Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 243: Prologue to the counterattack

Looking at Zhao Fan and Xu Yan's hands, Teacher Su smiled: "Unexpectedly, your kid will finally get rid of it. I was worried about you before!"

Zhao Fan blushed: "I, I just..."

Even if he became an awakened person, he still has no airs, no demeanor of a strong man, and he is almost like a child who has not grown up.

Li Xiao said: "Thanks to Zhao Fan this time. If he hadn't seduce Xu Yan sister, we would have suffered this time. The other party has arms. Our awakened people can escape, but everyone else is estimated to die."

Li Ran also showed admiration for Xu Yan: "Yes! In such a short time, he thought of using the **** creatures summoned by Lu Ming to control the zombies, as bait, and the idea of ​​helping us to cover up. It really looks like Zhao Fanlang. Born to be a couple."

Zhao Fan suddenly became more shy.

He used to be a nerd who concentrated on studying and couldn't take care of girls.

After becoming the awakened, many women took the initiative to post, but they aroused his disgust and felt very uncomfortable.

Only Xu Yan, silently doing little things by his side, is like a qualified wife. While not disturbing her husband, she can be taken care of everywhere, so that he can be cared for like this. Nice feeling.

Compared to a woman's body, he prefers this warm feeling.

When they were in distress this time, they thought that facing the armored force was about to end, and at least when many people were to be reduced. However, Xu Yan, who had not yet awakened, stepped forward at this time and showed everyone the way. Everyone found a safe place, and when she asked for help, she also determined the precise location in an instant.

He felt that he was lucky to meet such a good girl, so when he was nervously avoiding, he showed his heart to Xu Yan.

Xu Yan was also blushing, but she was not too embarrassed. Instead, she said: "Boss, shall we go back next, or fight back? There were students just now, so we can't fight back. Since the boss is here, we It's time to take advantage of the small number of people."

Chu Feng said, "Of course it is a counterattack, but you have to be careful. The other party has a gun. We have to be careful."

One student wondered: "But, with so few of us, can we really launch a counterattack? They also have Awakeners. With the deterrence of arms, we shouldn't be their opponents!"

Humans’ fear of arms is deeply rooted in their bones. Even trained fighters, there are many people who cannot even pull the trigger on the battlefield, let alone them.

In the event that a howitzer blasted over them while fighting, or a bullet accidentally flew on them, they would just play.

Li Ran said: "If you dare not even risk this, do you still have the face to ask for the blessing of the Dawn Alliance? Where is the gain in the world without paying."

The student whispered: "I'll just say that. Can I still listen to Teacher Su's failure?"

Su Yuyan explained to Chu Feng: “Many of the students who were rescued by us changed their doors when they learned that we would continue to take risks to rescue other survivors. They were also the ones who went with us to search and rescue survivors. The last time they wanted to come, I also rejected them, but the bullet did not grow eyes..."

Chu Feng nodded, but they weren't really selfish, they just cherished their own lives.

People who can go on adventures with the people who save themselves are already considered high morale in this era. You can't ask everyone to be a warrior who can give up their lives!

Being able to overcome the fear in my heart because of gratitude is also a rare courage.

Even such talents are the norm, and Chu Feng is called an outlier.

Then, Chu Feng patted everyone, and golden light appeared on everyone who was photographed by him.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Chu Feng explained: "Now you can before the golden light on your body disappears, you don't have to be afraid of ordinary bullets, and you don't need to be the main combatants after a while, just do the auxiliary work. "

The students curiously patted the golden light on their bodies, very surprised: "Can the awakened be able to shield others? It's amazing."

"I heard you talk about Brother Feng's name a long time ago, I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

People don't know much about the abilities of the awakened, so they are just surprised.

Of course, when people realized that Chu Feng was different from others, Chu Feng estimated that he had reached the point where he could not care about others' eyes.

If not, then he will live in vain.

"Okay, let's fight back! Everyone proceed carefully, don't make any noises, and follow my instructions. Xu Yan sends the situation here to Su Yuan."

While giving the order, Chu Feng took out a few large black clothes and handed them to a few students with brightly colored clothes, "Putting on the clothes can reduce the probability of being discovered."

Because of the malfunction of electronic equipment, many far-infrared equipment has lost its function. It is really difficult to find a black suit on the Internet.

After several people put on their clothes, Chu Feng led everyone to the back of the opposing team.

Just when everyone was eager to try, and a few awakened people were about to start their hands, Chu Feng made a gesture to signal everyone to stop.

Su Yuyan asked in a low voice, "Is there any problem?"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "They stopped."

Su Yuyan said: "Maybe we are prepared to make them jealous!"

"If our preparation can make them feel jealous, then they should be prepared to retreat, or an offensive that races against the clock, but why do they not even change their formation?" Chu Feng asked back. .

Everyone also realized that something was wrong.

However, I couldn't say what I really wanted to say.

Xu Yan guessed: "They may be waiting for something, it's not good, boss, are you on alert, or even ready to counterattack? If they have people from the second or third team, then our base It's dangerous."

At the end of the day, an anxious look appeared on her face.

Chu Feng nodded approvingly: "It seems that you are by Zhao Fan's side, which is a good place for you to display your talents. Don't worry about this. They are almost out of the box, but I have already called in advance. The elites of the base are all hidden. They can't find the elites and they dare not attack rashly."

Xu Yan was horrified and inexplicably, her cleverness could not be fully displayed by Chu Feng's side.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed that Chu Feng had just said that being with Zhao Fan is a good place to display his talents. It seems that he has agreed.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan also had excitement in her heart.

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