Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 269: Fire parking garage

Chu Feng said solemnly: "I have also learned about this, what Jinling Biology has done is trampling on human nature, and as long as this kind of existence is around us for a day, we will never be at peace."

Su Yuyan also agreed: "Now we can be sure of one thing, that is, all the people of Jinling Biology. As long as they are alive, none of them are innocent."

As long as they are alive, no one is innocent.

This sentence is simply the most suitable for describing Jinling creatures.

Because all those who can't understand what they do, and those who don't want to get along with them, have all become experimental objects in the laboratory, or beasts without the mind.

And Gao Yangsong and the company commander also said angrily: "Jinling Biology’s approach is simply an extinction of humanity. Our military will never let such an enemy be spared. No matter what the price is, we will definitely want this animal. The formed organization was completely wiped out."

Chu Feng said: "I'll go and get rid of the people in the parking garage. After getting rid of them, the Dawn Alliance declares war on Jinling creatures, and they will live and die forever."

Su Yuan said: "There are too few entrances to the underground parking garage. Although the earth-type supers can open the situation, the opponent also has the earth-type supers, which can strengthen the ground, so it can only become a war of attrition, and ours The number of abilities is not as good as the opponent."

A large number of members of the Dawn Alliance shouted: "Leader, let us rush in! I don't care about anything now. Even if I fight my life, I must help the leader open the situation in the parking garage."

"Yes! As long as I can kill these gangsters, I am willing to go desperately."

"Don't say anything, just **** them for me!"

Now the members of the Dawn Alliance were suffocating in their hearts, wishing to kill all the clutter inside, not letting go of them.

Even if they use their lives to clear the way, they are willing.

The company commander also said: "The professional thing of opening the situation is left to us. After I rushed in with my brothers, you immediately followed."


Looking at the people who took the initiative to fight, Chu Feng sternly shouted, "There are still many people in Jinling Biology, and there are many things like the group of beasts underneath. Everyone has a long life, and they all give me a living. Live until I kill all the shreds of Jinling creatures."

Chu Feng's aura shocked everyone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Feng continued: "Do you think you can kill all the enemies with a stream of enthusiasm? Have you ever thought about the captives inside? I can tell you plainly, those Xiang Jinling creatures. I will kill all those who surrender, even the weak women. If you have this consciousness, then take a step forward. If anyone thinks that the captives should not be killed, then take a step back."

After all, he waited for everyone's decision.

Kill the prisoners, kill the defenseless prisoners.

This is something that even iron-blooded soldiers can hardly decide in any age.

This is not simply a ruthless issue of an order, even if Su Yuan issued such an order before, there are still many people who refuse to comply.

Really encountered such a choice, most of them are difficult to start.

A man walked directly out and shouted in a rough and loud voice: "Before many of our brothers, it was because they refused to kill each other as a shield captive, which caused many casualties and almost made them beat them. Go inside, if you refuse to do anything to those who surrender, then you are joking with the lives of your brothers."

Another person stood up and said, "That's right! If anyone has the benevolence of a woman at this time, it would be equivalent to sacrificing the lives of brothers and let me go behind."

"Since they have surrendered to Jinling creatures, they are the enemy. Since they are the enemy, what else can't be killed?"

One member scrambled to stand up, and no one was willing to fall behind.

The members of the Dawn Alliance had suffered too much before, and that was a lesson learned in exchange for their brothers' names.

Now facing the same situation, no one has stepped back.

"Very well, now that everyone has such awareness, then our victory is inevitable."

Chu Feng said, "The next strategy is very simple. I'll force them all out of the mouse den, and then you can hack to death these beasts outside."

Su Yuan yelled anxiously: "No, this is too risky."

Chu Feng shook his head: "No risk at all, I am prepared."

With that, he took out barrels of gasoline from the storage space of the talisman, and finally took out more than 100 barrels, and then threw the gasoline directly.

This was the gasoline he had taken from the gas station earlier. It was used up when he encountered Jinling creatures, and most of it is still in the storage space.

When he went out to search for supplies later, he also loaded a lot of gasoline.

He knew that these things were very useful for a long time, so he prepared a lot. Now is the time to come in handy.

His vitality will be used in more useful places next, if it can be saved here, just save it!

Anyway, most of the cars now have been damaged, and the car production line has been stopped, which is the so-called worry about future plans.

After pouring the gasoline directly in, Chu Feng began to ignite.

A large amount of gasoline burned in a confined space, which quickly caused a violent explosion, which directly collapsed the ground of the underground parking garage.


"Dawn Alliance, you are too much, you actually use such a method."

"Too despicable."

"A group of despicable little people."

"Ah! We surrender."

The violent explosion caused a lot of casualties, but there were also a lot of people, and most of those who had awakened supernatural powers, survived.

Some of them cursed and were angry at what the Dawn Alliance had done, and some of them saw that the situation was bad and wanted to surrender immediately.

However, Chu Feng would not give them a chance to surrender.

Zhao Fan and Chu Feng released the fire of **** at the same time, igniting all the gasoline in them, causing a bigger explosion in an instant, causing countless casualties.


"Kill these beasts!"

Upon seeing this, the members of the Dawn Alliance yelled immediately before they waited for the higher-level order to be issued, as a desperate symbol of killing others.

Chu Feng didn't stop them from their brainless behavior. They were all suffocating their minds. If they weren't given a chance to vent, it would hurt them.

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