Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 276: Chiyan Adamantite

The reason why Jinling Biology likes to build its base underground is because of its concealment.

Although building a base underground, once encountering a powerful enemy, it is easy to cause the result of catching turtles by mistake, but this is not a difficult task for them.

Because as long as all the things they did secretly were exposed, being attacked by groups was an inevitable result, because no one wanted to become their research material.

Therefore, concealment is greater than safety for them.

Earth-type supernaturalists can escape to a certain level, but the method of escape is not omnipotent. Not to mention the powerful consumption it produces, once it is discovered by the opponent's soil-type supernaturalists, it will be over.

Because the nature of the escape is not to make the body become virtual and overlap with the soil, but to separate the soil by its powerful control over the soil, so that when you act in the soil and rocks, it is like acting underwater.

However, this process is very dangerous.

If discovered by the enemy, as long as the opponent uses the same tricks to control the soil or rock, you must use double the strength to break through, and often when there is no breakthrough, you will be trapped alive in the ground.

Even if it is discovered by the fire system and the water system, after determining your location, you are a dead end.

The fire system can directly heat the soil, and the water system can be pervasive. Anyone with a little bit of skill can come up with a way to deal with this situation.

Therefore, even though Chu Feng had the Escape Talisman, he dared not use it.

Of course, this kind of small method to deal with ordinary people without knowledge is to try all the time, and to deal with terrible monsters such as Jinling creatures, it is a dead end.

However, he has another simple way.

"Di Ting Fu!"

Chu Feng drew a ground talisman in the void and confirmed the approximate location of the opponent's base.

In the content he "heared", most of the underground is made up of entities, but there is a lot of blank space not far away, that is, the underground of those buildings.

Those blank locations are in order, like neatly arranged rooms, which should be the basement of Jinling Biology.

There are also some disorderly places, which should be mines developed by Jinling Biology.

Then, he began to use the Yuan Palace space to take away some of the soil under his feet, forming a hole in the ground.

This is his way.

The Yuan Palace space is very large. Although the things that can be collected each time the entrance is opened are limited, and a certain amount of vitality is consumed, as the strength increases, this consumption is no longer considered by Chu Feng.

Every time he charges something less than 10 cubic meters, his consumption is negligible.

Of course, if you exceed it, even if you charge 15 cubic meters each time, the consumption will triple.

And if the object of collection is a whole, then if you want to divide the whole, such consumption will also rise straight.

For example, to separate a huge rock, every square meter in front of it will consume 1% of Chu Feng's vitality. In other words, as long as the cut surface exceeds 100 square meters, Chu Feng will directly exhaust his vitality.

In this way, Chu Feng kept digging the ground to collect soil and rocks into the space.

He also added a disguise to the top to prevent it from being discovered.

When he dived to a depth of more than ten meters, he suddenly couldn't move.

"The underground rocks are actually one, it seems that they can only be separated."

The essence of soil is the result of combining individual individuals, but many of the rocks are connected into one body, and Chu Feng has now encountered a unified rock.

If it is collected directly, it will cost him too much.

So, Chu Feng took out a short sword, and then used his innate sword energy to cut it.

Although his sword of death is powerful, it only does a lot of harm to life and does not do much to the entity. However, since he has collected so many good things, how could he not prepare a spare weapon for himself?

The short sword in his hand was forged from the mouthparts of the Chonghuang, and its hardness was comparable to the blood-drinking sword, but its growth was slightly worse.

But at this stage, it is enough.

The sharpness of the dagger, coupled with the sharpness of the innate sword aura, formed a two-meter-long sword awn, cutting the rock almost like cutting tofu.

As Chu Feng brought a piece of cut rock into Yuan Palace again, red phosphorescence suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The red phosphorescence is like a red flame, blooming with red brilliance, making Chu Feng almost look like a red gem in the same place.

After contact with the air, these red lights gradually dimmed.

When the red light disappeared, only some dark red stones remained on the ground.

"Isn't there supposed to be a vein of Uranus Demon Gold? How come there are ore of Chiyan Fine Gold? And there are many rivers and lakes near the southern capital, so such things shouldn't appear."

Chu Feng quickly recognized the origin of these red stones, and there were some surprises in his doubts, "But anyway, this thing is a surprise to me. Youlan Magic Gold uses very high skill, and The Chiyan Fine Gold corresponding to the blue magic gold is much easier to develop and can be directly forged into a magic weapon."

Youlan Mojin is flexible and fits in with life. It can make mechanical prostheses, and it can also cast some soft weapons, but it is too violent to make swords.

Chiyan fine gold is firm and slightly flexible, making it a good material for casting sharp weapons.

It was also a surprise for Chu Feng to be able to find the veins of Chiyan Fine Gold here.

"Anyway, the mineral vein is here, you can't get away even if you run, and you can't lose big because of small things."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and forcibly resisted his thoughts of digging a large amount of Chiyan Fine Gold, "Moreover, the time of drastic changes in the world is still short, and many mineral veins have not been fully formed. If you dig too hard, it will cause damage to the mineral veins. It’s a huge loss, just dig out enough."

After the world has changed drastically, the change of the world is a gradual process.

Just like creatures need to grow and transform, mineral veins also have a process of growth, which is actually a process of absorbing the power of earth veins and then turning into special ore.

Once the excavation is excessive, the process will be directly interrupted.

If you want more powerful treasures to be born here, don't even think about it.

Of course, there is another reason that Chu Feng's forging speed is also limited. Even if he wants to fish out, with his current strength, it takes a certain amount of time to forge Chiyan Fine Gold, which he cannot afford to waste.

Moreover, the top-quality equipment made of Chiyan Adamantite could not be used by everyone.

It is better to wait until the strength is strong, so that mass production can be considered.

The most important thing for him now is to improve his own strength.

Many things he has to do must have sufficient strength to achieve.

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