Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 254: Chu Feng's arrangement

Two hours later, Chu Feng, who had recovered about half of his strength, now went out to inspect the situation.

After reaching Tier 4, although the speed of absorbing vital energy is much faster, it takes longer to store the vital energy. Even if Chu Feng continuously refines the crystal nucleus, he collects the people who were killed by him before. There are only so many corpses.

However, this was enough for Chu Feng.

Half of the vitality of Tier 4 and Tier 3, in terms of the amount of vital energy alone, is already more than twice that of the peak of Tier 3, and in terms of quality, it is even more different.

If it weren't for building an energy shield, Chu Feng wouldn't consume it so quickly.

"The situation of the battle hasn't reached the point where it's heated up?"

Chu Feng is a little strange, is there more reinforcements behind the opponent? Otherwise, why didn't the large-scale offensive continue for two consecutive hours?

Su Yuan guessed: "It may be because they wanted to be trapped. The eyeliner I stayed in the other communities reported to me. Many people were forced to go out and surrender under the pressure of their fire. Even now, even now, there are still scattered people searching in the community."

Chu Feng said strangely: "In other words, they still have many people who haven't surrendered?"

Su Yuan nodded: "There are a total of 14,000 people who joined the Dawn Alliance. According to the intelligence analysis I have obtained, about 3,000 people have surrendered, and there are some dead or injured, but most of them are still Hiding in residential buildings."

Chu Feng said: "It's not surprising, they want to get alive, so that the value for them is the highest."

According to the information obtained by Su Yuan, there are at least 7,000 or 8,000 people staying in the residential buildings. This number has surprised Chu Feng.

It is not that he has doubts about Huaxia's character, but he has doubts about how many people can maintain Huaxia's character.

Su Yuan continued: "We are now at the stage of being trapped. If we are trapped in the protective cover for a long time, it will definitely cause people's uneasiness."

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Although the alliance hasn't been formed for a long time, it can be considered as a common adversity. If they don't know what their correct approach is now, then people will be uneasy! Even if they run away halfway. , It doesn't matter."

Su Yuan felt helpless for a while, and Chu Feng still looked carelessly.

Obviously, many people can make them work for themselves with a little adjustment, but Chu Feng just refused to do so.

Of course, she didn't believe that Chu Feng really didn't care about these things. Otherwise, why would Chu Feng stay one more day to expand the recruits for the Dawn Alliance?

It can only be said that he has a shot in his heart and can measure the pros and cons.

"I'll go out for a while, wait here for a while."

As Chu Feng said, he walked towards the protective cover. The protective cover was built by him. Of course, it was easy for him to go out. So he chose a direction with few guards and walked out.

Putting a [Reduction Talisman] on my body, people outside would ignore Chu Feng's existence.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng came back with a heavy face.

Su Yuan asked with concern: "Did they make any big moves?"

Chu Feng nodded heavily: "Get ready to fight! The enemy will pretend to attack at the three gates, the main attack will be at the south gate, and all the military personnel will be replaced with alliance personnel, and the defense will be completed within 5 minutes. "

Although Su Yuan didn't understand, she still did.

After the military was replaced, they all felt a little dissatisfied.

The commander of the military combat company even directly said angrily: "I know that I am not your own, but my brothers and I are helping you fight now. Although we only have more than 100 people, I believe in our combined strength. Absolutely better than a thousand of you."

Although people in the army can't count one as ten, it's okay to count one hundred as one thousand, and even a lot more.

In the actual team cooperation, the larger the team, the greater the probability of chaos. In ancient battlefields, even hundreds of people died and thousands of people collapsed. Even if it was a tailwind, they would There will be disputes over each other's merits.

With the cooperation of ordinary people, one person's combat power is 1, and two people add up to 1.8, and ten people add up to half of the combat power.

Only a professionally trained team can have a powerful effect.

Chu Feng said: "I don't doubt your combat capabilities. I just have something to ask you for help. I can take you out of a path, and then detour behind the enemy from this path. When the enemy launches a general attack, you You can ambush from behind."

The company commander was a little embarrassed: "Um, sorry, I misunderstood you."

Chu Feng pondered for two seconds, and said, "With the quality of being a member of the army, you shouldn't have started to blame me just now without asking why, are you under too much pressure during this time?"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the people in the army are full of grief and indignation.

Seeing the expressions in their eyes, Chu Feng sighed in his heart and understood something.

Although he killed the insect king and contained the insect infestation, the world became more dangerous almost every day than the day before, and most of this danger fell on the military.

Soldiers are also human beings, and after removing their responsibilities that belong to soldiers, they are all living individuals, like everyone else.

Looking at them like this, the military should have received "lessons" again in all likelihood.

The company commander said bitterly: "We tried to implement the survival base model in a fortress and provided a safe shelter for 110,000 people, but then there was a rebellion. People outside wanted to go in, and people inside wanted to stop the outside. The people went in and they started fighting."

Chu Feng's heart shuddered: "You don't want to stop their disputes, right?"

The company commander said: "We have more than 3,000 brothers who wanted to maintain order, but they were resisted by the mob. As a result, more than 3,000 brothers were almost annihilated and fewer than 400 people survived."

Sure enough, did this happen?

Chu Feng sighed in his heart.

Although he has changed a lot of things, there are still many things that he cannot change.

He had learned about the current situation of the army from Su Yuyan. They distributed food and weapons to the survivors so that they could survive and have the ability to protect themselves.

But just the unfair disposal of a survival base caused large-scale riots.

Those who have been protected by the military and who have been able to protect themselves from the military have finally begun to work on their benefactors on a large scale.

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