Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 249: Establish a line of defense

"It's that Tier 5 superpower!"


As Chu Feng joined the battlefield, the remaining people immediately dispersed.

The fifth-order supernatural powers are simply not something they can deal with, and they can only run for their lives desperately at this moment.

As the crowd fought back and forth, less than 100 people were left to escape from more than 300 people, and Chu Feng specifically killed some supernaturalists, took their bodies into Yuan Palace, and slowly refined them.

After solving all this, everyone looked at Chu Feng with admiring eyes: "It's too powerful, it's simply abnormal. Well, I'm not cursing."

"It feels like we are just a group of assistants."

"One person kills the entire army, it is like a god."

After such a long time in the last days, even fools should become smarter. They have already seen that they have not helped Chu Feng much.

Even if it weren't for their existence, Chu Feng might have done better.

Such a terrifying existence of the enemy's thousand armies with its own strength left an indelible mark on their hearts and immediately gathered their hearts.

Chu Feng said: "There is no time to do these things now. Let's go back as quickly as possible. There should be more than one team on the other side. It would be bad if the survival base becomes chaotic."

With that, he immediately led people back to the gathering place without stopping.

After they rushed back, the war in other places had started.

The sound of gunfire was endless, the fire suddenly appeared, and screams had begun to appear far away, as well as loud calls for help and shouting everyone to escape.

After seeing Chu Feng's figure, Chu Xiaorou immediately rushed forward: "Brother, how are you? Are you injured?"

Although Chu Feng's image of scum in her heart is deeply ingrained, but no matter what, it is her brother! Therefore, her concern for Chu Feng has not diminished.

Chu Feng said: "I'm fine, but if you continue to hold me, there will be trouble in the war."

Chu Xiaorou reacted immediately, and then let go of Chu Feng.

They are now on the battlefield, where can they have time for their children?

She just reacted instinctively just now. Now that she saw that Chu Feng was not injured except for the messy clothes, she was relieved.

Chu Feng and Su Yuyan approached Su Yuan: "How is the situation now? How about the casualties?"

Su Yuan said: "The casualties can still be controlled, because we joined a lot of people in the later period, so our direct descendants all live together, and those who join newly also gather together. We have the most superpowers here. The enemies faced are the fewest.

Now the enemy has about 4 lanes and they are attacking from different directions. We originally wanted to support them, but those teams are too chaotic. Our resources may not be useful, and we may hurt ourselves. "

Jinling Biology had full confidence in this attack, so it adopted a strategy of dividing forces.

Such a strategy itself is not a problem, but they didn't expect that one of the teams would be directly destroyed by Chu Feng.

However, because there are still some problems with the current information contact, and the fact that this team is destroyed too quickly, the other teams have not received the news that this team has fallen.

Although most people have successfully escaped, but they only want to escape, how can they still have time to inform other teams to escape together?

Even some people who are still calm, I am afraid that they will let other teams continue to attack, as their cover!

Chu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, I'll go and build an energy shield."

Su Yuan said: "Okay, how far is the chase behind you? I will arrange for someone to snipe."

Chu Feng didn't turn his head back and said, "Except for some unlucky ghosts who chose the wrong direction when escaping, no one should go in this direction."

Su Yuan didn't react a little: "This, this is..."

"The enemy in that direction has been destroyed by him. We only need to face the enemy in other directions."

Su Yuyan said with lingering fears, "After he wakes up, I feel that his strength has improved to a great extent. If I face the insect king again, I believe he will not win so hard."

Su Yuan is almost sluggish, all the members of a team are destroyed?

An army with heavy firepower was destroyed by Chu Feng like this?

Is this a joke?

However, looking at the flames in the distance, she felt that it didn't seem to be incredible.

If Chu Feng did this kind of thing, what else is doubtful?

After a brief shock, she adjusted quickly. Since Chu Feng said that the enemy over there had been resolved, it was really resolved, as long as a few people were sent to defend.

Now their attention should be focused on another enemy in several directions.

When war broke out in various places, Chu Feng also began to arrange energy shields.

There are more than 20,000 people in the Dawn Alliance, of which more than 10,000 have followed them before, but there are also many women who just want to rely on and are non-combatants.

In fact, more than 20,000 people can be completely accommodated in only one community. The people in the two nearby market towns have been killed by all the people in the Gu family. So in theory, people from the Dawn Alliance can live in the same community at the same time. , Until the new residence is built.

But it's actually not like this.

Of course, more than 10,000 people lived together before the emergence of the insect emperor. After all, they had seen Chu Feng’s power, and most of them were grateful to Chu Feng. After all, Chu Feng wanted to protect them, and The powerful monsters fight for their lives.

But after the death of the insect emperor, the newly joined people are not necessarily.

After the fortress went through a round of baptism, many supernaturalists who had confidence in their own strength formed a gang, and then began to recruit people continuously.

After all, those martial artists who have practiced the exercises still serve as cannon fodder for them.

But after experiencing the second round of baptism, they realized that they didn't have the ability to face real disasters, so some of them joined the army, and some thought of the Dawn Alliance.

After all, the Dawn Alliance is a powerful non-governmental organization. If they join the Dawn Alliance, they will have more power to speak. Even if they operate properly, they may seize power.

Although this is only an ideal situation, it is not impossible.

However, these newly joined people were divided into groups, and the places where they lived were scattered along with the groups, even spreading across five nearby communities.

When Jinling creatures attacked in advance, they were also investigated.

And what Chu Feng had to do was naturally to protect his own people first.

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