Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 250: Persuade

About twenty minutes later, Chu Feng's protective shield had been established.

In the 20-odd minutes or so, the enemies who had come had been beaten back by others.

Chu Feng had no plans to confront the enemy head-on, after all, it was very difficult to replicate the situation of the previous battle.

Moreover, his vitality is almost consumed.

Establishing an energy shield is not an easy task. Even for Chu Feng, it is very difficult to build an energy shield covering the entire community.

Fortunately, after the energy shield was established, he also had plenty of rest time.

After all, the enemy is still busy!

Before the break, Chu Feng ordered: "I left a total of 4 exits on the 4th Monday of the energy shield. You send someone to guard it. There are also 36 nodes. If the opponent only bombards the energy shield with artillery fire , Then let the superpowers replenish energy at these nodes. This is very easy to operate, and you should have memories when you awaken."

The reason why he wants to leave the entrance and exit is to leave flaws.

If there is not even an exit, it will directly become a war of attrition. Although the number of ability players in the Dawn Alliance is not small, it is definitely not comparable to Jinling creatures, which will be very detrimental to them.

However, if there are exits, the enemy will start attacking from these exits, and will only consider attacking the shield after suffering enough losses.

It is not impossible to directly attack the protective cover, but then it will be countered by the Dawn Alliance.

The powers nodded. When awakening the powers, everyone also awakened some simple uses of powers. Of course, they also knew the knowledge of energy protection, but they couldn't use it now.

But now that the energy shield has been set up, there is no problem if only supplementing energy.

Su Yuan was a little worried: "However, if their mental energy is consumed too much, will they be at a disadvantage in future battles?"

This is not her worry, but also the worry of others.

Chu Feng said, "It doesn't matter. Since the other party is here for a sneak attack, the heavy firepower they carry shouldn't be too much, and we will consume it completely."

Seeing what Su Yuan wanted to say, Chu Feng directly waved his hand and said, "Don't disturb me, let me regain my strength."

With that, he walked into a room on his own, took out some crystal nuclei and began to regain his strength.

Su Yuyan said: "Trust him! His judgment is more accurate than anyone else."

Zhao Fan and others also agreed: "Yes, since Brother Feng said it, there is no problem."

After all, it is to contend against the existence of a thousand-man legion on its own. Although the enemy is not a regular army, its deterrence is still great.

Upon seeing this, Su Yuan could only order: "Guard the four entrances and exits. Anyone who wants to come in, whether it is an enemy or his own, will kill them all. Not even a mouse can be put in. The level is below 3. Tier 3 supernaturalists go to maintain the protective shield, and those who reach Tier 3 save their strength and fight."

It's not that she resists her life, but wants to resist the enemy's attack, and she needs a third-order or higher ability to take action.

Then, everyone immediately began to work and cooperate. Gu Nanfei took Gu family and his newly recruited direct line to an entrance. The military guarded an entrance separately. The rest was under the command of Su Yuan. Chu Xiaorou also wanted to participate in the war. Su Yuyan forcibly stayed beside Chu Feng.

During Chu Feng's recovery, the outside world was already in full swing.

Although Jinling creatures' attack was like entering an uninhabited territory, after the artillery fire was covered, the resistance encountered was not much greater.

Many people with supernatural powers saw a lot of fire from the opponent and immediately prepared to flee.

The people who joined the Dawn Alliance because they were afraid of danger are now hiding in the corner shivering, waiting for death. Of course, these people are only a few. After all, unless they are lucky people, or the cowardly people. It's really hard to live until now.

Some clever people saw everyone's chaos and their faces were full of disappointment. Even if they wanted to organize a counterattack, they couldn't do it. They could only find a relatively safe corner and try to avoid the enemy's search.

Of course, there are also some bold ones, hiding behind the door or in some places where they are easy to ambush, waiting for the enemy to come in.

After all, they are also people who have experienced the baptism of insect waves, and they may not have the courage to fight frontally, but they still have some experience in avoiding danger.

It is precisely because there are too many people hiding in the corner that will bring some trouble to the enemy's capture.

"So many survivors, after taking control of this place, prepare to go back and claim credit!"

Some people with a higher status among Jinling creatures are filled with excitement when seeing the fire in front of them, and they are even calculating how much credit can be gained by capturing so many survivors and how much strength can be improved.

Some Jinling creatures’ private soldiers shouted with loudspeakers: "The people inside are listening to me. We are not here to kill you, but to pick you up to a safe place, as long as you are willing to walk obediently. Come out and follow our arrangements, I promise you are fine."

After hearing this, many people felt a little drumming in their hearts.

This is not because they believed these people's words, but because they felt that there was only a dead end to hiding in it. Maybe there was still a way to survive when surrendered?

The loudspeaker still yelled: "I was a survivor like you. I was rescued by Jinling creatures while avoiding zombies, and then sent me the equipment, including the guns in my hand, if You are willing to surrender, as long as you accept the identity test, you can become one of us."

After hearing these words, dozens of people immediately walked out of their hiding place, and then opened their arms and shouted to the Jinling creatures: "We are willing to surrender, we want guns."

The private soldiers of Jinling Biology immediately arranged a place for them-an underground parking garage, and detained them, but they were not given guns.

Not only did they fail to seize the guns, they also pointed them at them and seized the weapons in their hands.

While in custody, someone comforted: "Don’t worry, we used to be the same as you. As long as you are honest for the rest of the time, you will become our partners in fighting side by side, and there are enough Food and water."

With that said, these private soldiers began to distribute food and water to them.

Someone yelled, "You are deceiving. You clearly said that as long as we surrender, we will have guns for us, but you have confiscated our weapons!"

Someone took the lead, and someone immediately followed suit: "Yes, you lied to us."

"You are a scam. We have soldiers here. We will sue you."

"Let us out, give us guns!"


A gun sounded.

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