Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 271: Homecoming and expulsion

As a group of people left, more and more people wanted to leave.

They can't help but call us back!

With this kind of thinking, some people who thought they should be useful now wanted to leave without looking back, but then they discovered something was wrong.

Why are so few people following me?

When they reacted, they found that there were only more than 200 people who had left with them, and all the others remained.

The young man felt a little guilty. He shouted at those who wanted to stay: "Do you really want to be their cannon fodder? Can't you see through their true colors? If you listen to them, you must Will be treated as a coolie and die as a cannon fodder."

However, no one moved.

It seemed that the scene was a little awkward, and one person took a step forward, breaking the stalemate.

The young man felt that his words were still very effective, so he shouted excitedly: "Yes, everyone must see the true colors of some people..."

"Do you have a way to keep us alive?"

The one who appeared was a middle-aged migrant worker, he shouted to the young man, "If you think they want to treat us as coolies, as cannon fodder, then please tell us, if we leave the Dawn Alliance, Can you keep us alive?"

The young man felt a little guilty, of course he didn't think so much.

In fact, he didn't even think about leaving the Dawn Alliance. He just wanted to fight for better conditions for himself, using the Dawn Alliance to recruit people and forcing them to give more favorable conditions.

However, now he is already riding a tiger: "There is nothing wrong, as long as we leave with us, we will be able to unite and face the dangers of the outside world together. We will never treat everyone as cannon fodder and let us be trapped in these residential buildings. Inside, but refused to help."

The middle-aged man with the appearance of a migrant worker laughed loudly: "Hahaha, in the Dawn Alliance, we can use the knife in our own hand, and then use the monster corpse to make it in exchange for edible food. Tell me, if you follow , How much food do you have for us to eat?"

The young man's face flushed a little, and he was too angry to speak.

Who is leaving? Didn't he want to make conditions!

And the people around him who were incited by him now have a thoughtful look in their eyes.

The migrant worker continued to shout: "Let's ask you one more question now. After we follow you, where can you take us to live? Can you find a house to live in?"

Those people's eyes are even worse when they look at young people.

Not only do they have a residence here, but in the future, they will build a more sturdy residence with an energy shield that will allow everyone to sleep well.

But follow this young man out? What can they get?

The migrant worker continued to ask: "I will ask you one last question. If we encounter such an enemy next time, can you protect us?"

Many people who were incited by a few words of young people are now sober.

"I'm not leaving."

"I want to join the Dawn Alliance."

"We are the members of the Union in life, and the dead members of the Union in death."

"I'm not leaving either, I want to stay."

Just kidding, next time you encounter such an enemy, how can they still survive.

The young man seemed to be thinking about them, but in fact he didn't think about the future for them at all. Following him out was the dead end.

The young people looked at these people who wanted to run back to the Dawn Alliance and shouted with a blushing face: "Then can they protect you? Can they protect you? Can you live by following them?"


A cold voice came, accompanied by a familiar black figure, appeared in front of those who wanted to return to the Dawn Alliance masses.

Chu Feng!

Seeing this familiar figure, this figure as powerful as a demon god, many people felt their legs tremble and dare not speak much.

Although he just stood there quietly, his aura almost formed a wall, preventing everyone from wanting to return to the embrace of the Dawn Alliance masses.

Chu Feng said coldly: "I have made everything clear here. The Dawn Alliance will not give anyone anything in vain. Even if we become our members, we will not give you any grain, nor Will protect anyone, and will not give anyone preferential conditions."

"Hahahaha, have you heard?"

The young man laughed excitedly. He didn't expect that Chu Feng would say such things in public. Isn't he afraid that these words will make everyone discouraged?

An alliance that has no benefits after joining, who else would like to join?

Even those who wanted to return to the embrace of the Dawn Alliance had doubts in their eyes now.

"Have you heard? The Dawn Alliance will not give you any benefits. They will only use you and treat you as cannon fodder. A place where everyone's safety cannot be guaranteed. Only fools will join such an alliance. Do you think it?"

However, his words still could not break the silence.

Many veteran members of the Dawn Alliance looked at him as if they were looking at a clown.

It is true that Chu Feng would not give anyone anything in vain, but as long as he was following him, no one was hungry!

Although there were indeed casualties when facing the enemy, if there weren't for Chu Feng's desperate fight, they would have died now!

Is there something wrong with this young man's brain? Will say such a thing.

The leader will not give us these things in vain, but we can get them through our own labor. If you follow you, how do you provide them to us?

Gradually, the atmosphere became more awkward.

"In the Dawn Alliance, no one can get something for nothing."

Chu Feng’s cold voice reached everyone’s ears, “Since you are not satisfied with the Dawn Alliance’s system, please leave. Dawn Alliance is indeed short of talents, but what we lack is talents, not a group of mixed Eat waste waiting to die."

The young man said loudly: "Did you hear that? The leader is calling you rubbish! Are you willing to be treated as **** like this? There is no way out for everyone to stay here."

Is this man a fool?

This is the mind of most people in the Dawn Alliance.

Only those who have earned nothing are treated as waste. What qualifications do you have to say to everyone?

He is crazy.

Chu Feng looked at the eyes of the young man who was about to collapse, and then gave a fatal blow: "Now you take these people who want to leave with you, and leave the Dawn Alliance! If you can't disappear within 10 seconds Before my eyes, I will let you disappear into this world."

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