Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 275: Wise biochemical beast

After giving the collected soil to the puppets in the Yuan Palace to take care of, Chu Feng focused his attention on the base in front of him.

Compared with the super large-scale base of later generations, the scale of the base built by Jinling Biology is not very large now, and there are only a few small 3-story buildings on the surface.

But Chu Feng knew that Jinling Biology liked to build basements.

According to their habits, the area of ​​the basement is at least three times larger than the area on the ground, that is, there are about 9 floors underground.

Considering that the mineral veins here will have a great effect on the confrontation, the underground area may be more.

After all, Jinling Biology is going to study mechanical beasts here, and no matter how many backers are arranged here, it is not surprising.

Chu Feng added a [Thousand Miles Talisman] to himself so that he could see the appearance of the biochemical beasts clearly.

Everything in the distance was faintly visible in his eyes, and some terrifying monsters with ugly faces showed fierce light in their eyes, entrenched in this territory.

A few zombies passed by here by accident, turning a blind eye to these biochemical beasts, as if in their eyes, these biochemical beasts were not qualified food.

However, when the zombies passed a certain boundary, a large number of bizarre biochemical beasts suddenly flew out, threw a few zombies to the ground, and then began to eat.

"Most of the prototypes of these biochemical beasts are cats, dogs, pigs, cattle and sheep. After all, these animals are mostly around humans, and many of them are humans. Some are even based on humans as prototypes and then grafted with animal limbs. Product, and began to be zombie."

"There is no poultry, there are no chickens, ducks and geese as prototypes."

"Unexpectedly, their research reached this point so quickly. It seems that it is the raw materials and vitality that restrict the development of human technology."

"These biochemical beasts have no wisdom and only have the instinct to fight, but they don't know what methods they have used to prevent these biochemical beasts from going beyond a certain area, thus forming a safe barrier for them to deal with. Their people must find a way to deal with these biochemical beasts."

Chu Feng also felt a bit of a headache for this. The number of these biochemical beasts was more than 10,000. If there were more than 10,000 people, it would be better to deal with some. After all, people are scared and wise.

But to deal with these biochemical beasts, only through battle.

In addition, he found himself misunderstanding the level of development of Jinling biology.

Mankind has not produced epoch-making scientific and technological achievements for decades. It is not that the scientists of this era are necessarily inferior to those great men of the 19th and 20th centuries, but because many theoretical things cannot be used at the level of the earth. Experiment to verify.

Therefore, most of the research of Jinling Biology was in the early stage, so the development speed in the early stage should be faster than expected. After the previous stage, the progress of the research slowed down.

"If this is the case, it is even more impossible for them to reach the point of hereafter."

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. If Jinling creatures were allowed to develop, the future consequences would be disastrous, and the entire Sanjiang area would become their slaughterhouse.

At this moment, Chu Feng's pupils shrank.

He saw a group of more than a dozen people in the distance walking towards the base of Jinling creatures. They were wearing the green uniforms of Jinling creatures, and some things were tied to their waists.

As they approached the biochemical beasts, those biochemical beasts roared with excitement.

Seeing that these people were about to become food in the mouths of biochemical beasts, the situation changed.

The biochemical beasts were less than five meters away from them, suddenly stopped, and then trembling and crawling on the ground, as if they had encountered something terrible.

There was a look of disdain in the eyes of those more than a dozen people, with ridicule on their faces, and even one person kicked a biochemical beast.

"They really have a way to restrict biochemical beasts."

The coldness in Chu Feng's eyes became more intense. Then, his eyes were attracted by a biochemical beast, "This beast seems to be different."

Just after those people entered the base of Jinling Creatures, the biochemical beast that Chu Feng paid attention to, looked at the people of Jinling Creatures with hatred, and clenched his fists, but in the end he was still unwilling. The fist hit the ground.

Under the astonishing vision brought by the Thousand Miles Talisman, every look of this unique biochemical beast appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, as if right in front of him.

"It is a wise biochemical beast, but Jinling Biology didn't find it."

"No, the people of Jinling Biology are not fools. Their research on the control of biochemical beasts is more powerful than the research to improve their strength. Even if no biochemical beasts are found to generate wisdom, they cannot ignore this factor. After all, human beings instinctively fear things beyond their instincts."

After seeing this scene, Chu Feng combined with the information obtained by later generations, and figured out some things.

"It's no wonder that later generations of Jinling creatures used biochemical mechanical beasts when attacking other survival bases. Not only because the biochemical mechanical beasts have stronger bodies, but also because their behavior is controlled by artificial intelligence technology. Because the biochemical beasts are in danger of getting out of control."

"So in later generations, when the Chinese people united against Jinling creatures, Jinling creatures were more than enough to defend, and their offense was slightly insufficient."

"So, as long as you make good use of this, then Jinling creatures might set themselves on fire!"

This information made Chu Feng understand that Jinling Biology's research still has certain limitations.

If this weakness is used well, then it is the same for them to be destroyed from within.

The strongest fortress is often breached from within. In the face of such a huge wave of Jinling creatures, even if the military wants to deal with them, it will have to pay a heavy price.

But if they can weaken their various hole cards, then the outcome is still unclear.

And now they have been exposed to the military's vision, if they are weakened to a certain degree, then Jinling creatures will usher in a disaster.

"But, how do I get in?"

Chu Feng looked at the tens of thousands of biochemical beasts in the distance.

"Find the other side's escape route? But it's too dangerous. It's not as safe as the ventilation duct."

He knew that Jinling Biology's bases generally had escape routes, but such routes themselves were their key protection targets.

If you enter in the reverse direction from the escape route, it will definitely cause the enemy to alert.

However, if the ventilation duct enters, there are also some dangers, because the ventilation duct is outside the opponent's building, and if it is to pass, it must pass through the biochemical animal herd.

"Wait, why must I go in through the passage?"

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