Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 274: Fill Yuanfu

Those monsters were placed by Jinling creatures!

Following Chu Feng's words, the entire alliance's senior management was shocked.

Gu Nanfei asked, "Do you have any basis for this?"

Everyone also looked at Chu Feng.

If this thing is true, then the shock for them is too great.

Chu Feng said: "We already know that the people of Jinling Biology have been doing biochemical experiments. They have researched out some ways to improve the strength of ordinary people. That's why we encounter so many supernaturalists, but in the process of biochemical experiments. Among them, there are also some failed products.

I didn’t know how they dealt with the failed products, but when I saw those monsters that you are obviously different from each other but rarely kill each other, I wondered, maybe they can’t manipulate those monsters to make some comparisons. Complicated instructions, but if you just put them somewhere, you can still do it. "

Everyone was stunned.

It has been nearly a month since the end of the world, and they also know some common sense about external monsters.

Maybe all monsters are enemies of humans, but it does not mean that these monsters are not fighting each other. Zombies, mutant beasts, and Zerg are also killing each other, even if they belong to the same clan, it will happen. Many people have had the experience of picking up bargains in the matter of killing each other.

But they recalled that in the base of Jinling Creatures, the monsters of all kinds did not fight with each other at all.

Abnormalities are demon, and they also realize that something is wrong.

Su Yuan said solemnly: "If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the base has been in the hands of Jinling creatures?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't know how much Jinling creatures can control those monsters, but if they can really command those monsters to fight, they will use those monsters to attack us, of course. Maybe they have other plans."

Su Yuan thought for a while, and then added: "Speaking of which, most of the soldiers and their officers do not know what is hidden in their base. I think they can't control it!"

Chu Feng said, "Anyway, since we are so close, then they absolutely never let us go, so I want to explore it."

Su Yuan had a headache and said, "Where is there any reason to let the boss go out to take risks all day long in the world? No matter what the situation forced him, now you go out again, what is this?"

The most troublesome thing for her is that Chu Feng puts herself in a dangerous place all day long. This is not what she cares about, but as the leader of an alliance, what is it to make her subordinates frighten all day?

In case you have something good or bad, it will affect the entire league.

Chu Feng said: "The times have changed. The era of wanting to rely on management and organizational capabilities to serve the public has passed. The future will be an era where the strong will be respected. There is only one type of person that people follow. When facing the enemy, the person standing in front of everyone."

There are indeed many people with supernatural powers, relying on their own powerful strength to accept some people, and then use their powerful force to force them to serve themselves.

However, such a deformed force has only one ending in the end.

If one's own power cannot become strong, then it is of course to be destroyed. If one's own power is too strong, who will follow a person who eats rice?

For those who gain strength and then swell, what they hate the most is those who can't beat them but want to manage them.

You said that your organizational skills and leadership skills have a great effect, but we can't see them.

As he said, Chu Feng's hand pressed down: "That's it, you just need to formulate specific rules and regulations in the alliance. By the way, build some military defense measures, such as trenches and bunkers. I will go out alone Come, check the information by the way."

Su Yuyan stood up and said: "We also..."

"You still have to stay and look after the survival base."

Chu Feng interrupted her, "I went out alone for my own reasons, and it is not better to detect intelligence as more people. Don't worry, I will not put myself in danger."

Thinking of Chu Feng's strange ability to understand the enemy's whereabouts in the dark night, Su Yuyan found that he had no reason to follow Chu Feng.

Because Chu Feng, who was not dragged down, was the most terrifying existence.

As long as Chu Feng doesn't have to worry about the people around him, there will be no danger in this world that can restrain him.

Su Yuyan's heart was full of complicated sadness.

Li Ran and Lu Ming looked at Teacher Su Yuyan and shook their heads silently.

After the meeting, Chu Feng left the survival base alone.

Before this meeting, he had already made this decision.

And in these few days, he has been fully prepared.

More importantly, he still has some secrets he doesn't want people around him to discover.

This is not malicious concealment, nor is it not distrusting them, but if people around you know their secrets, then their behavior will be obvious.

For example, once he tells others that his Yuanfu space can grow a lot of crops, then the people around him will pay less attention to food and water. Even if he wants to deliberately conceal it, he will be very much in the face of real masters. It is easy to be seen.

In addition to checking the specific information of the biochemical beasts, he also had another reason for his trip this time, that is, his own Yuan Palace space was added.

In the war a few days ago, although most of the prisoners were killed directly, Chu Feng secretly pretended to be seven to eight hundred people in.

It is a pity that these labors are not used.

Anyway, their Yuanfu space is large enough, so let them build in the Yuanfu space until they are exhausted!

Even if you choose to die between the zombies and these people, Chu Feng will choose these people without hesitation.

It doesn't matter if you are a dog for a foreigner, and you slaughter your own compatriots in turn. No matter how many times such a person dies, it is not regrettable.

Chu Feng, who had left the survival base, began to pack a large amount of soil into the Yuan Palace space when he confirmed that there was no one around him.

"Soil, stones, plastic, water, um, the water is not enough. The original water alone cannot replenish the elements in the plant. It seems that I have to take time to go to the Yangtze River and directly install the water from a lake, so that it can last a long time. If it doesn’t work, I’ll just go to the beach and add future water purification technology, which can barely be used for irrigation and use."

After just walking and stopping for more than three hours, Chu Feng finally arrived at the enemy's base.

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