Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 244: Xu Yan's mind

Xu Yan really admired Zhao Fan's strength at the beginning, and chose to pursue Zhao Fan.

However, she is also a person who can see through the sinister heart. When she was in the school dormitory, she was also the first to realize that the group of people would be counter-purpose.

Therefore, she has always treated men without saying a word, just to find someone who can really trust her.

In the process of pursuing Zhao Fan, she gradually became attracted to Zhao Fan. Zhao Fan may not be as painful and coaxing as other boys, and also hate girls being too close to him, but he has one A rare heart of a child.

Anyone who gets his approval, he will treat her well at all costs.

Compared to those who covet their own beauty, people like Zhao Fan make Xu Yan more admired, and their personalities complement each other, which is a perfect match in this dangerous world.

Her only concern now is that if Chu Feng treats Zhao Fan as a brother, will she doubt her ulterior motives and stop her. Now that she sees Chu Feng’s approval, she is relieved. After all, if Chu Feng is a murderer What he wanted to do, few people really could stop him.

Su Yuyan's voice interrupted her thoughts: "Next, what should we do to maximize our effectiveness? If the opponent has other teams, should we continue to remind?"

Chu Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Su Yuan is a smart person. She will definitely gather the veteran-level members who can be trusted by the Dawn Alliance, give priority to protection, and even sacrifice others when necessary and use those new ones. The people who joined are used as cannon fodder, so we only need to let her take precautions in this direction, and wait until we deal with the situation here before we solve other areas."

Treating all members of the alliance equally, this is something that Chu Feng can't do.

The earlier and longer you follow him, the more you can get his trust.

Especially for those who joined after killing the insect emperor, if they want to gain the trust of Chu Feng, they must take actual action.

Originally, Chu Feng needed to investigate in the later stage, but they did not expect that they actually built the old nest at the door of Jinling Creatures, which suddenly disrupted Chu Feng's plan.

Therefore, this battle is destined to have many casualties.

Since there is no way to prevent casualties, what Chu Feng can do is of course only to reduce the casualties of his direct line.

Xu Yan said: "Okay, I'll just notify them, and join us back and forth."

When Xu Yan went to give the notice, Chu Feng also began to arrange everyone’s work: "Zhao Fan, you only need to cover firepower, you don’t need to use the **** industry fire that consumes a lot of money, you only need to use fire on a large scale. If the opponent sends an armored car over, it will be stopped by Li Xiao's soil type ability."

Zhao Fan and Li Xiao nodded at the same time.

Chu Feng then took out some rifles and sniper rifles, and taught the students who have no abilities: "The rest of the people all started shooting, let Xu Yan teach you the method of shooting, but be careful not to fight indiscriminately. The enemy's direction is diagonally upward and hits the sky at an angle of 30 degrees."

Li Ran was a little puzzled: "Isn't this the way to shoot a bow and arrow? If the gun is angled up at a 30-degree angle, it will be out of range long ago."

The speed of the bullet is very fast. Although it is not a straight line, the arc of this arc is not too large. Compared with the bow and arrow of the cold weapon era, it is a world of difference.

In this case, can it really hit the enemy?

Chu Feng solemnly said: "Do you think shooting a gun is a trifle? Do you think that people who have not touched a gun before can get the gun to be able to cover the fire suddenly like in the TV series? I let you use this shooting method, It’s not for you to kill the enemy, but to prevent you from hitting your own people when you cover fire."

Seeing the dissatisfied eyes of some classmates, Chu Feng continued to command: "Lu Ming, you call the undead creatures to protect them, and at the same time supervise them. If they shoot randomly, I can guarantee that they will never have them again. A chance to get a gun."

And Su Yuyan also supported Chu Feng with a cold face: "Don't think it is fun to use a gun? Let alone a gun, even if you are given a knife, who has never been hit or stabbed by your own knife?"

At this time, the students were all flushed.

It's not that they are not cautious, but that they get a sharp weapon. People always have the urge to try the sharpness with their fingers, especially when there is treatment in their team, they are more assured and bold. Up.

After explaining all the tasks, Chu Feng pointed to a building in front and said to Su Yuyan: "Your task is to cover here. Teacher Su is hiding in the building there. If a large number of people break through Zhao Fan and Li Xiao's Block the line and you will immediately launch an ambush."

Then, he solemnly reminded the students: “You have to remember one thing. Now Mr. Su’s position is in front of your fire blockade. If the angle of your shooting is too different, Mr. Su may be caught. You got hurt."

A classmate said angrily: "How can you let Teacher Su be in such a dangerous place? Why don't you go here to ambush? Also, are you sure that the ambush here will be useful? Does the other party have no brains to investigate?"

"The other party can't detect if he has a brain!"

Xu Yan had already made a notice and came to the crowd, "Since your firepower coverage network is in front of you, who would be foolish enough to arrange the ambushing person within the coverage of the firepower coverage network? Don't be afraid of being yourself Did you kill anyone? If you are really worried about Teacher Su's safety, you just need to keep yourself from making mistakes."

Su Yuyan looked at the students seriously: "In this dangerous world, no one can absolutely guarantee their own safety, and no one can always protect the safety of others. If you don’t have the courage to survive, then don’t blame others for abandoning you. , If you really care about me, then be serious and don't use the attitude of class to perfuse me."

With that said, she took the lead to enter the ambush location.

Chu Feng handed a submachine gun to Xu Yan, and exhorted: "Teach them to shoot and choose the right ambush location. I will leave it to you. I will act alone."

As he said, he took a hurried pace and disappeared into the night.

Xu Yan said to everyone: "If you want to live, or if you want everyone to live together, then listen to me."

Zhao Fan looked at Xu Yan, with a happy smile on his mouth, and then began to fight.

As soon as he raised his hand, the flames fell like raindrops and fell into the enemy formation.

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