Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 264: Not qualified

It took less than 20 minutes to reverse the situation.

The Jinling Biological Corps, which was originally supposed to be the offensive side, can only hide in some hard-to-see places and use terrain to enter a comprehensive defense.

Some Jinling biological soldiers who hid in the residential building, now that they came to a safe place, started shooting from the window with machine guns.

Some ardent members of the Dawn Alliance wanted to rush in, but were repelled by the heavy firepower, and some corpses were left behind.

When everyone was on the same plane before, the effect of firepower was not great, and those with supernatural powers could resist firepower if they were prepared.

But now that the opponent has begun to deploy a three-dimensional defense line, they are somewhat powerless.

The same is true for those who hide in the underground parking garage. The underground parking garage has only one entrance, and the exit and the entrance are connected together.

If you want to attack, you have to face the situation of group attack after entering.

So far the battle has fallen into a stalemate.

Su Yuan gave an urgent order: "All retreat, don't enter the opponent's firepower point."

In such a chaotic scene, the transmission of orders is a very difficult thing. It took three minutes for the members of the Dawn Alliance to find their own shelters and hide.

Now that their faces are full of excitement, hunting down a group of people with hot weapons with cold weapons is like a dream for them.

When the fighting ceased, Su Yuan and Gu Nanfei came to Chu Feng's side and asked: "Next, how should we attack?"

The company commander said, "Everyone, don't think about the offensive. When Chu Feng was chasing and killing the enemy before, he let go of some weak enemies. I think at that time the vitality was not enough."

Chu Feng nodded: "My vitality is indeed not enough."

He can use the Spirit Gathering Talisman to gather vitality continuously, or drink the vitality water to supplement it, but after reaching Tier 4, the vitality in the body has also undergone essential changes, and the speed of supplementation has also become much slower.

This is not to say that the recovery speed of the fourth-order is slower than that of the third-order, but the upper limit has been increased a lot, and it seems that the recovery speed has become slower.

Everyone's expressions darkened, if Chu Feng's vitality was not enough, then the battle afterwards would indeed become very difficult.

And Zhao Fan and others also came to everyone's side.

Zhao Fan said: "My spiritual energy is less than one thing left. Even if there is a crystal core to help recover, it will take at least two hours."

Su Yuyan said: "I have half left, so I can clear a few military and civilian buildings."

Su Yuan said: "Then there is no way, but fortunately their vehicles and some of the materials they carry have all fallen outside. I think as long as they guard them for a period of time, they should surrender by themselves!"

Everyone also agreed, and the Tier 4 abilities of the Dawn Alliance also agreed.

Their power has also been consumed a lot, and the remaining power can only be used to protect themselves. If they want to charge forward, they are still incapable.

At this moment, a group of soldiers from Jinling creatures escorted a group of prisoners out of the underground parking garage. They pointed their guns at the prisoners’ heads, and threatened them, “Hurry up and let us live and let us go back, otherwise. If so, all the more than 2,000 prisoners here will die."

Chu Feng was surprised: "How come there are more than 2,000? Haven't you captured a lot of prisoners before sending them to death?"

A soldier of Jinling Biology said: "Of course someone surrendered again."

Everyone felt very speechless for these captives, and it was enough to surrender at the beginning. Now, when the Dawn Alliance retreats to advance and launches a counterattack, surrendering is simply an act of death.

Chu Feng nodded: "In this case, you can go back again."

The soldier said in surprise, "Don't you care about the life and death of these people?"

Chu Feng said coldly: "Since they have surrendered, and they surrendered before the Dawn Alliance completely collapsed, then they are not members of our alliance. You think we will release tigers and return to the mountains for the sake of some strangers. ?"

After listening to Chu Feng's unfeeling words, the people who were regarded as hostages screamed.

"Chu Feng, you are not human!"

"Chu Feng, you beast!"

"Chu Feng, you must die."

"We still treat you as our leader. That's how you treat us?"

Facing Chu Feng's unsuccessful behavior, their hearts were full of anger.

Although they surrendered, they surrendered because they were afraid of death!

Isn't anyone in the world afraid of death?

Therefore, they felt that their surrender was taken for granted, and Chu Feng's act of failing to save him after seeing death was a heinous practice.

The soldier thought for a while, and then said: "Perhaps we can talk about what conditions need to be met before you can let us go."

Chu Feng pointed to the prisoners who yelled at him: "Kill them before you can negotiate terms with us. Anyway, there are many prisoners in you, and they are not bad."

The prisoners scolded even harder.

"Chu Feng, you must die."

"You are not human, I am XXX."

"Chu Feng of the dog day, I want to X your XX."

But their cursing and cursing quickly stopped, because the soldiers thought it made sense. Since there were so many prisoners in their hands, they were not bad.

With a burst of gunfire, these prisoners were quickly killed and wounded.

After killing all the prisoners, a man who looked like an officer came forward and said, "I apologize for our offense. I hope that both of us can forget our unhappiness and become good neighbors who help each other."

Upon hearing these brazen words, the members of the Dawn Alliance shouted.

"Do you have the face to say this?"

"I still provoke you when I hired you. You will come to coax our home with a cannon."

"Take a gun to kill our compatriots, and still have the face to say forget the unpleasantness?"

"Want to ask for peace? It's very simple. Take out all your female relatives and let us play. If it makes us happy, we can think about it."

The officer looked at the slowly splitting members of the Dawn Alliance, and said with disdain: "It's really a group of people with no quality. Are your men with this quality?"

"Ha ha······"

After hearing this, Chu Feng didn't want to talk about it for a moment, "Quality? You are serving a group of bandits, doing things that are more excessive than bandits, and now have the face to talk to us about quality? I tell you, quality is only human Things worth talking about, you lackeys, no, yes, qualified, qualified!"

When he finished speaking the last word, the black long sword appeared in Chu Feng's hand again.

In the next instant, Chu Feng came to the middle of the group of soldiers.

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