Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 272: Build our home

The young people's act of inciting everyone to leave eventually turned into a farce.

Some people who had regretted hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, but their final result was indeed beheaded by Chu Feng mercilessly.

In fact, these people are not capital sins, nor are they serious criminals.

They just want to fight for a good condition for themselves, or they are afraid of the dangerous environment and worry about their future.

Such a person may not be unable to use his strength as long as they are trained.

If it were normal, Chu Feng would not kill them either.

But Chu Feng knew that these people absolutely couldn't stay, and now is a good time for those who originally disobeyed the alliance to join the alliance, it is a time for people's hearts to float.

If at this time, he chooses to take in the top of the wall, it will definitely be a blow to those who are loyal to the Dawn Alliance.

Why should a group of clowns enjoy the same treatment as those of us who really want to take refuge?

This kind of thought is usually nothing. At this critical time, it can easily become a powder keg that ignites everyone's anger.

You may not see anything in a short time, but it is definitely a big hidden danger for a long time.

It is precisely because of such a loss that Chu Feng made the survival base he built in the future almost collapsed, and even laid the groundwork for the expulsion of the builders of his survival base.

How could he have made the same mistake after suffering such a loss?

Chu Feng did not participate too much in the reconstruction work after the battle.

He just planned the land near Lingquan as land for planting crops, but the plan was not much, only five or six thousand mu.

There is still a lot of farmland to be developed nearby, but because of the approach of the enemy, Chu Feng does not have much power to build too many energy shields, but he thinks it should be enough, because there is such a spiritual spring. The grain output per mu of land can feed 15 people.

Such a number seemed unbelievable in the past, but it seems to be no more than that now.

One day after the battle, Zhang Ziqing also woke up.

To Chu Feng's surprise, Zhang Ziqing actually reached the fifth rank.

Countless people express their envy and hatred for the same upgrade speed like this. Is this still unreasonable? It would be too unfair to reach this level after sleeping.

But Chu Feng knew that there is no free lunch in the world. The more things you get, the greater the price you will have to pay in the future. If you don’t have yourself, Zhang Ziqing will not only not live long, but will also become the fulcrum for **** to invade the earth .

There are now three Tier 5 masters in the Dawn Alliance, and the speed of building the energy shield has also been greatly improved, which gives the Dawn Alliance more confidence for the next war.

When building the energy shield, Zhao Fan and Zhang Ziqing discovered that the energy shield, which was originally an understatement for Chu Feng, is not so easy to build.

Moreover, the enemy that the energy shield can resist is also the enemy of Tier 3, and it is still difficult to use it to resist the existence of Tier 4 and above.

Also, that is the long-term maintenance of the energy shield.

"The human body is divided into five elements, and the elements are divided into four phenomena. If you want a protective cover to operate for a long time, then the protective cover must have its own ability to gather vitality."

Chu Feng portrayed a five-element formation in an open space, "This formation is the node of the protective cover, which can continuously draw vitality from the sky and the earth, supplement energy for the maintenance of the protective cover, and can also serve as a certain storage. effect."

Zhang Ziqing was pleasantly surprised: "Can I learn?"

Chu Feng said: "You will learn in the future, but now, the job of the two of you is to build the energy shield, and mine is responsible for establishing such a node to provide energy for the shield."

With the help of two Tier 5s, Chu Feng's workload has also been a lot easier.

In less than five days, the construction of the energy shield has basically been completed, and there are some details that need to be added in the follow-up, and it will have to wait until after a decisive battle with Jinling creatures.

Within these 5 days, the new residences of the Dawn Alliance have also been established. Here is a large-scale three-dimensional building. Although the area is not much larger than that of a high school with two thousand people, it can be lived in. The population is as many as 100,000.

After all, there is no need to consider lighting, no elevators, and a lot of unnecessary buildings.

The reason for this construction speed is that those soil awakeners headed by Li Xiao directly used their abilities to select the strongest rocks and building materials, and built a frame in one day. The following 4 All days are for minor repairs.

The doors and windows of a brand new residence are also easy to solve. Now most people's physical fitness has exceeded the limit of the human body. Just remove the doors and windows from the old buildings and install them in a new place.

It's just that the doors and windows of the past have the effect of protecting everyone's safety, and the current doors and windows are probably somewhat unstoppable against mutated mosquitoes.

If it were not for everyone's sense of security, Chu Feng's initial design would only consist of vents and portals.

New residences and other daily necessities are also easy to solve. The total population of nearby counties and villages has reached more than two million. Therefore, a large number of alliance members continue to carry a large amount of living materials from nearby. There are many foods that have not had time to be found by wild animals.

During this collection process, members of the alliance encountered many mutant rats.

Although the individual abilities of these mutant mice are not strong, they are simply pervasive. Many of the refrigerators and cabinets they found to store food have been cleaned by the rats.

After seeing this scene, the members of the Dawn Alliance understood why Chu Feng had set the price of food so high in his exchange list, whether it was sold or recycled.

Because over time, those foods that can be found by humans are generally found by these mutant mice first.

At that time, if everyone cannot find a stable source of food, then everyone will have to sit back and eat in the future.

When all the food is exhausted, disaster will follow.

After the members of the Dawn Alliance settled in the brand new residence, the senior members of the alliance gathered together again and started the second full meeting.

The theme of the meeting is the next development of the Dawn Alliance, the enemies it will face, and the question of how to form its own army.

Of course, there is also an upcoming question, how to distribute the crops in the farmland?

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