When Chu Feng solved this superpower team, the enemy team also began to panic.

The flames falling from the sky were endless, as if the other party's spiritual energy could not be exhausted at all, and at this time, they heard gunfire and fire from the muzzle again.

"The opponent also has a gun."

"Could it be that someone from the army came?"

"What are you afraid of, we have so many sirs."

"That is, we have so many supernaturalists, who do we need to be afraid of?"

Although he said that, everyone is panicking now.

It is late at night, which is advantageous for the attacker, because the attacked person has no idea how many people there are.

However, in a blink of an eye, they changed from assailants to assailants.

The strong white man said: "I didn't expect the other party to go around behind us and continue to send some people to kill them! Some of our superpowers are."

Most of the superpowers sent to kill Chu Feng before were Tier 4, and a few were Tier 3 peaks.

But now Tier 4 abilities are still very rare, even if they master certain methods, there are still not many such masters.

There are not many second-tier and third-tier abilities, they do have them.

Even if it is only one of the five teams, they also have more than a hundred supernaturalists.

The commander said: "It's better to wait until they have successfully killed the Tier 5 superpower before proceeding! Otherwise, it would be a bit reckless."

The strong white man said, "Do you mean that we might lose?"

The commander hurriedly said: "Of course this is impossible. After all, we have so many advantages, but losses..."

The strong white man said, "That's okay. Anyway, there are people in China. Even if you die, you can catch a few more. Last time we captured more than 30,000 people. Even if everyone here is dead, it's all right. It’s no pity, in your Huaxia’s words, this is called rushing for gold, and all the elite are left behind."

Then, the white man continued to add: "I respect and admire your commanding ability, but your values ​​should change with the times."

In their inherent concept, Huaxia is a lower race.

The death of the lower races is just a number for them, and there is no need to cherish them. If they die, they die.

What's more, their current research on biochemical beasts has made progress.

Although in terms of motivation, it encountered a bottleneck due to the failure of the last operation, it is still possible to transform ordinary people into biochemical people and let them have steel bodies.

In this way, they will not have to worry about anything.

The commander hesitated for two seconds, then gritted his teeth and ordered: "Fifth company, sixth company, cooperate with the company's Awakeners to take action, take off the opponent's firepower point, and let ordinary people sacrifice. If the Awakeners have casualties, those people Don't even think about coming back."

Under his order, the men from the two companies immediately began to attack, adding up to about 300 people.

After all, the level of these supernatural beings is still relatively low and needs some firepower cover.

At this moment, they saw a building burning violently in the distance.

The commander worried: "Go and check the intelligence."

The strong white man said indifferently: "According to our test, even a Tier 5 master can’t even face so many attacks from so many Tier 4 abilities. The result of the battle is already It is destined that at most a few people will die."

The commander said: "But, that's a Tier 4 ability player! Every Tier 4 ability player is a very precious existence."

"Sir, I want to correct a little bit of your mistake here, the level 4 ability is very precious now, but it will soon be bad."

The strong white man corrected his expression seriously, "Human values ​​must change with the trend of the times. If your values ​​cannot change with the trend of the times, then your talents will be buried because of this, and we don’t need it. Specially send someone to check, anyway, their alive people will definitely come back."

The commander took a deep breath, then nodded: "I will change."

In fact, he is not a person who takes life seriously, otherwise he wouldn't help a creature to catch those survivors, as a test.

He has just regarded these troops under him as his own property, and the loss of any personnel will make him feel that his assets are less.

The strong white man did not fail to see through his thoughts, but beat him in this way.

This is a warning. These troops are not your property, nor your private soldiers. You are just helping us command the army.

Thinking of this, there was a chill in his eyes.

Then, the vehicle he was in exploded!


A violent blast made the entire vehicle turn into a fireball, and the people in the vehicle wailed and turned into one fire after another. Only one white man was left, slapped the flames on his body, and slowly moved out of the fire. Get up.

Then, a black death-like figure came from a distance, wherever he walked, everything around him was ignited by flames.

"what happened?"

"Why did the fire dragon appear again?"

"No, the masters of supernatural powers are annihilated?"


When those supernaturalists went to besiege Chu Feng, they thought they had hope.

But when the strong man who could summon the fire dragon reappeared, their hearts became more desperate, and some even started to run away.

"do not run!"

"The escaper died!"

"Whoever dares to run away is a capital crime!"

Some officers at all levels are still trying to save the situation and want to call everyone back, but now that their morale has collapsed, how can they save the situation?

The strong white man looked at the black **** of death coming out of the sea of ​​red flames, and said calmly: "This respectable gentleman, I don’t know if you are interested in being our guest. We have mastered the most high-end in the world. Biotechnology, I believe it will definitely make you one step further."

However, what awaited him was only a golden light.


The brawny Baiyun was holding his neck in pain, trying to prevent the blood from flowing down, but in the end it was of no avail, his eyes gradually dimmed.

Chu Feng came in front of the white man and launched his exercises to refine it.

"Weird, monster!"

Seeing this terrifying murderous **** who was in the land of no one among thousands of horses, the entire military camp was in chaos, and then began to bomb the camp on a large scale.

Then, several people who wanted to sneak attack on Chu Feng suddenly found a colorful light shining under their feet.

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