Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 265: Life and death


A scream came out, and all the soldiers' heads were chopped off at the same time.

The reason why someone screamed was because Chu Feng still wanted to keep alive.

It's not for idioms, but for experimentation.

"You look at the entrance here, and I will come as soon as I go."

Chu Feng said, holding the last surviving officer in one hand, and then left here.

After the officer was taken to a corner by Chu Feng, he sneered and said, "No matter what you ask, I won't say anything. You use the same means."

"Who said I want to ask you something?"

Chu Feng sneered, then knocked him out with a slap and threw him into the Yuan Palace.

He doesn't care if the other party is hardened or not, he wants to investigate intelligence? Just relying on the discrimination against Chinese people by those foreigners, how could it be possible for a Chinese person to control enough intelligence? If this officer really has any status, will he be sent out for peace talks?

Chu Feng was also very speechless about the fact that the other party pretended to be hard.

This is like a Westerner who started as a robber. In order to conceal the robber blood in his body, he uses the appearance of civilization to label himself, and then informs everyone who is different from himself that they are unqualified people.

Such a person is the same, obviously bowing to the enemy, losing the waste of Chinese integrity, and now pretending to have a backbone, what pretend to be?

An animal can't pretend to be an adult anymore.

Now his only role in arresting this person is to study the influence of Chinese people on Yuanfu.

After reaching Tier 4, his Yuan Mansion expanded rapidly. The reason why his strength was still very slow after refining the Insect Emperor was that he had supplemented the Yuan Mansion.

Now his Yuan Mansion has the size of a county seat, that is to say, if he wants, he can even put their current conclusion into the Yuan Mansion as a whole.

This is the scale he reached only when he was at the seventh rank in his previous life!

Now that his Yuan Mansion already has such a large area, plus the vertical volume, many of Chu Feng's plans can be unfolded.

However, the first thing he must confirm is whether it can accommodate living people.

Then, Chu Feng portrayed the Spirit Gathering Talisman to help him recover his vitality, while observing the influence of the officer in the Yuan Talisman.

"It's different from the previous life. Because Yuan Mansion has the power of life in this life, he was not killed, but the vitality in his body is gradually losing. It doesn't matter if the dead are absorbed back to the world, why the living people? , His body has not disappeared, but his vitality has disappeared."

After observing and thinking for a while, Chu Feng roughly understood something.

"In the Yuan Palace, except for the core of the Yuan Palace, the concentration of vital energy is very low. As the so-called water flows down, his body's vitality is stronger than the outside world, and of course only vitality is lost.

"Is there any way to stop this process?"

"I understood death in my previous life, and life in this life, but there is only life in the Yuan Palace. Why can't I open up a space belonging to'death'?"

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's mind moved, and some blank places began to be filled with the rules of death, the rules of death and destruction.

When the area of ​​death was divided, Chu Feng only felt that something had changed in Yuan Mansion.

"Wait, why are these wheat growing again?"

The previous digestion of the corpses only allowed the wheat to germinate. Although the corpses have not been digested until now, the growth of the wheat has stopped.

Of course, it doesn't really stop, but it takes time to grow in life.

However, now that he opened up the dead zone, these sprouted wheat began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, some of the flowerpots and the plants in the flowerbeds that were collected in Chu Feng's experiment began to thrive, and some of the leaves began to turn yellow and began to wither.

Seeing the changes in these plants, Chu Feng had some insights in his heart.

"Life and death are opposites, but at the same time they complement each other."

"Everyone goes from birth to death, so it can be said that every life has already begun to die from the moment of birth, but this requires a process."

"In the external nature, the laws of life and death have been completely perfected, but in my small world, life and death are controlled by myself."

"In my Yuan Palace, because of the power of life, these plants will live and sprout."

"But death is the best growth!"

After thinking about this, Chu Feng manipulated some "death" power, no, it should be said that it was the power of life passing, and came to a wheat.

With the massive consumption of vitality in the Yuan Palace, the wheat quickly began to mature, and the entire process even took less than 10 minutes.


Seeing a piece of wheat from germination to maturity, Chu Feng's heart was full of joy.

He had experienced the dark years when food and water were most lacking. It was a shadow he would never be able to obliterate, and it also caused her inner strong obsession.

During those dark years, he gradually lost his last hope for humanity.

However, the existence of Yuan Mansion made him extremely happy.

As long as there is the existence of Yuanfu, then he can continuously plant here, and then open up a homeland that belongs only to himself.

Although I don't know how far I can grow up in the end, it is enough to take care of the people around me.

Speaking of this, Chu Feng couldn't wait to dump all the land from the outside world and the water from a lake in the Yuan Palace, and it took a while to calm down.

Only at this moment did he feel a trace of peace of mind.

In the dark end times, food and water are not only the guarantee of survival, but also the guarantee of human nature.

Some people who were originally good, after enduring prolonged hunger and thirst, turned into beasts.

Some people regret what they have done after regaining their sanity and even commit suicide directly.

But some people are getting deeper and deeper, and gradually cannot look back.

Maybe they are not wrong. After all, it is the environment that caused them to be in such a situation, but the world is inherently unfair, and the environment will not change because of your accusations.

Therefore, what Chu Feng has to do is to keep himself as a person as much as possible, so that the people around him can always maintain human dignity.

Let his insight gradually deepen, and subtle changes gradually occurred in the Yuan Palace.

The core symbolizing the area of ​​life is Lingquan, and the core symbolizing death is a black vortex. The two are far away and opposed to each other.

However, in Chu Feng's feeling, the two were fusing with each other while opposing each other.

Then, his gaze turned to his captive.

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