Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 240: Xu Yan is attacked

Chu Feng's face changed because the contract monster he prepared for Xu Yan died.

Chu Feng can summon **** creatures to fight for himself through a contract, and as long as the sacrifices provided to these **** creatures are enough, then **** creatures can stay in reality and obey their commands.

Moreover, the **** creatures he summoned were all at the bottom of the hell. Such creatures basically had no possibility of betrayal, because their servility had already been imprinted in the soul.

Therefore, he also arranged a few **** creatures on the people around him.

Because Xu Yan had to take care of Chu Xiaorou before, he also put a **** creature in, and he was the dark mage of hell.

However, he could feel that his contract with the Dark Mage was broken.

"Xu Yan is dead? No, with her IQ, the death of a pet doesn't mean that she is in trouble."

Chu Feng calmed himself down, and then said to Su Yuyan, "Didn't Zhao Fan and the others go to meet the students? Now immediately check how they are doing."

Seeing that Chu Feng's expression suddenly became nervous just now, everyone was a little baffled, thinking that Chu Feng had thought of something very important.

But why did Chu Feng ask them to contact Zhao Fan? Could he still sense things from such a distance?

Su Yuyan nodded: "I'll contact you now, and the people in the army have also prepared communicators for us. I'm going to ask them what is going on."

She still had enough confidence in Zhao Fan and the others at the beginning. After all, there are 4 supernaturalists in a team, and all of them have reached Tier 4, and ordinary dangers can be handled calmly, but it is impossible to say that there will be in the wild. What super-class monsters exist?

What's more, Zhao Fan and the others were saved by them, and they were grateful to them, and the students who wanted to follow them were ready to bring them. In the case of concern, they really couldn't tell what happened.

However, no one connected to the communicator after more than ten seconds.

Su Yuyan said anxiously: "I'm going to find them."

At this moment, she felt a little self-blame. If she hadn't stayed to take care of Chu Feng, she wouldn't be there when they were in danger!

Gu Nanfei said, "I'm going to organize manpower now."

At this moment, the communicator was suddenly connected.

As soon as the communicator was connected, Su Yuyan immediately said, "How are you doing now? Is there any danger?"

The person who connected was Li Ran: "We were attacked by the enemy just now. Fortunately, Xu Yan used a monster as a bait to lure them away, and led us to find a safe hiding place. We just got out of danger, and now we are not. Know if they are gone."

Hearing this, Su Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Where are you? I will pick you up now."

Li Ran said: "I don't know where this is. We came here because we avoided the attacks of monsters. We didn't have the opportunity to choose our way. Now everyone is hiding in one place. If we go out and look at the road signs, It's dangerous."

"We are 35 degrees southeast of the boss, 3.8 kilometers away."

Xu Yan’s voice came from the other end of the communicator, “Now we are not far from the survival base. The opponent has arms and a large number of people. Among them are foreigners. The last time the boss encountered the enemy should be For the same group of people, I suspect that their goal should be a survival base, and quickly inform everyone to prepare for defense."

Hearing Xu Yan's words, Su Yuyan was startled: "Why do you have such precise coordinates?"

It is impossible to imagine that such precise coordinates can be given suddenly when no one else knows the specific location.

Xu Yan said: "There is no time to say this now. We have to hide our voices as much as possible. If the location changes, I will relocate you. Remember to take defensive measures. We are only their incidental goals. , You are the main target. If you get confused, you will forget all about it."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Su Yuyan said: "It seems that I still misunderstood her. She may be very smart, but she is not the kind of person who works hard, otherwise she would not specifically remind us."

Everyone agrees very much.

Although they didn't know what happened on the other side, they knew from just a few words that Xu Yan should have saved a group of them and took them to find a hiding place.

However, Chu Feng smiled bitterly in his heart: "Xu Yan, I still underestimated you. I hope you are really smart, not a fool with a good brain."

A good brain does not mean that people are smart. Maybe some people have quick thinking, but they are smart. Chu Feng is not a person who can be jealous, but a smart person always hurts those around him.

Gu Nanfei said: "Don't say so much, the most important thing is to search and rescue as soon as possible. I will organize the manpower now."

Chu Feng said, "You can just leave and organize the manpower for defense and ambush, Gao Yangsong, you also go to inform the troops to prepare for battle."

Su Yuyan said eagerly: "Are you going to abandon them?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "Since their main target is us, if we send a large number of people to search and rescue, we will only put them in danger, and then make preparations to fight and rescue. On the contrary, if only I pass by, I can Play a better effect."

Su Yuyan nodded: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Chu Feng didn't refuse, but just reminded: "Don't make any noise when you act. The rest of the people enter the state of full guard. Be careful of the enemy's munitions. Their equipment may not be as good as the army in combination. The representative can't compare to your company."

Gao Yangsong said: "Yes, sir."

And Su Yuan also eagerly said: "I am a supernatural player in the space department, I am suitable for rescue."

Of course she was not worried about Xu Yan and the others, but worried about Su Yuyan.

If the rescue is really not successful, she would rather sacrifice everyone than save Su Yuyan.

Chu Feng glanced at her: "Your Space Department's ability is still too bad. You can't take many people away. If you go, you will die. On the contrary, it is easy for me and Teacher Su to act. My strength has broken through. You don’t have to worry if Teacher Su is in trouble."

After speaking, he took out a map and asked Gao Yangsong, "Where are we now?"

He woke up in a short time. Although he learned a lot about the league, he ignored the position of the league.

It can't be regarded as being too careless, but for him, the place where the fountain is is the most important, and everything else is around the fountain, so he doesn't care.

Gao Yangsong pointed to the map: "Our location is here."


Chu Feng punched the map excitedly, "Did we just stay here for three days?"

No wonder they will encounter the attack of Jinling creatures, here is basically near the secret base of Jinling creatures!

To live till now, they are really fortuned.

Now, the trouble is big.

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