Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 253: living hell

"You said they can ignore the attack of the superpower?"

An officer kicked an escaped soldier in the chest and kicked him to the ground. "Do you think this kind of nonsense can convince me? I tell you, the reason why you lost to them was not because They are too strong, but because your group of trash is too timid, more than 200 people ran back. Don’t you know how to work hard?"

Nearly more than 500 heavily armed soldiers attacked, and even more than 200 people escaped.

In his opinion, this number is simply a shameful figure. More than 200 people successfully escaped, which means that they all gave up fighting at least when there were more than 300 people alive and started to flee back.

Several foreigners watching the battle in the rear looked at these people with contempt: "Yo! The soldiers of China are all like this."

However, they learned the lesson and did not use Huaxia to talk, but a general foreign language.

The commander looked indifferent: "It doesn't matter. It's a surprise to be able to test the opponent's ability. Others in this direction have some problems. We will send some people to other directions."

The officer said: "But who should I send?"

The commander looked at these deserters coldly: "Your cowardice has caused the shame of our Jinling Biological Corps. According to the company's rules, deserters must be sentenced to death, but I can give you a chance, a chance to redeem your sins. Just change the direction of the offense and continue to test."

The soldiers who had finally escaped fell to their knees immediately: "We can't do it!"

"There are ambushes behind them."

"We are not their opponents at all!"

"My lord, please forgive us!"

They were not a regular army at first, and even a miscellaneous army was not even considered. It was just that Jinling creatures picked out some tall men from the short ones, and then sent them equipment.

They originally thought that after joining Jinling Creatures, they would be able to enjoy them in the future, but they did not expect that they would still be greeted by hell.

The commander ordered: "All disobedience will be killed."

As a result, under a burst of machine gun fire, these survivors, after being killed one-third of them, attacked another door with a replacement company.

However, this time they chose an area patrolled by the military.

After dropping some corpses, they finally chose to retreat.

An officer said: "Is the firepower here the strongest, or do I have to change it, or just wait until the daytime view is better before attacking?"

"What's the point of swapping? Can the opponent leave a door unguarded? Then I wonder if they have laid a stronger trap."

The commander frowned, and then said: "Go to the parking garage, bring some people over, let them become our physical shields, drive them inside. Also don't idle, and let me attack the shield. Go, maybe the other party will go in after running out of energy!"


At his order, a company of people immediately began to go to the underground parking garage, ready to **** some prisoners over, and then prepare for battle.

In the underground parking garage, more than a thousand people were squatting together in piles. Some people had their legs numb and simply sat on the ground.

At the entrance of the parking garage, some soldiers are guarding here with guns.

At this time, several supernaturalists said something to each other, and then smiled, walking towards the crowd in the underground parking garage.

After seeing the people coming, the captives couldn't help but look up.

A supernaturalist held a woman's chin in one hand and said: "You look pretty beautiful, although some of them don't deserve my identity, but your luck is very good, you can get my favor."

With that, he pressed the woman to the ground and began to tear her clothes.

"Ah! Let me go, you beast!"

The woman desperately prevented the supernatural being's behavior, but she was helpless, her crying can only make the supernatural person more excited.

"Husband, save me!"

The woman looked at a man squatting on the ground with desperate eyes, but what made her feel desperate was a shivering figure.

"Yeah, you are her husband!"

A supernatural person who was selecting a woman suddenly became interested when he heard the woman's call.

The man was scared and sat on the ground: "No, I am not, I have nothing to do with her!"

The supernaturalist slapped the man on the face, and said with a grim look: "I said you are you. Now I order you to open your eyes and watch carefully how we play with your wife."

With that, several supernaturalists began to gather together, taking turns to inflict brutality on women.

Some soldiers couldn't help but join the ranks. They didn't dare to share women with supernaturalists, so they just dragged some women who looked good and began to vent the animal desires in their bodies.

And the woman looked at her lover like this, her eyes were filled with desperate ashes. Now her heart is not just despair, but there is only an abyss left.

The man didn't dare to close his eyes, he could only look like this, his eyes were full of humiliation and fear.

And these people in the underground parking garage are still watching, watching...

"According to the commander's order, we are going to choose some captives here as a meat shield."

The company responsible for escorting the prisoners came to the underground parking garage and began to prepare to hand over the prisoners, and then they saw this scene in the underground parking garage.

After seeing this scene, an officer frowned and said: "Let them stop, now the battle is not over yet! What kind of style does this look like?"

The officers in charge of guarding here said: "You pick some men and go! Brothers are all very hungry now, these women still have to keep early adopters!"

The officer sneered: "We took the prisoners here to use them as a meat shield. Do you think it's better to use a group of men as a bullet shield, or a group of women as a bullet shield?"

The remaining officers were speechless, but still had some unwillingness in their hearts.

The same is true for those soldiers, they have not yet their turn!

At this time, their eyes lit up and noticed that the soldiers who were preparing to **** the captives were also ready to move. One soldier had an idea and stepped forward: "Look, let us play with women in the base, but Those women don’t have a husband, or their husband is dead, so you don’t want to taste the wild ones?"

At this time, the escorted soldiers became more moved, and many people looked at their chief with longing eyes.

The remaining officers saw this scene, and gave them one final blow: "Since you want to use meat as a prisoner, you must have been fighting very hard! Maybe something will happen! It's better to talk to the front, just say These unruly people are not obedient, and we have spent a little more time teaching them."

The officer looked at some of the women in front of them showing a large amount of white snow, swallowed, and the Adam's apple rolled: "You are right, we need to spend some time."

"Long live!"

The underground parking garage was filled with the cheers of the soldiers and the cries of women. It became a paradise for soldiers, but it became a purgatory for those women.

When they surrendered, they only wanted to escape from hell, but fell into the real purgatory on earth.

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