Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 268: Blue Antelope Gold Mine

For these people who don't treat themselves as human beings and insist on being dogs for foreigners, Chu Feng and Su Yuan will never talk to them about human rights.

The foundation of human rights is one person.

"After confiscating all the equipment from those people, the interrogation begins, remembering to let them confess each other's guilt and the sins of Jinling creatures." Chu Feng said to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was a little puzzled: "Isn't it better to let the military do these things?"

She still had some trust in the military until Chu Feng, and there was nothing to hide this kind of thing.

After all, it is the guilt of the enemy, not his own guilt.

Chu Feng said: "If the military wants to go, you also want to go. Not only that, but also let more people participate in this torture, let the entire Dawn Alliance know about it, and even participate in it through the sidelines."

Su Yuan was a little puzzled by this order: "It shouldn't be necessary!"

Let the entire Dawn Alliance participate in the interrogation of prisoners, what is the point of Chu Feng's order? Do people in the entire league know that they are tortured to extract a confession?

Chu Feng shook his head: "Just do it, and when they say what they know, you will also know."

Then, Chu Feng held a comatose white man in his hand: "I will leave this to interrogation."

This time he really wants to be interrogated.

After all, the status of white people in Jinling Biology is still very high, and they know a lot of inside stories.

When he came to a remote place, Chu Feng directly posted an Ecstasy Talisman, and then began to ask: "Do you have a base near here?"

The Ecstasy Talisman is a simplified version of the Soul Searching Primal Talisman, which can make the opponent lose their mind, tell some important information, and do things that they didn't want to do.

This Yuanfu has a flaw, that is, it cannot touch the other party's psychological bottom.

For example, if the son is controlled to kill the father, as long as the son has feelings for the father, it is impossible to succeed, and vice versa.

The strong white man said in a muddle-headed manner: "Yes, we discovered that a mine site has changed a few days ago, so we established a base there, and found out that you actually came near us, and then we sent troops over. Grab some experimental products."

Mine, base?

It turned out to be like this...Chu Feng finally understood why the people from the Gu family didn't find the enemy when they cleaned up here.

This neighborhood is indeed one of the three important bases of Jinling Biology, but the reason why the other party did not establish the base near the spring is because there are more important things nearby.

"Wait, what they are talking about is the changes in the mine..."

Chu Feng's eyes suddenly became a little eager.

After the dramatic changes in heaven and earth, the entire earth has changed.

Not only are a large number of humans awakened with supernatural powers, many people have become zombies, and many creatures and plants have undergone mutations, and even soil and rocks have also changed.

When the vitality gradually flooded the world, spiritual springs symbolizing life appeared in many places, and mineral veins appeared in some places, capable of producing various metals.

The mine that allows Jinling Bio to build one of the three strongholds here is definitely not an ordinary mine.

Combined with Jinling Creatures producing biochemical mechanical beasts at almost no cost, as if the materials were endless, Chu Feng also roughly guessed what it was here.

"Blue Antelope Gold, also called Youlan Devil Gold, if there is really this thing, then as long as it can prevent Jinling creatures from obtaining mineral veins, it is equivalent to directly cutting off one of their arms."

Chu Feng's heart was full of excitement and strong killing intent, "Although Jinling creatures are powerful, if I cut off such an arm and can use this mineral vein back to me, then the strength gap between the two sides will not change. It would be irreparable that way, and dealing with them can also be on the agenda."

Blue antelope gold is the name of Jinling creatures, while Youlan Mojin is the name in ancient books.

This metal may not be as hard as some special metals, but it has very strong flexibility and ductility, and has a high degree of compatibility with life.

The level of science and technology on this planet is not bad, but because it is limited by many raw materials, so many things are so difficult to do.

For example, the robotic arm is something that was studied on the earth decades ago, but it has not been successful until now because there is no metal that can fit the human body perfectly.

And Blue Antelope Gold is one of them.

Lan Ling Jin can easily integrate with the human body to repair the injuries of the human body, giving the body a strength comparable to that of a steel body, while also having strong flexibility, which does not affect the performance of strength at all. There is also some space for storage. Huge energy, added to the crystal nucleus, can explode a fatal blow.

It is precisely because of this huge blue antelope gold vein that Jinling creatures can have a steady stream of powerful biochemical mechanical beasts, allowing them to have a steel army that is completely loyal to them, even the army can't help them.

If there is no such thing, plus the power core drawings of Jinling Biology that was intercepted last time, Jinling Biology will have to delay at least a few months to research these things.

This time is Chu Feng's opportunity.

Speaking of this, Chu Feng's determination to seize this vein is even greater.

After inquiring some more information, confirming his own guesses and some information from his previous life, Chu Feng installed this strong white man into the Yuan Palace, preparing to refine it into a simplified version of the corpse witch.

Anyone who was put into the Yuan Mansion by him should not come out in this life.

His Yuan Palace is getting bigger and bigger, and some coolies will be needed in the future. The best way to deal with these people is to let them do coolies and die.

After the "interrogation" was over, when Chu Feng returned to the group, he found that most of the people were full of righteous indignation, almost like eating people.

Before Chu Feng asked, Su Yuan explained: "The things Jinling Biology has done are beyond the bottom line of human beings. They arrested people for biochemical experiments, and even transformed some people into biochemical beasts. A beast similar to a zombie, able to take orders from them.

Now the big guys are puffed up, wanting to rush in at all costs, even if they die, they have to pull most of them as a backstop. "

There was anger in her tone as she spoke.

Jinling Biology, this is simply an organization that exterminates humanity. Compared with them, the zombies are almost cute and harmless to humans and animals.

After hearing their interrogation, many members of the Dawn Alliance couldn't help killing their interrogation object, and some even couldn't help directly slashing them.

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