Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 245: Powerful Team

"Enemy attack!"

"There is an enemy attack!"


The flames falling from the sky caused the whole army to fall into a panic, but after a brief panic, they began to integrate in an orderly manner.

After all, even if they were attacked by the enemy, they were mentally prepared in advance.

The awakened in the team immediately began to take action, and the defenses of various elemental systems began to unfold.


Some people with guns in their hands have started shooting around, and then some screams came.

Don't get me wrong, these screams are their own.

When they raised their guns and fired, the commander had already hid in the armored vehicle and issued the order through the liaison officer.

The strong white man disdainfully said: "Huaxia people are just useless. If you encounter a little setback, you don't know what to do. It seems that you can easily hit your own person."

Although their equipment is complete and advanced, good gunners are fed with bullets. They do not lack bullets, but it is impossible to train professional fighters on a large scale.

The commander also disdainfully said: "No way, this is the cowardice in the bones of Huaxia people, but it doesn't matter, anyway, the entire Huaxia is useless, and our opponents must be more afraid of firepower."

The white man said: "Next, it's time to send a team of superpowers to eliminate those who secretly shot!"

The commander said: "No hurry, first confirm the enemy's position, and then take action. The opponent's flame doesn't look strong, but it can cover such a large area, it can't be underestimated!"

At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation outside.

"Ah, it's not good!"

"The captain is dead."

"what is this?"

"Fire Dragon, this is a Tier 5 supernatural player!"

Immediately afterwards, there was chaos in the team, with screams and gunfire unceasingly heard.

More than 20 days have passed since the end of the world, and they have professional teaching, so they know a lot of common sense.

Dragon-shaped innocence and dragon-shaped flame, this is the symbol of Tier 5.

In other words, there is actually a Tier 5 powerhouse shooting nearby.

You know, their entire company now has only two fifth-tier existences!

Such a peerless master unexpectedly lies in ambush nearby? Do such a dangerous thing?

The commander's expression changed, and he immediately asked about the battle.

A soldier reported: "Reporting sir, the other party used a fire dragon and killed three abilities who were using abilities to protect everyone. Now the remaining abilities are no longer willing to use their abilities to protect everyone. Instead, I started to protect myself."

The commander's face changed slightly, and this hand was too poisonous.

Supernatural beings are all superlatives, especially Tier 3 supernatural beings. They have been able to resist the power of bullets under guarded circumstances, and many people even regard themselves as superhumans.

Before, they protected the members of the team because they had spare power, but seeing the flame dragon attack and kill the people who protected others with irresistible power, of course they were not willing to be the first bird.

Sacrificing oneself to protect others is a fool, not a superman.

The commander said with a headache: "This is the shortcoming of the irregular army. If the order is passed down, the superpower team will immediately start to act and prepare to kill the enemies that are secretly shot. More than five Tier 4 physical skills will be shot, plus some elemental type There shouldn't be a big problem with cover."

If it is a regular army, it will be considered life-threatening, and it is also necessary to complete the task.

Now their equipment is very good, but because they are not a regular army, everyone's first reaction has always been just for their own lives. Some people have already started to find a place to hide.

Anyway, it was late at night, and no one would notice that he would avoid fighting.

It was with this idea that there were clearly only two powerful abilities, which still caused chaos.

"There are actually 26 people with supernatural powers. That's not right. There are still some weak people with supernatural powers who didn't make a move. There are really many superpowers with them.

Chu Feng stood on the roof of a six-story building, watching the situation below.

Even in the Dawn Alliance, there were only more than two hundred supernatural beings before he fell into a coma, plus those who were disobedient, it was less than four hundred, and there were only a dozen people in Tier 4.

However, Jinling Creatures is only sent to deal with his ability, there are more than ten Tier 4.

This is just a team, how many of the opponent's ability players add up?

"It seems that they have developed some results. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate so many Tier 4 masters. Although I am not more than 70% sure, I must start with them in advance."

The killing intent flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. He didn't know too much about the development progress of Jinling Biology in the early stage, and he did not expect that they could develop so fast in the early stage.

Even the regular army can't do anything about it. Of course, it's not that they can't beat it. The price paid is too great and it's not worth it.

Now, start here.

Zhao Fan shot the firepower coverage, and naturally could not cause much damage to the superpower, and there might not even be much casualties.

However, what if the bird will die if it is in the early stages?

At the third level, the fire dragon was considered a big move for him, but after reaching the fourth level, the fire dragon was already a trick for him.

Seeing the supernatural beings gradually approaching in his direction, Chu Feng pretended not to find them, but instead released a few more fire dragons, and then began to release fire snakes again.

There was a burst of ecstasy among the supernaturalists who were about to attack Chu Feng.

"He doesn't release fire dragons anymore. It seems that his abilities have almost been consumed."

"Hurry up, this is a good opportunity."

There were also players who felt that this was a bit unsafe, and wanted to wait until Chu Feng's spiritual energy was further consumed: "Wait a minute, the Fire Snake Dance is also terrifying, do we..."

A captain armed with a spear sternly shouted: "If you are a superpower, will you retreat until all your power is consumed?"

The teammates shut up immediately.

Also, if they are such a peerless master, of course, it is impossible to take risks with their bodies and do things that consume all their spiritual force.

The captain said: "If I were him, I would at least retain the power to unleash a fire dragon, so when we wait for the ambush, we must be careful of his fatal blow. All the elements will resist together, but When he issued this fatal blow, it was also when the Physical Skills Department succeeded."

If the awakened person of the elemental system is close to the body arts system, even the fifth-order can easily die in the fourth-order hands.

Therefore, they were going to let the Elemental Element resist the last blow that Chu Feng had retained, and then the Physical Skill Element would take a fatal blow to Chu Feng.

Although the tactics are simple, they are very effective.

In such a stressful environment, the effectiveness of the plan is more important than precision.

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