Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 248: Su Yuyan's Sword

The battle did not last long. When Chu Feng broke into the barracks alone, the battle had already begun to come to an end.

This group of people was originally a forcibly armed team. After their leader was killed, the collapse of morale immediately triggered a chain reaction.

In addition to Chu Feng's invincible image, it made their morale avalanche.

Not to mention ordinary people, even those with supernatural powers can only rush for their lives at this moment.

This is a Tier 5 master! Tier 4 still has resistance in front of Tier 5, and even if it cooperates well, it might be impossible to kill the opponent, but they, who have not reached the peak of Tier 3, burn them and burn to death the consumption of an ordinary person. Not much difference.

After beheading and refining some supernatural powers, Chu Feng stopped pursuing them.

There are about 800 people left by the other party, and he can't chase him down, and he has more important things to do now.

Now that this team has collapsed, let it collapse!

The two companies that went to chase Su Yuyan and the others braved fire while firing to cover, but the speed of their advancement was much slower than when they were practicing charging.

They don't know how many enemies the other party has. They only know that bullets don't have eyes. If they are hit by bullets that don't know where they come from, then it's over.

At this moment, a person suddenly shouted: "The opponent's marksmanship seems to be very poor."

Others also suddenly realized that they looked at each other and found that they did not cause many casualties, and that these casualties were caused by the fire-type superpower.

As a result, they all became excited: "Come on!"

"Hurry up!"

"Get rid of this garbage!"

When the enemy is unknown, even more than 20 people are a great deterrent, but when the enemy's strength is seen by them, their courage comes up again.

The enemy has only one person who has been setting fire, and it is more difficult, but with so many of them, are you still afraid that the other party will fail?

When they found that their casualties were not many, they began to despise the enemy.

So everyone immediately launched a charge, and rushed to the camp where Zhao Fan and the others were located under the two armored vehicles.

At this time, they suddenly found a big hole in the ground.

"The crypt has fallen!"

Li Xiao used the power of the soil system to create a big hole in the ground, and then the missing soil turned into a wall, separating the soldiers.

The students looked excited, and some even wanted to go out.

Xu Yan immediately ordered: "Don't move everyone, stand on the spot, don't shoot directly at the enemy, Lu Ming, use your undead creatures to protect everyone, Li Ran is ready to treat the wounded."

Encountered a sudden attack, both of the armored vehicles were destroyed, and the remaining people shot back immediately after a brief panic.

"They are just like that."

"Haha, they are so poor."

When they fired back, they thought it should be a fierce firepower confrontation, but they didn't expect that there would be no major obstacles.

On the contrary, these people in ambush were suppressed by their firepower and could not lift their heads.

This discovery made them extremely excited and began to charge forward desperately.

At this moment, a rugged shadow appeared silently behind them, holding a sharp white long sword in his hand.

"Half Moon Slash!"

A sword light that looked like a crescent moon swept across, and a dozen figures were cut off directly by the waist, and the struggling upper body let out a scream.

When they heard the screams behind them, some people instinctively turned their heads to check, but then their heads fluttered directly.

Su Yuyan was holding a blood-drinking sword and constantly shuttled through the crowd, reaping lives.

No, not one by one, but a group.

Ban Yue Zhan kept cutting out, and every sword would take away at least five lives.

Under Chu Feng's special forging, the blood-drinking sword has become very sharp, and it is an insult to this sword to use cutting iron like mud to describe this sword.

During the last battle with the Insect Emperor, Su Yuyan felt that this sword had formed a special connection with himself, as if this sword had become a part of his body.

This is why she said she would not return it to Chu Feng.

She is not a hypocritical person. Since this sword can exert a greater effect in her hands, she can also use this sword to protect Chu Feng.

This is not an excuse to deceive herself, but her true thoughts.

With the blessing of the blood-drinking sword, even the lowest cost of the ordinary Tier 2 skill Ban Yue Slash can also exert the usual lethality of Tier 4.

Of course, only Fengrui has reached the fourth order.

But this is enough.

Among these people, there is no existence of the third-order pinnacle. How could someone be her opponent, and Chu Feng also sensed that there was no master among these people, so he was relieved to hand over the battlefield here to Su Yuyan.

The appearance of Su Yuyan also made them unexpected, after all, who would have thought that someone would be ambushing in front of their own firepower intertwined net! If the trenches are dug beforehand, it is possible, but now, there is only chaos left.

At this time, someone kept shooting in the direction of Su Yuyan.


"Master with supernatural powers, let's do it!"

"Don't stop me!"

"Fuck! What are you shooting at this time? You killed your teammate by mistake."

"If we don't shoot, we will all die!"

Su Yuyan has shuttled through the crowd. Anyone who wants to attack her may be blocked by his own body. The crowd is her shield.

But under the threat of death, they had nothing to care about.

Now many people with submachine guns in their hands have only one idea, even if they kill their teammates, they must kill the **** of death.

But this behavior actually stopped those with supernatural powers, for fear that they would be shot to death.

At this time, Xu Yan gave an order: "Now all the ability players can start to attack with all their strength."

Therefore, Li Ran and others immediately began to attack with all their strength.

In addition to the original members such as Li Xiao and Li Ran, there were three awakened among these classmates, but their level was too low, and there were still unawakened people who needed protection, so Su Yuyan refused their last request to go to the fortress.

After all, they are willing to take risks for such dangerous things, and Su Yuyan is not willing to let them take risks.

At this moment, as everyone's firepower is on, the crowd has become more chaotic.

Huge meteorites fell from the sky, cracks and thorns broke out on the ground, the fire of **** was burning, and the holy light deprived them of life.

In the chaos, some people tried to restore order.

"Don't mess up everyone!"

"The number of enemies is small. As long as we can unite, we can defeat them."

At this time, a long flame dragon fell from the sky.

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