As the scene in Chu Feng's eyes became clearer, his eyes were filled with anger.

In this glass jar, there is a little girl who is only eight or nine years old.

Although he had long known that the study of Jinling creatures was inhumane, after seeing this scene, Chu Feng's mind was still shocked.

Unexpectedly, even the little girl would not let it go when they did the experiment.

In this era, the highest mortality rate is the elderly, followed by children, because these two are relatively weak groups and are the most vulnerable.

But this does not mean that they can experiment with children unscrupulously.

Although Chu Feng doesn’t like scientific research that requires human experiments, he also knows that it’s indispensable. Moreover, there are also a large number of people who volunteer to become experimental objects, because compared with the desperation they face, becoming experimental objects is not Something unacceptable.

But even experimenting with a child is beyond the bottom line of human beings.

"In Jinling Biology, anyone who opposes this behavior should have become an experiment in a glass jar. In this case, there is no innocent person in Jinling Biology."

An icy killing intent flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. Whether it was the hatred of the previous life or the scene that he saw, Chu Feng hated this company.

Talking about human nature with these beasts, they are not worthy.

This group of **** talk about human rights, democracy, and humanity. They are not qualified.

As long as it is a person who joins Jinling Biology, even if it is just an employee at the bottom, he will have no one left, and kill them all.

In this sinful company, no one is innocent.

Then, Chu Feng took away some research materials here, and then burned some instruments and medicines that could not be taken away.

After doing all this, Chu Feng, with a murderous intent, opened the corridors leading to the upper floor.

The place where Chu Feng is located is the 9th floor underground. The elevator here has been damaged after the disaster, so a safety exit was specially arranged.

After destroying the gate, Chu Feng came to the eighth floor, and then opened the gate with a sword.

What he didn't notice was that after he left the ninth basement, the No. 3 test product struggled to break free from the shackles of the grid, and then trembled in the direction of the little girl.

On the eighth floor, the door was suddenly broken, making the staff inside panic.

"Be careful, something is coming up on the ninth floor."

"No, it's a person."

"It turned out to be alone! It scared me."

"Wait, who is this person? Why haven't I met?"

"heads up!"

Before they could react, Chu Feng suddenly shot a fire dragon in his hand, setting off a raging fire on this floor and breaking down all places where people could be hidden.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng went to the passage leading to the seventh floor without stopping.

The design of the stairs in the basement is a little different from the ground. The stairs on each floor are in different places.

Chu Feng didn't think it was too much trouble, just like this one after another.

During the period, I also encountered many heavily armed people to stop, but the strength of the guards here has long been buried in the survival base, and the rest can't stop Chu Feng at all.

Seventh floor, sixth floor...

As Chu Feng rushed up from the first floor to the first floor, the people in the base also realized that Chu Feng's arrival was not good.

"Alert, alert!"

"People at the upper level are paying attention, the base is invaded."

"Attention, the people on the upper level pay attention, someone invades the base."

"Quickly stop this lunatic."

More and more people wanted to intercept Chu Feng, but these people could only become the souls of Chu Feng's sword.

Wherever Chu Feng passed by, only one corpse remained.

After Chu Feng killed more than 20 people who besieged him in a row, the rest of the people shrank and hid behind, not daring to go forward.

However, some people seem to have guessed Chu Feng's purpose.

"No, he broke all the doors."

"He is going up. Does he want to open the door outside and then let all the monsters outside in?"

"Hurry up and stop him!"

"Who is going to stop it?"

It may be because of the people from the Dawn Alliance or the military. There are not many left-behind personnel in the base, and even fewer combat personnel.

Now Chu Feng had turned into a black demon **** who blocked and killed the gods, and no one was his one-one enemy wherever he went.

They knew that if Chu Feng were to make it to the top, it would be a disaster for them.

However, if they were to personally stop Chu Feng, they would die now.

Therefore, under this kind of mentality that a dead dao friend is not dead and a poor daoist, few people dare to step forward and stop it. Only after reaching a new floor, a few people who are not afraid of death will rush up.

Then they really died.

When Chu Feng broke onto the ground, he found that there were no people here, only some blood-stained clothes, and the first work card was hung on the hanger.

The biochemical beast outside opened its teeth and danced its claws, seeming to want to rush in.

However, as long as it is close to the range of 5 meters, it will tremble and crawl on the ground.

"According to them, the way they can control these biochemical beasts not to attack themselves, and to be confined to a certain range, is the blood of a particular creature. It seems that these things are the key to protecting them from attack. ."

Chu Feng felt clear, and then waved his hand to put away all the clothes here.

After all these blood-stained clothes were put away by Chu Feng, all the biochemical beasts seemed to get excited, and then rushed towards Chu Feng's direction.

Chu Feng fled back to the first basement with a stride.

Immediately afterwards, he did not stay at all and fled towards the second basement.

"What is he doing?"

"Why is he back again?"

"No, the biochemical beast is here!"

At first, everyone was puzzled by Chu Feng's behavior, but then they saw the biochemical beasts constantly pouring in from the exit.




"Close the door soon, no, that doggie broke all the doors."

"Don't push me!"

When these biochemical beasts saw the living people inside, they immediately rushed up with excitement, constantly tearing to pieces all the living people that could be seen in front of them, and then couldn't wait to share their food.

The entire Jinling creature base was in a panic, and all the portals had been destroyed. Therefore, when they faced these biochemical beasts, there was nothing to stop them, they could only fight with the weapons in their hands.

In order to survive, countless people can only push their companions to the biochemical beast when the biochemical beast is approaching, and fight for one to two seconds to escape for themselves, and then begin to fight for the narrow passage.

Chu Feng returned to the lowest level of the underground as quickly as possible, and was going to escape from the passage where he entered.

However, the scene he saw made her heart cold.

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