Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 261: Sword of death

"This, can such a monster really be defeated?"

Some soldiers looked at the black shadows in the distance, their legs were soft, and even the guns in their hands were unsteady.

too frightening.

Just a dozen or so abilities that reached Tier 4 took action at the same time, but the other party killed all those abilities with a single sword.

Under the shadow of that black long sword, no one can make him use the sword for the second time.

Such terrible power left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

They have no doubt that no matter where the figure goes, it will only bring death.

Death is his shadow, killing is his wings.

At this time, an officer shouted: "You don't want to live anymore? Get a gun quickly. Even if you are an Awakened, the energy in your body is limited. Give me all guns and shoot them all."

A supernatural player cut off the head of a deserter with a single sword, and then shouted: "As long as you can exhaust the physical strength of that monster, everyone can get a chance to become an awakened."

Upon hearing this promise, excitement flashed in everyone's hearts, and then they calmed down.

Even a superior Tier 4 master, facing such a monster, there should be no chance of winning!

If you want to become an enemy with such a monster, what can you do as an awakened one?

However, when they saw the monster coming towards them, many people still fired recklessly, and they fired at the front regardless: "Don't come here!"

Countless guns fired at the same time, almost illuminating the night ahead into daytime.

Then, something exciting happened to them.

The invincible black figure finally retreated.

At first they thought they were dazzled, but when someone seriously saw the other side avoiding bullets and then retreating towards the distance, their hearts were filled with excitement.

"He has no energy."

"Go, this is a great opportunity for us to make merit."

"Brothers, kill!"

When they saw the death-like figure actually starting to escape, their tense nerves almost immediately broke, causing them to lose their minds.

Whether it was the joy of killing such a **** of death, or the rewards promised by their superiors, they made them ecstatic.

Of course, there is also the function of Chu Feng's [Confusing Heart Talisman].

[Confusing Heart Talisman] is a large-scale mental metaphor that makes people lose their minds. It has special abilities that make people excited and excited, and it is difficult to detect.

Of course, there are certain limitations, that is, it can only be infinitely amplified when the opponent's mental defense line has collapsed, or the excitement and excitement has been generated.

As a result, this group of soldiers shot in the direction of Chu Feng while shooting, and many unlucky ghosts were directly killed by their companions.

But they can't take care of that much now, they only know one thing, and that is they want to win.

They are going to kill the **** of death.

Several abilities players wanted to see if they could have a chance to miss it, but they were still stopped by their teammates.

A power player shook his head: "It's still too dangerous. When they really kill the monster, we can take the credit back."

The companions stopped immediately.

Chu Feng retreated backwards at half the speed. If the retreat speed was too fast, then the people behind would easily risk being lost.

Then, Chu Feng quickly came to the ambush spot.

When he saw the troops of the brigade following Chu Feng, the company commander and other military masters felt very unbelievable. Are those people so mindless?

Don't they even think about the possibility of ambush?

"Company commander, do you want to fire?" A platoon commander asked for instructions.

The company commander shook his head: "When Chu Feng comes back, the opponent will be closer."

Soon, Chu Feng broke into this residential building, and all the soldiers opened fire at the same time.


A large amount of tongues of fire spurted from their muzzles, and they began to reap the lives.

Although there are a lot of enemies now, there are about five or six hundred people, but they are all gathered in groups and there is no organization at all.

In such a formation, even if people from the rear raise a gun and shoot, they can hurt the front.

These people in the military are hidden behind a window of a residential building. Their firepower coverage nets and interweaving are a three-dimensional structure, so that they can sweep a large area even without aiming.


"There is an ambush!"

"Why is there an ambush here?"

"It's a trap."


The sudden firepower covering the net made them chaotic. The little blood that was finally inspired before, now seems to be poured on a basin of ice water.

The people who calmed down immediately began to turn around and run, but how can they still run away after they have entered the firepower coverage net?

The company commander looked at the useless behavior of these people, wondering: "Are they that weak?"

This weakness does not refer to weakness in strength, but weakness in mentality.

Among other things, don't you think about traps when you see the enemy running away?

Of course what he didn't know was that they hadn't really considered it yet.

Because these people fought a victory from the beginning, in their eyes, the Dawn Alliance is a waste group and a useless synonym.

Even if he built a tortoise shell for his own person, it was crushed and beaten by them.

Under such circumstances, how could they expect that a force would suddenly appear behind them, and then arrange a firepower called a net to deal with them?

After all, it is not a regular army, and you may not see the gap when playing a downwind, but once you encounter some setbacks, all the drawbacks will be exposed.

At this moment, the company commander suddenly saw a figure braving the fire and weaving the net, rushing out.

"Chu Feng, what do you want to do?"

The company commander was anxious and shouted anxiously, "The other party has more than 100 people left. You are looking for death in the past!"

Then, he saw a water dragon appearing on Chu Feng's body.

A water dragon flew towards the enemy's formation, dozens of soldiers in hiding immediately turned on their backs, and then one after another colorful formations lit up.

After setting up a few summoning circles, Chu Feng came to the rest of the supernaturalists non-stop.

Under the blast of the machine gun, some weak abilities were even killed directly, and the remaining more than 20 people were at least Tier 3 intermediate.

Then, he took out the black long sword again.

The name of this sword is the Sword of Death. It is not a real sword. It is a long sword of vitality after he comprehended the profound meaning of death and became a Tier 4, capable of condensing vitality into an entity. .

This sword has no entity, naturally it will not be damaged, and cannot be used to block, but it can penetrate everything.

This is the sword of death, the sword of death.

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