Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 267: Are we here to watch the show?

Chu Feng's "interrogation" lasted more than an hour before he slowly returned to the team.

Looking at Chu Feng with blood on her hands, Su Yuan twitched the corners of her mouth: "Did you ask for any key information? Did you gain anything?"

Obviously, she really thought that Chu Feng was interrogating.

Chu Feng shook his head: "His status is too low. I can only learn some basic information about Jinling Biology from him. I still have to capture some senior Jinling Biology officers before I can interrogate more."

Su Yuyan said: "There are people from Jinling Biology everywhere here. I believe they will be unable to help but surrender. It is not possible. I will go in and grab a few."

Chu Feng said: "Let me go! I can absorb the spiritual vitality of the supernatural power to make up for my own consumption. If the opponent just hides in a residential building, I won't have any problems, I remember there is such a one Foreigners hiding in residential buildings."

Anyway, his current status and strength are high enough that even if a part of his hole cards are exposed, it will only serve as a deterrent instead of making people daunting.

It is like a lottery ticket for a commoner, which will attract the envy and jealousy of people around, but if a billionaire wins a lottery ticket, it will only be a joke.

If it is a 5 million lottery in a big party, ha ha, that is, a lottery.

Chu Feng is now a big man on one side, a mere ability to absorb the power of a supernatural power. Although it is very powerful, it also explains the reason why he is so powerful. Calmly and casually exposing part of his hole cards will only increase. People around him trust him and make them feel safe.

It is easy to distinguish between the high-level and the bottom of Jinling Biology, just look at the skin color.

They still follow the traditional American concept of racial superiority and inferiority, and divide people into three to six or nine grades according to their skin color. People with yellow skin have the lowest status.

This is also the reason why Chu Feng did not prevent his parents from sending the secret information that they had finally obtained to the military. Even if it was not intentional, any help to this kind of company is a sin, and this can also give them a lot of peace of mind.

Before entering a residential building, a large number of machine gun bullets swept in the direction of Chu Feng, but such bullets were blocked by a vitality shield, and even Yuan Palace did not need to use it.

A Tier 4 capable person can travel through the rain of bullets.

A third-order warrior can also advance with bullets.

Over time, the deterrent power of ordinary guns will become smaller and smaller.

Seeing the scene of Chu Feng ignoring the bullets, the company commander's heart was mixed. He remembered the instructions given by the commander a few days ago: "Give me out to fight monsters. Don't be afraid of wasting bullets. I order you. Clean up all the bullets in my inventory within 15 days."

This sentence makes people impassioned and excited.

But at first, they used this sentence as a commander and asked them to fight the monster desperately, but now they understand that maybe the last sentence is the core.

The deterrent power of thermal weapons will become smaller and smaller. Really powerful thermal weapons require sophisticated electronic components, so they will lose more and more deterrence.

If these thermal weapons can be used as early as possible to give play to their due value, the role of these things will become lower and lower in the future until they become waste products.

Now that it is used up, at least after killing the monster, he can improve his strength a bit.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw some broken limbs falling from the window, followed by the figure of Chu Feng jumping down, and the flames behind him.

"Solved, he will solve it in a minute?"

The corners of the company commander's mouth twitched a little. In the presence of this existence beyond common sense, can the army still exert its due strength in front of him?

Fortunately, there are only a few such monsters, and the strength of the army is steadily improving, and more and more veterans have rejoined the army.

He still has high confidence that the army will once again become the pillar of China.

Another minute later, Chu Feng changed another floor.

A minute later, Chu Feng came out again...

A member of the Dawn Alliance muttered to himself: "Why are we here? Watching the leader's personal performance show?"

The scene was strangely silent.

What nonsense!

They originally thought that they could already become a force of the Dawn Alliance, and some powerful abilities were more active, thinking about whether to use their strength to get a little power.

They still dare not think about challenging Chu Feng.

But if a little power is allocated, this is not impossible.

But after seeing Chu Feng's amazing strength, they realized that Chu Feng didn't need them. If Chu Feng kept acting alone, no one would be able to harm Chu Feng.

In other words, Chu Feng is indispensable to them, but they are dispensable to Chu Feng.

Of course, if Chu Feng knew their inner thoughts, he would definitely tell them, in fact, you are still very useful to me, at least you can harvest a lot of crystal cores when you work!

Chu Feng was still harvesting lives, and the number of people in Yuan Palace's space was also increasing.

The reason why some limbs fell off was because he wanted to create an illusion for people, that is, he really killed all these people and dismembered them.

Coupled with the fire he set off afterwards, it makes it even more difficult to understand how many people died.

In this environment, no one will seriously count the dead bodies.

Even if half of the corpses were missing, Chu Feng could understate the sentence "I burned to ashes", and he could just pass it by.

Anyway, everyone will be busy next, and Chu Feng also has enough time to "take care of the funeral."

After Chu Feng's personal performance show lasted for 15 minutes, someone finally couldn't bear the tremendous pressure and ran out of the building, holding their hands high and surrendering to the people of the Dawn Alliance.

"We surrender!"

"Surrender and not kill!"

And Su Yuan directly ordered: "Throw all the weapons in your body on the ground in front of you, then put your head in your hands and squat by the side, otherwise you will kill it directly."

A soldier who was surrendering exclaimed dissatisfiedly: "Is this your attitude toward surrendering soldiers? I tell you, your actions violated human rights..."

"On the battlefield, if one's own life is in the hands of others, it's better to be honest."

Su Yuyan gently retracted the blood-drinking sword, the soldier in front of him had been sucked up by the blood of the blood-drinking sword, and his dry body fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing Su Yuyan's disagreement and direct action, the remaining soldiers who wanted to protest immediately threw out all their weapons, and then fell to the ground.


"We admit defeat."

"We surrender!"

Now they are left with crying and mourning. Obviously they are just fighting a battle. Obviously they have surrendered! Why treat them like this?

Do these lunatics not even satisfy the demands of those who surrender?

Is there any human rights?

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