Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 278: Experiment 3

It's very common to do such dangerous biochemical experiments and run into the runaway of the experimental product, and Chu Feng just happened to encounter it.

But it shouldn't be ordinary riots that can cause them to panic.

There was a loud noise and some screams from the basement.

But after three or four minutes of fighting, the sound of the fighting gradually weakened.

"Don't kill it, stop, you idiot."

The sound of fighting gradually subsided, but a scientific researcher who had participated in the discussion before shouted.

A young voice refused to accept: "But, haven't you seen it kill people?"

"No, don't kill it. Experiment No. 3 is our darling. The research data obtained from him has raised our overall strength to a level. We can't deny him for us just because he killed a few people. Contribution to the research."

"But he has killed more than a dozen of my brothers in the past few days. If I don't kill him, I will have more brothers die in his hands."

"The advancement of scientific research requires sacrifices. Don't forget how your strength comes from. Your strength also has his contribution."


With a fierce quarrel, the person who finally agreed not to kill the monster prevailed.

After all, in their values, if there is a way to improve their overall strength, the casualties of a few dozen people will not be taken care of by them.

When their quarrel was about to end, a wall was suddenly broken.

"who is it?"

The sudden movement stunned everyone. They did not expect that someone would break in from outside the underground wall at this time.

A black figure jumped out from the wall and pierced directly at the person who was debating with the researchers.

Since only this person dared to quarrel with scientific researchers, it shows that his status in this base is still quite high.

Except for scientific researchers and foreigners, the status of Jinling Biology is generally proportional to its strength.

"court death!"

A middle-aged man in his 30s, with red eyes and stabbed his sword in the direction of Chu Feng. He has just lost a few brothers, but he has no way of revenge. Now suddenly someone came out to attack them. Of course he would not Let go of this opportunity to vent.

Unfortunately, the strength is a little weaker.

"Ding, clang!"

A broken sword fell to the ground, and the man who had just lost a few brothers, clutching his neck, blood constantly gushing out.

"Now you can go with your brothers."

Chu Feng did not stop, but continued to kill.

The short sword in his right hand has been switched to the left hand, replaced by a pure black long sword.

The sword of death!

The sword of death does little harm to the entity, but it is a more terrifying existence than any weapon for the living body, and it is a sword that truly brings death.

"Oh, how did he break in?"

A scientific researcher shouted, "Hurry up and kill him."

However, as soon as he said a word, Chu Feng already had three lives in his hands.

Although the bottom laboratory is full of various bottles and cans, as well as various equipment, there are not many living people, there are less than 30 people.

Some people with electric forks and iron nets in their hands began to fight with Chu Feng.

It was a pity that the strongest of them had been killed by Chu Feng's sneak attack. Although the strength of the remaining people was good, they were still not enough to see Chu Feng, who was close to his heyday.

What's more, the weapons in their hands are used to control people and biochemical beasts, not to kill people, so that there is no way to fight back in front of Chu Feng.

As combatants one after another were killed, a look of fear appeared in the eyes of those researchers.


"Call for support!"

"Don't, don't come over!"

A scientific researcher also tried to win over Chu Feng: "This gentleman, I know your strength is very good, but we can also enhance your strength here, make you stronger, and even become a god-like existence. , As long as you join us..."

However, before he finished speaking, a blood stain appeared on his throat.

Chu Feng coldly put away the sword of death,

In less than half a minute, everyone in the bottom laboratory was killed.

Probably because there are frequent riots here, the movement here did not disturb the upper class, and no one came down to check the situation until the end of the battle.

After killing all the living people here, Chu Feng's eyes fell on a monster.

The man was bound by the power grid, his body was covered with terrifying bloodstains, he didn't have much clothes, and his limbs were replaced with steel.

He opened his mouth and bit the air, waving his limbs weakly.

According to the information just heard, this is the third test product.

Seeing the appearance of Experiment No. 3, Chu Feng felt a bit sore in his nose and a bit dry in his eyes.

"team leader……"

He certainly wasn't the captain who had been transformed into a biochemical mechanical beast in exchange for his repair fluid in his previous life, he was just a stranger.

It was just his appearance that reminded Chu Feng of the captain in his previous life.

He has encountered many betrayals in his previous life, but he has also encountered people who are really good to him. The demon hunting team he joined contains people who can let him entrust life and death.

However, fate once again took away his important people.

When he recovered from a heavy injury and saw the captain again, the captain had become a weapon in the hands of Jinling creatures and fought for Jinling creatures.

In the end, Chu Feng still tearfully killed the mutated captain and gave him a relief.

It was also because of this incident that Chu Feng's heart became even colder.

From that moment on, Chu Feng formed an endless hatred with Jinling creatures, but his power was weak, and it was not until a long time later that he had the power to counter Jinling creatures, united with people, and destroyed Jinling creatures.

"I know you definitely don't want to be like this. Instead of constantly hurting others as a monster, it's better to give you a relief now."

Chu Feng walked to Experimental Item 3 and raised the short sword in his hand.

It is not his fault to be transformed into a biochemical mechanical beast, but where is there room for distinguishing right from wrong in this world?

He has killed many people in Jinling Biology, which is not a sin, but merits.

However, facing such a monster that made the entire Jinling creatures feel jealous, if he doesn't take advantage of the current situation, he will definitely harm more people.

Just when Chu Feng was about to start his hand, Experiment No. 3 suddenly moved. His muddy eyes were tinged with humanity, and his mechanical fingers tremblingly pointed in one direction.

Chu Feng looked in the direction he was pointing, only to see a huge glass jar with a petite figure in it.

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