Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 251: Surrender and not kill

Gunshots rang, and a figure fell to the ground.

Seeing that the other party kills at a word, their hearts are filled with regret.

Why do they come out so early, why do they believe the other side's lies so easily, and why don't they pretend it?

It's so cruel to the first batch of people, do you want to continue recruiting members?

An officer put away the pistol in his hand and said sharply: "You have to be clear about one thing, that is, your life is now in our hands. We want you to live and you will live, and we want you to die and you die. He doesn't have the qualifications to negotiate terms with us at all. Now they are all holding their heads and squatting in the corner. Whoever dares to get up, I will collapse."

Seeing the other party's aggressiveness, dozens of people immediately lowered their heads, then hugged their heads and squatted in the corner, not daring to move.

Outsiders, the persuasion to surrender continues.

The big horn is still screaming: "You all listen to me. There are still 10 minutes before the final surrender time limit. If this time is exceeded, then we can only razed this place to the ground."

Then, a cannon rang, causing a large hole in a residential building.

"Seeing it, this is the end of not surrendering."

The deterrence of force is much more useful than verbal persuasion. Immediately after the sound of a cannon, more than 100 people ran out, and even rushed to their knees directly to the ground.


"We surrender."

"We surrender!"

These soldiers are not surprised by the surrender of these people.

On the contrary, those who have not surrendered are the representatives of ignorance of current affairs in their eyes.

So the soldiers began to collect their weapons one by one, preparing to rush them to the underground parking lot.

Seeing the lack of spine of these people, a black man mocked in crappy Chinese language: "This is China, this is the integrity of the Chinese people. It's really laughable."

Seeing this black man who had almost melted into the night, a man who was about to hand in his weapons suddenly said loudly: "You, you actually work for foreigners!"

Hearing what he said, someone immediately became angry: "You are actually foreigners' doglegs, are you still Chinese?"

"Hack them!"

More than a dozen angry Chinese people immediately took up the knives in their hands and slashed towards the soldiers in front of them. Several soldiers were cut off by them when they were caught off guard.

They are not brave people, but because they are not awakened, they have been oppressed and exploited by the awakened.

For them, it's just another backer anyway, don't you recognize who is the boss?

Before, they also chose to join the Dawn Alliance because the Dawn Alliance was strong.

But since these people have guns in their hands, it is normal to choose a larger backing.

Even if it is to kneel to survive, they don't think it is a big deal. After all, some people cannibalism for survival, so what is kneeling?

But when they saw the black man arrogantly, these people became angry.

They don't think they are people with any national integrity, but they feel very angry when they watch this hilarious person show off in front of them.

People lose their minds when they are in the blood, so they are angry, so they lose their minds, and they have no other thoughts in their minds, only one thought: dry bastard.

"Kill the black dog!"

"Kill foreign pigs!"

They shouted angrily, wanting to hack to death the black man with the knife in their hands.



After a burst of machine gun fire, all those who resisted were killed, and even those who did not resist were affected.

These people fell to the ground unwillingly, their eyes widened till death.

Seeing the other party’s flaming machine gun, several people immediately knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy: "We did not resist! They were resisting!"

"We really surrendered!"

"Don't kill us, we really surrendered!"

With the leader, these people knelt down immediately, and some even threw away the weapons in their hands to express their sincere surrender.

Seeing the spineless appearance of these people, an officer said with disdain: "It's really a fool."

With that, he ordered the soldiers to take people to the underground parking lot.

However, the black eyes looked at him with disdain. Isn't this person also a yellow-skinned person? Isn't it still the same to be a dog for them?

After hearing the movement underneath, some people who were about to surrender clenched the knives in their hands, then hid in the corner, preparing to give the opponent a knife when the enemy came in.

But many people rushed out even more eagerly, throwing away their weapons to express their sincerity, and shouting: "We surrender, we surrender!"

Ten minutes passed quickly. These soldiers used machine guns to shoot them from time to time, and then bombed them with artillery fire, forcing more people to surrender.

In these ten minutes, more than 1,000 people came out and surrendered. They were all locked in the underground parking lot, and then more than 50 people were taken to guard the 1,000 people.

After 10 minutes, someone rushed into the residential building and started searching.

However, these screams belonged to people from the Alliance and soldiers from Jinling creatures.



"Hack this rubbish!"

"Hacked the traitor to death!"

Some people hiding in the corner immediately waved their machete when they saw someone coming in, killing some people.

They are not hiding here to endure humiliation, but to fight the enemy with their lives.

But more people were killed.

After all, the weapon equipment gap between the two sides is here, and it is difficult to make up.

Of course, more people hurriedly threw away their weapons after discovering them and knelt down to beg for mercy.

They are people who are lucky enough to see if they can escape the catastrophe. When their whereabouts are discovered, they immediately beg for mercy.

After a few minutes, the squad members who went in for the search escorted some people out, and reported to their superiors: "It is late at night, and we can't see clearly in the corridor at night, which caused us to lose a lot of manpower. Ask to act again during the day."

The commander looked at the remaining soldiers and said, "Alright, we have already controlled this place anyway. We have surrounded this place and put pressure on them. I don't believe that after their supplies are exhausted, Will still have such a backbone."

Then, he ordered more than a dozen supernaturalists, with more than 500 heavily armed teams, to surround all the four communities that had fallen here, and then prepared for the next move.

Their purpose is to arrest more people for biochemical experiments, not to kill people, but they believe that as long as they are tortured by their spirit, the surrender of these people will be a matter of time.

When the four teams took over command and decided to attack the most populous community at the end, some people couldn't bear the torture, walked out of their residences, and were locked into the underground parking lot.

After a brief reorganization of the army, under their new command and leadership, they went to the core community of the Dawn Alliance and the community with the largest number of people.

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