Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 280: Last humanity

The No. 3 experimental product that had lost its ability to move, did not know when it had resumed its action.

If it was just a No. 3 experimental product, Chu Feng still had the confidence to deal with it.

But beside the experimental product No. 13, there were more than 20 biochemical beasts with robotic arms, or biochemical mechanical beasts, and those huge bottles and pots were also broken at this moment.

Some people who came to the 9th floor early, seeming to be looking for escape routes, are now torn apart by these biochemical robots, and then used as their meals.

"Are you playing off again?" Chu Feng gave a wry smile.

Behind him is a legion of biochemical beasts, and there are more than 20 biochemical mechanical beasts in front of him. It seems that it will not be so easy to leave today.

However, no matter what kind of desperation he was facing, Chu Feng never gave up.

However, just as he was about to fight to the death, Experiment No. 3 suddenly let out a strange roar, and the biochemical mechanical beasts that had originally wanted to attack Chu Feng suddenly stopped.

Seeing these biochemical mechanical beasts that stopped attacking, Chu Feng was also a little surprised.

But he quickly regained his alert state, no matter what, when facing the biochemical beast, he could never relax his vigilance.

And the living people who feel pain and fear, these biochemical beasts don't know what it means to shrink back when they face their enemies.

Moreover, the biochemical beasts behind him are about to come down, facing the pursuit of tens of thousands of biochemical beasts, even Chu Feng has no confidence.

At this time, Experiment No. 3 turned around and picked up something.

In Chu Feng's surprised eyes, Experiment No. 3 hugged a little girl and walked towards Chu Feng.

"Is that the little girl before?"

Chu Feng looked at the weak little girl in the arms of Experiment No. 3, and his eyes flashed with surprise. Is there any relationship between this little girl and this experiment?

It is his daughter who can make Experiment No. 3 even if it becomes a biochemical mechanical beast, it must be guarded desperately!

Thinking of this, Chu Feng felt sad.

Experiment No. 3 hugged the little girl and came to Chu Feng's side. There was a pleading expression in his cloudy eyes, as if he was begging Chu Feng for something.

"Could it be..."

There was a stormy sea in Chu Feng's mind. He knew that some biochemical beasts or biochemical beasts would retain their wisdom, but he also knew the difficulty.

Looking at the other party's muddy eyes, Chu Feng tentatively asked: "Do you want me to protect her?"

Experiment No. 3 nodded hard.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, and then took the little girl from the arms of Experimental Item 3.

Seeing Chu Feng's movements, the corners of Experiment No. 3's mouth cracked with a smile.

On this hideous monster, Chu Feng felt a brilliance that was even more human than most people.


The muddy eyes of Experiment No. 3 were suddenly filled with killing intent. Chu Feng held the little girl and immediately retreated behind him, leaving Experiment No. 3's side.

Experiment No. 3 patted his head painfully, and it took a few seconds before he slowly recovered.

Immediately afterwards, he let out a low growl again.

With his low roar, more than 20 biochemical beasts blocked the gate from the 8th floor to the 9th floor with him at the same time.

A biochemical beast rushed towards them, but was torn to pieces by them.

Experiment No. 3 turned his head, with turbid eyes with dismay, then rushed in the opposite direction.

The overall situation of the biochemical beasts continued to flow underground, while the No. 3 experimental product took these biochemical beasts to form a steel city wall.

Countless people and biochemical beasts who wanted to pass through this steel wall were all under this wall and turned into corpses on the ground.

Chu Feng felt a little moist in his eye sockets.

He thought he could look at everything in the world with a cold eye, but whenever his heart fell towards the abyss, he was always able to meet the person who saved him.

No matter what kind of disaster human beings face, the glory of human nature has never disappeared.

He knew that he could not save Experiment No. 3 anymore. When his eyes were full of killing intent before, he knew that the other party's rationality was in conflict with what controlled him in his mind.

This situation can only delay the process of losing one's mind, even at the level of technology a few years later, but it cannot reverse this irreversible process.

He quickly checked the little girl's breathing and her body, and found that her breathing was still there, and her body temperature was at a normal level, indicating that she was still a human.

It's just that there seems to be a special power in the little girl's body, this special power is full of softness, and makes people involuntarily feel close.

Forcibly suppressing the feeling in his heart, Chu Feng shook his head involuntarily.

Since this little girl is still a human, then he has absolutely no reason to give up this little girl.

After the inspection, Chu Feng draped a piece of clothing on the little girl's body, wrapped her whole body, and threw it into the spring of the Yuan Palace.

To be on the safe side, he made all the corpses in the Yuan Talisman not allowed to approach this direction, and used his mind to forge a fortress for her.

After doing all this, Chu Feng left the passage without looking back.

Before leaving, he took out some more rocks and sealed the hole.

This channel belongs to him alone, and may play a greater role in the future.

Five minutes later, Chu Feng drilled out of the ground.

Looking up at the dazzling sunlight, a tear was drawn from the corner of Chu Feng's eye. I don't know if it was because the sunlight was too dazzling or because of something.

He originally wanted to investigate the reality of Jinling creatures at this base, but he didn't expect to experience such a thing, which made his heart more uncomfortable.

The brilliance and darkness of human nature manifests vividly when facing disasters.

No matter what kind of desperation you are in, the brilliance on the body will never go out.

Maybe human nature will become their weakness and will hinder them from living.

But only those humanity that can make people feel warm are the only reasons for them to live. If they lose these truly precious things, they still have the body temperature and breathing of living people, and those who only know cannibalism. What's the difference?

After blocking the passage with a stone, Chu Feng left here without looking back.

But he knew he would come back again, because Jinling creatures would not give up here, and the things here are too important for them.

But when they come back again, it will be the beginning of their true life and death confrontation.

The sky gradually darkened, and Chu Feng's figure gradually disappeared.

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