Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 277: Second pet

Chu Feng continued to cut the rocks and mineral veins underneath, but he no longer specifically collected these stones, but started cutting towards the basement of Jinling Creatures.

Only the ore cut on the road will be collected by him.

After putting these ore into Yuan Mansion, he issued an order to crush the ore to the corpse witches in Yuan Mansion, preparing himself for refining weapons in the future.

When he was less than 100 meters away from the basement of Jinling Biology, something suddenly happened.

A stone fell off from the veins of the rock. Just when Chu Feng thought it was just an ordinary stone, the stone suddenly stretched out his hands and feet and turned into a one-meter-high villain.

This "person" made of stone is made of cracked rocks all over, with a fierce look in its eyes, and it rushes towards Chu Feng with teeth and claws.

Then he was slapped to the ground.

How could it be possible for a second-order stone man to make waves in front of Chu Feng.

"It is actually a stone man. It seems that the feng shui here is good."

Chu Feng stepped on this little stone man with one foot, making it unable to stand up, and then said in a satisfied tone, "Although the current strength is still a bit weaker, it is good to feed, so you are lucky. , Will be appointed by me as the guardian of this vein."

As he said, he carved a demon talisman in the void and landed on the stone man.

With each level of his strength, he will be able to collect a pet with the demon talisman.

Of course, if you want to change it, it's very simple. If you cancel the previous pet's contract, you can charge it again.

But so far, he has only charged one Thunder Corpse Dragon.

This is not to say that his vision is too high. After all, it can be replaced. It's just that most mutant creatures have a bit of appetite. The Thunder Corpse Dragon is okay. It can feed on an average of one or two zombies a day, but ordinary mutant monsters. The beast does need to eat live flesh or food.

Chu Feng didn't have enough food, so how could it be distributed to these pets?

Only a pet of the level of Thunder Corpse Dragon is qualified to make Chu Feng bother.

But the stone man can absorb the power of the earth veins by himself, so don't worry about Chu Feng.

A light flashed, and the stone man knelt down in front of Chu Feng.

This was not the surrender etiquette of the Stone Man, but an order from Chu Feng.

After all, he also had to confirm his order, to what extent he could enable a low-intelligence creature like the Stone Man to do, and the result of the attempt made Chu Feng very satisfied.

Chu Feng hit a concentrating talisman on the stone man, and then the stone man's body began to bloom with glazed light, the cracks on his body began to make up, and his body began to turn red.

He understands that this is a sign that a stone man has reached the third rank. For a third-order stone man, it is difficult for even a rank 4 supernatural player to break its defense, but its speed is at a disadvantage.

"From now on, it's up to you to help me guard the veins here. Anyone who wants to dig here will be solved by you. If there are other stone people born here, it is yours."

Chu Feng ordered.

The Stone Man couldn't understand too complicated commands, so Chu Feng could only give such simple commands.

Anyway, it is also the nature of the Stone Man to accept the same clan as a subordinate, and it is also the nature of the Stone Man to let it kill all those who break into this place. Chu Feng's real command is to let it stay here honestly.

After all, the transformation of mineral veins is just the beginning. Since the first stone man has been born here, the second and third will be born...

The help of a stone man to Chu Feng is very small, but if it is a tribe of stone man, it is a help that cannot be ignored for Chu Feng.

After conquering the Stone Man, Chu Feng continued to move forward.

"Wait here, take me out."

The Stone Man couldn't speak, but stood silently behind Chu Feng.

With a Tier 3 stone man as a response, Chu Feng felt more confident and bold.

Anyway, even if a pet was sacrificed, it was not a big deal for Chu Feng. It could only be said that this stone man was not good enough.

After half an hour of digging, Chu Feng finally approached the goal.

The closer to the basement of Jinling Biology, Chu Feng was more careful.

When it was only one wall away, Chu Feng heard some special movements, so he stopped, and then started monitoring with the earth talisman.

"This test failed again, why, why did it fail again?" a furious voice shouted in bad Chinese.

"I suspect that the amount of blue metal we extracted is not enough. We should dig out more blue metal so that we can convey more neural signals."

"No, no, those blue metals are enough. As long as 5% of the weight is added, the robot arm can have enough flexibility, which is completely enough. What we really lack is the method to control these monsters. After all, If you just use the blood of that thing, it's not enough."

"We can use brainwave chips to replace the instinct of the brain and these monsters, and then directly issue orders to these new films."

"No, if this is the case, then as long as we control the frequency of the brainwave chip, the biochemical beast we transform will become the enemy's pet."

"Perhaps, we can use artificial intelligence chips?"

"Industrial intelligence chips can only control machinery, not biology."

"Then let these monsters mechanize their entire bodies, leaving only the parts that can absorb special energy, and replace the rest with machinery."

"Energy, energy! Where are we going to provide energy for these monsters to move? Only these monsters can generate energy themselves?"

"We should have been able to solve the energy problem, but the research data there has been robbed in advance. Unless we find the person who robbed us, this will always be our bottleneck."

The researchers in the underground research room quarreled endlessly, but Chu Feng was a little frightened.

The future biochemical mechanical beasts appeared in the third month, but they appeared on a large scale as soon as they appeared, so Chu Feng knew that they had researched it a long time ago, but the speed of research was faster than he expected.

If they hadn't taken away the research materials themselves, I'm afraid they had already studied the biochemical beasts.

Just as Chu Feng was constantly eavesdropping on the news, a beast roar suddenly came from inside.

Then, there was a panic in the basement.

"Quickly, control it!"

"Stop it!"

"Guards, stop it! Don't, don't come over, ah..."

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