Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 262: Kill Tier 4

"So fast!"

When Chu Feng's figure rushed towards them, the supernaturalists were shocked and fled in the opposite direction.

Just now, Chu Feng's figure like a murderer left an indelible shadow in their hearts. If it weren't for the other party's "escaping", they would not even have the courage to commit suicide.

"Wind barrier!"

Chu Feng played a long-prepared Yuan Talisman, blocking all the figures of more than 20 supernaturalists who were about to escape, and then rushed into the enemy's formation.

Under the effect of the supernatural speed talisman, Chu Feng's speed was almost left behind. With such a terrifying speed blessing, a supernatural player had his head cut off before he could react.

"Fight back!"

"Extremely cut!"

"Strike Huashan!"

"Cut horizontally!"

Most of these awakened people are Tier 4 existences. Now that they can no longer escape, they can only fight back bravely.

But under Chu Feng's sword, none of them could have the power to resist.

The black long sword and a long knife staggered past, easily piercing the enemy's chest, while Chu Feng was a dodge, avoiding the deadly knife.

A spiral flame, centered on Chu Feng, spread towards 4 weeks, enclosing him and the two supernaturalists.

An ability person surrounded by flames cursed: "Old Feng, do you want me to die together?"

A fierce person with a fire system showed fierceness in his eyes: "There is no way, if you can't kill him, we will all die here, the explosion of flames."

As he said, the place surrounded by the spiral flame suddenly started a violent explosion.

"already settled?"

A power player waved his hand and raised a breeze, trying to blow away the smoke and dust. At this moment, a black figure suddenly passed by his side.

When Chu Feng's figure crossed with him, a black long sword had already taken off his head.

"The water dragon is coming!"

A long dragon made of water appeared next to Chu Feng, attacking the abilities that were attacking one by one. Although it did not cause much damage, it disrupted their steps.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the long sword in Chu Feng's hand shot again, harvesting the lives of three supernatural beings.

In front of him, even if it is a powerful Tier 4 ability person, it seems extremely fragile at this moment.

After seeing this scene, the faces of the remaining supernaturalists became extremely ugly.

"Monster, he is a monster."

"Impossible, I have also seen two types of superpowers, but why is he both so powerful?"

"Run away, we are not his opponent."

"This is a monster, not something we humans can contend with."

When Chu Feng casually killed their three companions, their hearts were immediately filled with fear.

They are superb superpowers, and they are all the pride of heaven who awakened earlier, how could they die here unclearly.

Their loftiness is all based on their lofty status. When facing death, their psychological quality is not much better than ordinary people.

As a result, several awakened people frantically attacked the wind barrier, trying to break the barrier that trapped them.

Under the joint attack of several abilities, and the sacrifice of three members as a cover, the wind enchantment finally couldn't sustain its shattering.

Of course, those who acted as cover were not really covering, but when they were attacked by Chu Feng, no one had time to help them.

"The barrier is broken, we can go out."

When the wind barrier was broken, their hearts were filled with crazy joy.

I was finally able to get rid of this terrible demon, and finally escaped.

They were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and they fled forward without looking back.

"The earth is cracked!"

Chu Feng played an enhanced version of the earth cracking talisman, creating a huge crack in the direction where everyone fled, and two supernatural players who were too late to react fell into the crack on the spot.

"help me!"

The two ability players stretched out their hands, trying to rescue their companions.

The rest of the supernaturalists saw the tragedy of their companions, and immediately made other actions that I didn't see, then jumped over the cracks and continued to flee.

"You guys, don't die!"

The eyes of the two powers who fell into the crack showed despair, and then the earth began to close, burying the two in the ground.

"17 people left."

With the death of one after another in the hands of Chu Feng, there are now 17 people left on the opponent. Because Chu Feng just picked Tier 4 to kill, only Tier 4 remains. Four people got off.

"If there is no way to kill them all, then kill those Tier 4 first! Blazing Flame Talisman!"

Chu Feng saw that these people didn't even dare to fight head-on, and fled without looking back, so he could only helplessly select some strong men to kill.

A bursting fireball with a flame tail, whizzed and flew towards a somatomanic superpower, and then ignited his whole body.


The selected lucky person uttered a scream, and then there was no chance to scream again.

The rest of the powers were scared to death. How many powers does this monster have? Is the world still unreasonable or fair?

Why give such a monster such a powerful force!

Of course, this world has never been fair.

As the awakened, when facing ordinary people, they have always been the greatest unfairness.

"The wall of the earth!"

Chu Feng didn't have many high-level Yuan Talismans equipped beforehand, and he still had to leave some low-level Yuan Talisman as a means to save his life, so he focused on the last three Tier 4 abilities.

A rock wall abruptly appeared in front of the last three Tier 4 ability players, completely blocking their escape route.

The three of them exhausted all their strength and barely broke this rock wall.

Before they could be happy, their eyes were filled with despair.

Because that black figure that looked like a **** of death had already come to them.

"Ah--" A scream echoed between heaven and earth.

After solving the last three Tier 4 ability players, Chu Feng used the communicator to send a message to Su Yuan: "A total counterattack!"

Putting away the communicator, he turned his head and looked behind.

At this moment, the army members who were ambushing in the residential building now looked at Chu Feng with monster-like eyes.

Is this really a human?

One person chased more than 20 supernaturalists to kill, is there still justice in this world?

Chu Feng's power gave them a great shock, making them a little doubtful about their past experience and whether they could really adapt to this era.

"Why are you still stunned? Go chase the enemy quickly!" Chu Feng greeted him, and then continued to pursue and kill the remaining enemy forces.

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