Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 246: Counter ambush

The Awakeners of the Physical Skills Department of the Abnormal Team began to enter the tall building where Chu Feng was hiding, and then began to move carefully, and every time they reached a floor, they began to look around vigilantly.

Let them also be uncertain whether that Tier 5 ability person will be protected.

If it were them, they would still send some protection.

Although they have not been trained to the standard of a regular army, the necessary caution has been trained.

When they arrived on the 5th floor, the captain suddenly yelled, "Do it!"

Then, an earth-type supernatural player immediately took action, and the floor of the 6th floor, that is, the ceiling of the 5th floor, was completely shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the ceiling of the sixth floor also began to shatter.

After the roof shattered, a black figure was exposed in their vision.

At this moment, the abilities of all the physical arts except the captain jumped up, the sword light and the sword light attacked at the same time, and instantly cut the black figure into several segments, and a head fell. Go down.

As a super ability player of the physical arts department, jumping more than two stories high is simply a breeze.

"It's done!"

The supernaturalists who stayed on the fifth floor were so excited, they didn't expect to succeed so easily.

The captain was also relieved, and then disdainfully said: "What if the talent is better? It's not useless without a brain."

For their successful sneak attack, the captain felt that it was quite successful.

First of all, the other party should not have thought that there would be so many masters coming to sneak attack, and when they did not expect, they did not reach the 6th floor, but directly broke the ceiling.

The new era, of course, must have a new era of fighting methods.

If thinking is still confined to the old age, what is the use of being strong?

A member of the team picked up the head that had been cut off by the physical skill abilities, and said: "Although the fifth-order abilities are more valuable to capture alive, they can only take more feats after death."

But they understand how terrifying the Tier 5 supernaturalists are in the frontal battle. If nothing else, even if they were just now, didn't they hurt the entire team under the attack of this master?

If they hadn't been beheaded, their team of more than 1,000 people could even be destroyed by Chu Feng alone.

After inspecting the roof of the house, the supernaturalists upstairs also jumped down easily: "The other party's arrangement is simply a great waste of the master. It's a pity for such a master."

At this moment, an ability person suddenly shouted at the ability person holding his head: "Your hand, hurry, hurry up and throw away the head!"

This supernatural person looked down, his right hand holding his head turned black at some point, and then it began to turn into pus, dripping continuously.


The sudden change caused this supernatural power to scream and hurriedly throw away the things in his hands.

However, it was too late, and black spots had begun to cover his whole body, and his whole body began to turn into pus.

"Help me!"

He stretched out his half-melted right hand and let out a hoarse cry.

However, all the supernaturalists shunned like snakes and scorpions, and quickly distanced themselves from him.

Although they don't know what the **** is this, they know that if they rush into contact with him, they are likely to end up in the same way.

At this time, the captain's heart made a big alarm: "No, this is a trap!"

However, his reminder was too late.

A fire dragon flew in from the fourth floor window and swept everyone.


"what happened?"

"Isn't he dead?"

"What did we kill just now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, think of a solution!"

Suddenly, a fire dragon appeared close to the face, making everyone panic, and even began to attack randomly, trying to forcibly extinguish the fire dragon.

Then they saw a scene of despair.

Two more fire dragons flew in.

"Fuck! Didn't it mean that even Tier 5 cannot send out two fire dragons in a short time? Does the opponent have three Tier 5 fire type supernatural powers?"

The captain's eyes were filled with despair, and then he saw a figure standing in the air outside the window.

"Flying? No, this is not Tier 5 at all!"

The captain was frightened. The strong man who was able to fly, although he did not know how far he reached, he knew that this was definitely not an enemy he could deal with.

Then, he immediately broke the wall on the other end with one shot, and jumped down one by one.

A Tier 4 ability person is embarrassing to jump from the fifth floor to his feet, um, except head down.

However, after he jumped downstairs, he found that he had jumped into a pool without seriously choosing where to stay.


After the captain jumped into the pool, he immediately began to swim to the shore.

At this moment, he felt a bitter chill-the pool was frozen.

Then, he saw a figure jumping from the fourth floor position and came to him.

He felt something was wrong. If he jumped from the fourth floor, he shouldn't be so slow! He fixed his eyes and smiled bitterly, "It's actually a rope."

At first he thought that Chu Feng would fly, but he didn't expect that he would just tie a rope to the roof, then follow the rope and fall outside the window on the fifth floor, launching an attack.

Then, he immediately said: "I surrender. I know a lot about Jinling Biology. If you are willing to join, you will definitely be regarded as a guest, and I am willing to be your subordinate."

He is a Tier 4 ability player, he must believe that his surrender and allegiance should be of sufficient value, and he believes in the strength of Jinling creatures.

As long as you show the strength of Jinling Biology to the other party, the other party will definitely be moved.

"No need."

As Chu Feng spoke, he activated the nameless technique to refine this Tier 4 supernatural power.

It is not that he looks down on the other party, nor is he worried that he will betray something in the future, but he has no time to deal with the captives and "enlightenment" at all, so he might as well transform it into a part of his own strength.

After refining this supernatural power, he raised his hand and another fire dragon flew towards the residential building.

After having the first imitator, the rest of the superpowers also descended from the gap on the fifth floor like dumplings, and then were cut off by Chu Feng on the way down.

From the moment they were in a panic, they had no longer threatened Chu Feng.

What he was on the top of the building before was just a Tier 2 low-level **** creature. In this age when everyone's combat experience is not very rich, it is still very easy to attract people.

Less than two minutes later, all the battles were over, and the entire residential building was turned into ruins at this time. As long as there is some wind and rain, it will become ruins.

And after Chu Feng was full of vitality, he also judged his level-Tier 4 and Tier 3.

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