."

Su Yuan said: "When the insect swarms were attacked, most of the teams knew that they couldn't deal with the dangers from the outside world, so they offered to join us. I'm trying to divide them and try to merge their subordinates. Come into us."

She used to be the president of a large enterprise, and she stepped on the face of the elders in the family. Of course, she was very experienced in this aspect of operation.

This is her field of expertise, and of course she has absolute confidence in it.

Chu Feng said: "Don't take this kind of thing too hastily. It doesn't matter if they want to form a gang, as long as they don't harm the original Dawn Alliance members. Of course, if they want to actively join us, we can't. Refuse."

Su Yuan was puzzled: "But if they are allowed to grow bigger, it will be a big hidden danger."

Chu Feng said: "You don't have to worry about this. As long as I'm here, they won't be a hidden danger."

As long as I am here, they are not a hidden danger.

When Chu Feng said this, his tone was very light, but everyone felt unquestionable confidence in his tone.

Su Yuan was choked directly.

Can you do whatever you want with strength?

But think about it, in this era, people with strength can really do whatever they want.

Chu Feng built the Dawn Alliance because the alliance was useful to him, and if he didn't like it, he could even destroy the entire alliance with his own power.

An unworried Chu Feng would be a very terrifying existence.

Gu Nanfei frowned and said, "Do you want them to check and balance each other? This is playing with fire. Now you can suppress them, but in the future? What if one of them suddenly grows rapidly?"

Chu Feng said: "I have my own plans for this matter. You will first focus on construction and development. When the survival base is fully constructed, you will understand what I am going to do."

Everyone was a little puzzled, but they could only accept it.

Chu Feng was right. Their main energy now is to develop and grow, and it is really not suitable to focus some energy on this aspect.

Now that Chu Feng has a solution, let's divide the work separately!

If those people are still a hidden danger after the construction of the survival base is completed, they believe that Chu Feng will definitely not lose face and ask them for help.

Just as Chu Feng was preparing for the next move, his face suddenly changed.

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