Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 273: Vein monster

"Now all the problems are postponed. Our biggest problem is how to solve Jinling Biology."

Su Yuan sent a report to everyone at the meeting, "The weapons and equipment promised to us by the army have been delivered. Now we can arm a corps of more than 10,000 people. It is also very easy for us to be a soldier. , But, are these hot weapons going to be sent out?"

Gu Nanfei said: "It must be used. The equipment that Chu Feng can build is limited. If there is no such top-quality equipment, hot weapons will still have a great advantage against cold weapons, but they were the last time they attacked. I chose the night, so I will suffer. If it is daytime, then the outcome is not yet known."

Sneak attacks do not necessarily have to be at night to have the best effect. Under such complex terrain, sneak attacks at night will restrict one's sight.

So in terms of equipment, the Dawn Alliance actually has a disadvantage.

Although there are also many ability players who try to build some equipment with their own abilities, the quality of the equipment that everyone has created is somewhat unsatisfactory.

But if they all rely on Chu Feng to build equipment, it would be a bit difficult.

Fortunately, people from the army sent a large amount of equipment, whether it was guns and ammunition, explosion-proof shields and explosion-proof suits, as well as batons and electric forks, which solved everyone's urgent need.

Now that most people can be fully armed, their sense of security has improved a lot.

But there is still a problem, and that is the distribution of thermal weapons.

Chu Feng hung a hand-drawn map on the blackboard: "I have already thought about this problem. There are 6 entrances and exits in the brand-new survival base, and they can be closed at any time. I have asked people to set up among these 6 entrances and exits. With six watchtowers and six machine gun fortresses, only those who are defending in the machine gun bunker are eligible to take guns and must not take the guns out of the bunker."

Su Yuan said: "Now many people want to exchange what they have in their hands for hot weapons, and the leader has also opened up the exchange list for hot weapons, but if you only exchange for a hot weapon that can only be used in the machine gun bunker, I think everyone's enthusiasm should be Decrease a lot."

Chu Feng said: "If they are exchanged private guns, they can leave the survival base, search for supplies, and use them when they fight monsters. After they come back, they can keep the guns in the special weapons warehouse of the machine gun fort. Bring the gun home to the residential area, otherwise it will definitely cause panic."

Everyone agreed with this proposal.

Men’s desire for thermal weapons is directly proportional to people’s fear of thermal weapons.

Now their brand-new residence, the crowd is very dense, if someone takes the thermal weapon back to where they live at this time, it will definitely cause panic among the people around.

Although everyone has gone through the suffering of this period of time and has become stronger, but at the same time, everyone has become more sensitive to the dangers around them.

So even if you exchange hot weapons, you can never bring them back to your residence.

In the next hour, everyone discussed some details to arm everyone.

After formulating a detailed equipment distribution and meritorious service system, Su Yuan presented the information she had obtained during this period: "Jinling Biology just built a stronghold less than 10 kilometers away from us. The last time they conducted a large-scale invasion After the failure, this stronghold was again occupied by a group of monsters. We thought they should give up here, but just yesterday, some members of the alliance discovered signs of their presence nearby."

Everyone feels a little worried about this.

The distance of 10 kilometers is the distance between the city and the countryside. With the current physical fitness of the people, it only takes an hour for even a large army to march.

If you add a vehicle to transport it, it will be faster.

Gu Nanfei said: "According to the results of our last interrogation, the reason why Jinling Biology refuses to give up there is because there are a large number of special metals there, which is very helpful to their research. If the research is successful, they will not be afraid. Any enemy."

Xu Yan said: "As the so-called bedside, you can’t allow others to sleep soundly. Since Jinling creatures have not given up there, they will never let us go. If that vein really helps Jinling creatures, it’s better for us to take the first step. Is it occupied?"

Hearing her idea, everyone's eyes lit up.

Su Yuan said: "This idea looks good, but there is a big problem, that is, we don't know how strong the monsters in the veins are."

Xu Yan said: "The boss had never been in heyday during the last battle. Even so, he still won the battle. Now even Jinling creatures can deal with monsters, can't we deal with it? I think this It should be feasible."

Gu Nanfei retorted, "However, what if the Jinling creatures suddenly come out during our battle with the monster? Then we will suffer instead."

Xu Yan said: "The army is also starting to take action on Jinling creatures. If Jinling creatures really have a large-scale move, we can use the knife to kill people. Anyway, even if the army is used by us, it will become very happy."

It's not because they are stupid to be happy to be used.

It was because if Chu Feng really took advantage of them, he would definitely give them enough compensation, which was exactly what the military expected.

Although this would make Chu Feng owe favors to people, at the moment of the alliance's survival, such a price is not impossible to pay.

Even Chu Feng himself agreed.

It’s just that Chu Feng frowned: “One thing I’m very surprised is that there were more than 5,000 people in the Jinling creatures’ legions. With such a large number, it should be impossible to live with monsters, so since they have already If a stronghold is built there, there will never be a large number of monsters that have not been cleaned up."

Su Yuan explained: "Of course this is because these monsters entered afterwards!"

She was a little surprised, why did Chu Feng ask such a question.

Chu Feng shook his head and solemnly said: "No! This explanation sounds reasonable, but it is still a bit wrong. When the Jinling creatures were destroyed the next day, I had already visited the neighborhood and saw that the mineral veins there were already occupied by monsters. , But, why are those monsters occupying so quickly? Do these monsters know that the army of Jinling creatures has been destroyed, and then hurry up and occupy it?"

After listening to Chu Feng's analysis, everyone realized what was wrong.

Even if those monsters are human and intelligent, this kind of efficiency is too high!

However, they have repeatedly confirmed from the prisoners that the place was indeed used as a stronghold by Jinling creatures before, and they have been cleaned up!

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Chu Feng's eyes gradually became cold and harsh: "Unless, the monsters there are deliberately placed by Jinling creatures."

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