Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 260: only one person

"Report, we sent two platoons, and the four masters with supernatural powers were all killed by the enemy."

A soldier reported to the commander in a panic.

The commander's eyes were cold: "How many people are there on the other side?"

Chuan Lingbing said: "There is only one person."

"only one person?"

An officer sneered and said, "You mean that four powers and two platoons were killed by the opponent alone?"

Chuan Lingbing hurriedly said: "It's not that we are too weak, but that person is really too powerful. He has a sword in his hand. Even if he is a supernatural master, he is not his opponent!"

The commander said: "In this era, it is nothing new to be a hundred, but since he dares to single-handedly make trouble for us, then teach him a lesson! Directly send three Tier 4 abilities, Two melee, one element, take his head off and bring it to me."


The soldiers led away.

A minute later, a soldier ran over in a panic, his eyes filled with fear: "Oh, it’s not good, all three supernaturalists were killed by the demon, and the three superhumans were even one. He died in the hands of that demon without even seeing each other."

A young officer shouted sharply: "Are those three all rubbish? You can't beat one of the three, it's really rubbish."

The commander glanced at him coldly: "Are you questioning the ability of the superpower?"

The officer's back was immediately cold, and the insults of his subordinates were fine, but he even dared to question the ability of the superpower. If it provoked the anger of the superpower, no one would want to protect him.

A strong white man said: "This is not a strange thing. We have just received an order from the headquarters. The team we destroyed had encountered a Tier 5 supernatural player. If it was a Tier 5 abnormal Those who are able, it is not a strange thing to kill three Tier 4s without the enemy's defense."

A Tier 5 superpower?

After hearing this term, a look of fear flashed in everyone's hearts.

In any case, Tier 5 is a powerful pronoun.

Even a dozen or so Tier 4 abilities who want to besiege a Tier 5 will have to pay a heavy price. Before the Tier 5 abilities are exhausted, he can even choose any enemy to accompany him at will. Go to the funeral together.

In other words, if you want to deal with Tier 5, there is only one way besides sneak attack, which is to drain the opponent's vitality.

An officer shouted immediately: "Since I know that there are peerless masters of Tier 5 among the enemies, why not tell us the news immediately."


After a gunshot, a blood hole appeared in the center of the officer's forehead.

The strong white man put away the pistol in his hand, and said: "The lower class dares to question me, it's really looking for death."

Then, several whites and blacks laughed together.

The surrounding soldiers and officers looked at the dead officer and laughed loudly, mocking the other side's recklessness.

The commander ordered: "7 company, 8 company, 11 company, 12 company, all go to besiege the Tier 5 superpower, and then dispatch all Tier 4 or higher superpowers to attack together, first use a lot of guns and ammunition. To consume the opponent's bodyguard vitality, and finally let the master make a move. Don't let the opponent escape."

Several messengers who had communicated orders immediately went down and began to communicate orders.

Because the communicator has not fully recovered yet, the communicator with inconsistent commands is manually communicated within such a short distance.

Now that they have arranged enough manpower, they can relax and start to deal with the members of the Dawn Alliance in the community.

Because the gap has been opened at the gate, they will be able to let more people pass through the gate and open a longer front to fight.

But because the resistance of the Dawn Alliance was too strong, the battle line was stuck.

After a while, the white man behind became a little impatient: "Why haven't we solved it until now? Don't the trash in front know how to fight?"

The commander wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "It's coming soon."

Then, he yelled at these messengers: "Hurry up and check what is going on inside? Why is the speed of getting in now slower?"

The messenger led the way. Before their news came back, suddenly another messenger cried out: "It's not good, the fourth-order supernatural masters are now half dead. Now, the remaining dozen people dare not go forward and fight at all."

Half dead!

This sentence is like a heavy hammer, hitting the commander's heart heavily. Every Tier 4 supernatural being is a lofty existence. Even if he is the commander, he did not let them die. Permissions.

So after the war, if the gains are smaller than the losses, he has to bear the responsibility.

"How many people are there on the enemy? How many ambushes are there?"

The commander shouted anxiously.

Chuan Lingbing replied weakly: "There is only one person."

The commander only felt dizzy for a while.

He has sent 4 troops over! In this way, it was dragged by the opponent alone, and more than a dozen supernaturalists were killed, or Tier 4?

Are these abilities too wasteful, or are they too wasteful?

"and many more!"

An icy look flashed in the commander's eyes, "Why are there more than a dozen adults with supernatural powers dead? What happened to the casualties of the four companies?"

The soldier in charge of delivering the order bowed his head and said: "Those adults with supernatural powers felt that they could solve it, so they started gang fights. The casualties of the army were not high."


The commander just wanted to explode, but he stopped alive. He ordered, "Give me the order. Only one of their enemies and their own lives can be left. The company has the means to control their lives. , Let them weigh the pros and cons!"


The messenger immediately rushed to the frontline battlefield and began to convey orders.

The commander held his forehead, his face full of pain.

Is it suffering for the death of those people? No, he did it for his own responsibility.

Those with supernatural powers are too idiotic. They obviously have so many strengths, and they want to play heads-up with the opponent, but they can't beat the opponent.

For him, those idiots died when they died.

But the superiors would never attribute the deaths of those people to their own stupidity, but to him as the commander's responsibility.

When he returns, he will face the harshest punishment.

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