Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 270: Count the losses

The night gradually came to an end, and the sky began to appear white.

After a long night of fighting, the enemies of Jinling creatures have been wiped out.

Not only the army formed by Jinling creatures, he was the captives who surrendered Jinling creatures, and now they were all killed one by one.

During this period, many people wanted to surrender, but they were all rejected.

Because they knew that there was nothing to talk about with these captives. You violated our homes, violated our women, killed our compatriots, and now you talk to us about quality, and you scold us for the sordid tactics we used. Shameless.

Is there really anything to talk about with such a person? Such people should not be regarded as adults at all.

Although Chu Feng still wanted to grab some coolies to build his own Yuan Mansion, to him, the role of these dead people was far more important than that of living people.

So Chu Feng allowed the members of the Dawn Alliance to kill these enemies.

After solving all the enemies, the Dawn Alliance began to count the losses.

There are more than 12,000 members of the original Dawn Alliance, of which more than 3,000 are non-combat members. Some of those people are women who only want to find a man to rely on, and some are children protected by their parents. These people Always in a safe place.

Because of the hard life in the fortress before, many women felt that men were simply unreliable, so many women became combatants.

They feel that even if they don't have the courage to go to the battlefield, at least they have to have some strength to protect themselves, otherwise they will be insulted by a man and there is no way to resist.

Now that he has the strength, even if he still can't beat a man, when he is insulted, it is still okay to save a bit of energy and pinch the opponent off.

In this battle, the fighters of the Dawn Alliance directly lost more than 1,200 personnel, half of which were because they refused to kill the captives, causing unnecessary casualties.

Such casualties are even greater than when they faced the bugs last time. Those members of the Dawn Alliance who have not killed enough are now full of hatred.

The non-primary Dawn Alliance members who joined later have a total of more than 14,000 people. They directly reduced their staff by more than 3,000 when they attacked Jinling creatures. Many people later went out to surrender. When everything settled, they only The number left is less than 6,000.

No matter what kind of mentality these people hold, since they did not surrender to their enemies when they were trapped to death, then Chu Feng was willing to accept them.

And those members of the Dawn Alliance of the direct line are also willing to accept them.

After all, not everyone is willing to spare their lives to fight the enemy. They can hide, and would rather die than surrender. They are already good people.

If they stand in the same situation, they will probably hide.

Su Yuan started ideological work on these remaining people.

"This is a dangerous era, this is a disaster era, we not only have to face the hunt of zombies, the threat of insects, but also the sinister hearts of people."

"Even if we just want to live in peace, hiding in a corner where no one sees, eating and waiting to die, it is a luxury."

"But even in this dangerous era, we still have people who can fight side by side, and we can join hands to deal with the threats of foreign enemies."

"If you want to survive, then join us to build a home of our own, and then use our fists and weapons to defend our home."

Su Yuan's words were very provocative. After listening to many people, there was a ray of hope in their eyes.

They did have some careful thinking before, and wanted to use the power of the Dawn Alliance to enjoy the benefits of the Dawn Alliance, but they refused to obey the orders of the Dawn Alliance.

But after the disaster last night, everyone's thoughts are gone.

If you have not experienced the severe beatings of the society, you will not have a long memory.

In the face of those heavily armed enemies, they have no room for resistance at all. If it were not for the Dawn Alliance's final counter-kill, they would not know how long they could hold on.

Even if you want to fight for power, at least you have to survive!

With this kind of mentality, they have no more thoughts now.

For them, the only important thing is to live.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Who knows if you want to use us as cannon fodder when you say these things? Do you want to use us as coolies?"

"Yeah! If you have the ability to send us better weapons, then we will definitely help you fight!"

"It's okay for us to join, but you must make a promise in front of everyone that you will never use us as cannon fodder and sacrifice bait."

"We also need to give us enough food and water to guarantee our lives."

"If you don't agree, then we will never join."

A small part of these people are supernaturalists, and most of them are relatives or family members of supernaturalists. They feel that the Dawn Alliance should be short of people now, so they put forward their own conditions.

After all, they are considered talents and feel that they should be qualified to make demands.

However, what made them feel embarrassed was that very few people responded to them, and the members of the Dawn Alliance, who were originally members of the Dawn Alliance, are now looking at them with cold eyes.

After feeling this strange atmosphere, their voices gradually weakened.

Nowadays, some people feel weird. Usually when they shout like this in the crowd, there should be many people who echo them!

Why are not many people responding to their call now? Don't they want to fight for better conditions and a better life for themselves?

Su Yuan looked at them with cold eyes: "Since you are not satisfied with the Dawn Alliance, you can leave now."

A young man who took the lead in the call was somewhat unresponsive: "What did you say?"

Su Yuan said: "The Dawn Alliance was not originally an alliance that forced people to join. We are just a group of people who want to live. If you are not satisfied with our regulations, then you can leave. We will definitely not. stop."

The young psychic was a little angry: "You want us to join, shouldn't you show some sincerity?"

Su Yuan said: "If you are not sincere, and are willing to join us and become our companions, then accept our rules. If you are unwilling, you can leave now. You have not brought any benefits to the Dawn Alliance, and don't want to get anything from the Dawn Alliance. thing."

"You must want to use us as cannon fodder. Don't believe them."

The young man said that he wanted to leave, and he was surrounded by a group of his cronies.

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