Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 242: How many enemies are there?

At this time, a certain high-level commander of Jinling Biology accepted the battle reports from the front without expression.

They had originally planned to make a sneak attack, but they didn't expect that when they had just sent a special team to investigate, they would sneak attack on the secret post and it was solved in this way.

"Fire, ice, wind blade, ground crack, knife wound, sword wound, and killing styles are also different, some like headshots, some like to penetrate the heart, but there are also similar styles... ·In other words, the opponent should have more than a dozen supernaturalists in all likelihood, who are sniping our team members."

The commander was a little surprised as he listened to the pieces of information.

An investigator hesitated and said: "The team we met before seemed to be a group of students, but it was very cunning. Now it seems that they should have returned the information we arrived. Now, Our sneak attack failed."

Their original plan was to carry out an unexpected sneak attack, but they did not expect to encounter such a setback when the plan just started.

The commander suddenly asked: "But why didn't other teams get sniped?"

The investigator tentatively said: "Maybe, they didn't find other teams, only us?"

The commander said: "Yes, we have just received information from the spies using the communicator. Now the other party’s fortress has started a full-scale alert, but it’s a bit chaotic. Now it seems that the other party is already testing and even planning. We fought back."

A burly white man said in fluent Chinese: "But they didn’t expect that we attacked together from five directions. In the dark, they didn’t even know how many people we had. Fear was The greatest enemy of mankind."

The commander said: "Yes, since the sneak attack is not successful, then we shall prepare for a strong attack! Let all the reconnaissance troops begin to shrink and be ready for a forced attack at any time. We must give priority to eliminating the opponent's army, so that the opponent will Without the backbone, we can only be slaughtered."

Although they are not a regular army, using the enemy's fear to fight is also a basic tactic, so their plan is also very simple. As long as the opponent is in chaos, they will win half.

Suddenly, an old-fashioned mobile phone on his waist posted a message, which changed his expression: "No, all the members of the army have left the barracks and disappeared, and those who wanted to follow were also killed. Dead, where do they want to go? Are they going to ambush us?"

The tall and burly white man said: "That happens. Since they are going to ambush us, they won't be able to guard against troops from other directions."

This is equivalent to "duezi", using them in exchange for military confrontation and buying time for other teams.

One-fifth of the teams exchanged against the regulars, which is worth it.

The commander said solemnly: "That's all, let the teams in other directions speed up the march as much as possible, but pay attention to hiding the traces, they may not have been discovered yet."

When the messenger sent the order, the commander rubbed his eyebrows: "Be prepared for defense. Since the opponent has sent more than ten abilities to attack, it is impossible not to take care of the safety of these abilities. It is preparing for the initiative.

"When they take the initiative to attack, it will reveal the traces of their masters, as well as the timing of the main force deployment. Once the opponent starts to counterattack, other teams immediately begin to attack."

Hearing the commander’s methodical command, the white brawny man admired: "With the outstanding command of Mr., I believe that our losses will be minimized."

They never doubted that they could win the war. For them, it was nothing more than the price of victory.

Then, the white brawny reminded: "But we still need more experimental products, so please do your husband as much as possible."

The commander said: "Don't worry, Huaxia people are the most rebellious and submissive. As long as they kill all those who dare to resist, they will definitely obey."

Although he also has black hair and black eyes, he no longer regards himself as a Chinese native when he speaks.

For him, the identity of a Chinese is a shame, and it is precisely because of his skin color that it is difficult to climb up even as a dog.

But he believed that as long as he made enough credit, he would definitely be able to win the favor of his master.

This process may be long, but it can also be short.

At this time, after Chu Feng and Su Yuyan reunited, they began to spare the army of Jinling creatures and went to the hiding place of Zhao Fan and others.

The efficiency of a single action is much higher than that of a team, and the two quickly found a hiding place for everyone.

"Will there be anyone here? Will they have moved location?"

Su Yuyan looked at a building in front of him suspiciously, "Look, there are still a few zombies wandering here, if they are inside, how can they not be alert to the zombies?"

She didn't doubt that Zhao Fan would be injured by a few zombies, but except for a few zombies, most of the zombies were basically "iron-headed babies". They would bite when they saw people and would not be afraid.

Therefore, a basic common sense emerged: "There are zombies but no living people."

However, common sense often has a huge gap with truth.

Chu Feng said, "This is probably the reason why they haven't been found until now! Since I have seen zombies here, who else will search carefully? It seems that Xu Yan is by Zhao Fan's side to give her the best value. It's time, well, show your identity and go in! They are in the basement."

Zhao Fan's IQ is not low, even in terms of learning and research, he is still outstanding, but the wisdom of survival and the life of others are a bit inferior, that is, not clever enough, Xu Yan is just the opposite.

Because of the experience gap, Xu Yan really couldn't show that cleverness by her side. Now she is by Zhao Fan's side, but she can achieve excellent results.

Su Yuyan didn't know how Chu Feng knew, but she no longer doubted what Chu Feng said, so she whispered: "Zhao Fan, Lu Ming, are you inside?"

At this moment, a black figure walked out of the basement, still carrying a reflector.

"It's Teacher Su, and the boss, he is also here."

Xu Yan exclaimed in surprise, "Everyone, come out!"

As a result, more than twenty figures came out of the basement one after another with surprises.

Lu Ming was pleasantly surprised: "Teacher Su, Brother Feng, I knew you would definitely come to rescue us."

And Zhao Fan followed Li Xiao and the others, his hands were tightly pulled with Xu Yan.

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