Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 266: Simplified corpse witch

For this captive, Chu Feng would never save his life.

Aside from the hatred of such doglegs, this kind of person has no value in life.

Even if he is a dog for himself, he still feels a waste of food!

Since he is useless now, then Chu Feng should also execute this person.

However, when preparing to do it, Chu Feng suddenly thought of a supernatural power, a supernatural power that could not be comprehended in his previous life, but can be comprehended now.

That is the magical power of refining corpse witches.

His mysterious exercises are all-encompassing. They are all proficient in fighting and assisting, and they only need to be operated step by step, without much practice and understanding.

However, there are some special methods in this exercise, which cannot be practiced unless certain conditions are met.

One of them is the means of transforming into a lich.

Transforming Liches is a means of some **** creatures. While we can transform wizards into dark creatures, we can also retain the ability to cast spells.

Such methods are very powerful, rare, and expensive.

Among other things, the value of the materials needed for the phylogeny of the lich alone can buy the life of a seventh-order **** creature in hell. It is considered the cost of refining. The birth of a lich is worth three. The bounty of a seventh-order **** creature is so valuable that it is unimaginable.

Of course, Chu Feng didn't have this price.

However, he can refine the corpse witch.

The corpse witch is a lich who understands the profound meaning of death, and is a method of refining his own puppet. Such a method is a bit evil, even in hell, it will be daunting.

"The means of refining living people into corpse witches, if it is a year later, people will have a much stronger ability to accept things, but now it is still difficult for people to accept what they don’t understand, so this means must not be shown In front of everyone, you can only use it in your own Yuan Palace."

After Chu Feng made up his mind, he was ready to transform this captive into a corpse witch...

A simplified version of.

No way, although he is now the leader of a huge power, he is still in the stage of being poor and white, and his assets and treasures are not much.

His most valuable thing was the Blood Drinking Sword, but it was also given to Su Yuyan.

It's not that he can't get good things, it's just that he doesn't like ordinary things. Instead of wasting time to find them, it is better to use this time to improve his strength and then grab more benefits.

Therefore, he can only refine the simplified version of the corpse witch.

Black lines of death entered the prisoner's body, and then the captured officer let out a scream.

"Where is this place?"

"what is this?"

"Oh no--"

It was that no matter how much he wailed and struggled, Chu Feng seemed to have not heard him, but he wiped out the opponent's mind without hesitation.

After about three minutes, the wailing voice gradually subsided.

The captured officer stood up, only grayish white in his eyes.

"Go, get the dead bodies of those bugs dealt with, and put the different organs in separate categories for me."

Chu Feng gave a vague order, and then the corpse witch refined by the officer began to act.

When the corpse witch was trained, the soul had already begun to blur and degenerate, only the instinct of the body and a small part of the judgment ability were left, and it could only follow simple commands.

That is to say, in the Yuan Talisman, Chu Feng has relatively strong control over the corpse witches, so that he can do these division of labor, otherwise, he can only command him to attack from the outside world.

No way, there is no simplified version of the corpse witch using any precious materials, how much more demanding can it be.

Moreover, the simplified version of the corpse witch has another weakness.

"Energy is conserved, and matter is conserved. The reason why so many weird energies appear on the earth is because the power that comes from another world is combined with the earth."

"Because the corpse witch has lost the characteristics of life, the efficiency of digesting and absorbing and transforming energy is not as good as that of a living person. As long as the corpse witch works too long, it will take a long time to rest before continuing to work, otherwise it will Damaged, about one hour of work, ten hours of rest."

"This simplified version of the corpse witch, it is estimated that the support time will be shorter."

"Wait a minute, why should I avoid waste? Just let him work to death."

When thinking of this, Chu Feng suddenly found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking.

Both corpse witches and liches need to be used carefully, because the materials they refine are very precious. If damaged, more than 80% of the materials cannot be recycled.

If this is just a simplified version of the corpse witch, there is nothing to worry about.

The energy consumed is provided by himself. After the energy is consumed, it will enter the Yuan Palace in another way. It only needs a period of transformation to recover.

And even if the prisoner's body is damaged, it doesn't matter, the body can be recycled anyway.

In other words, as long as this simplified version of the corpse witch is not sent to the outside world, it is equivalent to giving one more free labor, but the shelf life is a bit short, and it may be broken after a few days.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's heart became active again.

"If it is to refine people into corpse witches, I am still a bit grudge, but if it is these people who no longer regard themselves as human beings? What is my fear?"

Chu Feng's principles are developed in the future, and they are very different from current people's concepts.

He can treat the corpse of the enemy of life and death well, give the other party a cremation, and will not insult the enemy's corpse too much, even if it is a zombie, he is not willing to become a zombie.

However, these people have abandoned their own nation, their motherland, and their identity as a Chinese. In order to be able to be dogs, or become more advanced dogs, unscrupulous people, he really has no mentality. burden.

"I feel more ruthless than Zhou Papi!"

This thought flashed through Chu Feng's mind, and then,


It’s the same week when they’re peeling their skins. Anyway, they’re also being dogs for others, and they’re also being dogs for themselves. Now let them use their residual heat before they die.

"The Yuan Palace space is suddenly so big now, if you want to fill things, it should require a lot of labor!"

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's eyes became eager.

Asking him to treat those innocent people as labor and use their corpses as the capital for his own profit. Chu Feng would never do it.

But after he understood the sins of Jinling Creatures, for all members of Jinling Creatures, even those who were dogs for Jinling Creatures, Chu Feng didn't think there was any innocent among them.

There is no reason for the traitor to treason and betray China.

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