Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 281: Recognize

When Chu Feng returned to the survival base of the Dawn Alliance, everyone who got the news couldn't wait to surround him.

Chu Xiaorou looked at Chu Feng covered in blood, almost crying nervously: "Brother, we all have such a safe place, why are you going out to take risks?"

Chu Feng touched her little head, and comforted: "Don't worry, nothing on me is my blood."

After the sky darkened, a large number of monsters that appeared at night and day began to haunt, and the activity of the zombies increased a lot, so when Chu Feng came back, he encountered many monsters.

He could have avoided most of the monsters at his own speed, but he didn't want to, and instead walked towards some monster groups.

He was upset, and only by killing could he ease the depression in his heart.

Zhang Ziqing waved his hand, and a cloud of blue water vapor swept across Chu Feng's body, cleaning all the blood on Chu Feng's body, and then patted his full chest: "There is really no blood from you."

If it were in normal times, Zhang Ziqing's action would definitely arouse Chu Feng's desire.

However, Chu Feng is not in this mood now.

Su Yuyan sensed that Chu Feng's mental state was a little wrong: "Did something happen? What did you encounter in the Jinling Biological Base?"

Chu Feng was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's nothing, close all the energy shields, and then prepare for defense! The large-scale attack by Jinling creatures should be coming soon."

Su Yuan said: "Does Jinling Biology still have a lot of troops there?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "This base of Jinling Creatures has been destroyed by me, and all the people left behind in it should be dead now! But because of this, Jinling Creatures have to seize that place even more and remove them by the way Our neighbor."

Jinling Biology's base has been destroyed?

Su Yuan felt that her mind hadn't turned around.

Didn't Chu Feng check the enemy's reality?

How can you detect the enemy directly after one day?

Is the correct method of investigation to kill all those who see it?

I thought this should be a joke, but I didn't expect it to become real here in Chu Feng.

However, defense work still needs to be done.

After making simple arrangements, I am afraid that everything about this experience has been told to everyone, including the No. 3 experiment and the little girl I brought back.

When Chu Feng took out the little girl from the Yuan Palace space, although Su Yuan was a little surprised, why Chu Feng's storage space could store life, but she also knew that it was not the time to discuss this.

What Chu Feng saw and heard made everyone's hatred of Jinling creatures deeper.

Originally it was only because of their position that they hated each other.

But now, Jinling Biology has stood on the opposite of human nature, but anyone who has not lost their feelings can not tolerate their practice.

When everyone was discussing the next thing, Ye Xiaohui suddenly appeared.

Everyone is familiar with Ye Xiaohui. She is the most murderous person beside Chu Feng. She is immersed in the killing every day. Only when she is exhausted or wounded will she return to Chu Feng and take herself Give Chu Feng the harvest, and then exchange what she wants from Chu Feng.

After all, whether it is Chu Feng's equipment or the means to improve strength, she desires.

No one was surprised at Ye Xiaohui's sudden appearance. They just waited for her to have an exchange with Chu Feng before discussing.

After all, she didn't like any discussion, and never relied on the celebrities next to Chu Feng to get involved with any power. The only thing she was interested in was strength.

"Master, this is me today..."

Just when Ye Xiaohui was about to pass the backpack in her hand to Chu Feng, her movements suddenly stopped and she stared blankly at the little girl in Chu Feng's arms.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Wei asked a little strangely, and then saw two lines of tears in Ye Xiaohui's eyes.

According to this murderous female devil shed two lines of clear tears, and everyone's hearts suddenly trembled.

"It wouldn't be such a coincidence!"

Chu Feng's heart twitched slightly, then he took a closer look at the appearance of the little girl in his arms, and compared Ye Xiaohui's appearance, and found that the two were six points similar.

"Yiyi, mom is here..."

Ye Xiaohui threw at Chu Feng's side excitedly, and then tremblingly stretched out her hand to the little girl, but her eyes saw the blood stain on her hand.


She screamed, then started crying bitterly while holding her head.

Tian Jing sighed: "It's really a coincidence and a book. I didn't expect such a small chance to happen to us. I know why she uses killing every day to paralyze herself."

Chu Feng shook his head: "If Ye Xiaohui didn't improve her strength at all costs for revenge, she wouldn't come to me. If it wasn't, she wouldn't even have the chance to live until this time."

When everyone watched this scene of the mother and daughter meeting, but didn't dare to recognize each other, they felt a burst of complexity and uncomfortable in their hearts.

The mother worked hard for her daughter. When she met her daughter again, she didn't even dare to wake her up because her hands were covered with blood.

Chu Feng looked at Ye Xiaohui like this and said to everyone: "You all go out! I have something to say to her."

Everyone walked out of the meeting room in silence.

Although he didn't know what Chu Feng was going to say, since Chu Feng didn't want them to know, there must be his reason.

After everyone went out, Chu Feng cast a "silence talisman" to form a sound barrier around the three of them, and then said to Ye Xiaohui: "Your daughter is fine now, she should be able to wake up after a while. Come."

Ye Xiaohui looked at Chu Feng with hopeful eyes: "Really?"

She dared not touch her daughter just now, not only because her hands were full of blood stains, but also because she was worried that she would fall into despair again when she regained hope.

However, Chu Feng's words filled her heart with hope.

Chu Feng looked a little sad: "Yiyi was handed to me by her father before he died. I am sorry that I could not save him."

When Ye Xiaohui recognized his daughter just now, he also wrote down her name.

Ye Xiaohui's eyes were confused: "Father? Her father died in a car accident years ago! I watched him cremation."

Chu Feng was startled: "So, isn't the person who desperately protected her not her father?"

Thinking of this, his heart became more complicated.

I thought it was a father’s love for his daughter, but I didn’t expect that the No. 3 experiment was actually to save a stranger.

Ye Xiaohui looked at Yiyi tenderly: "Maybe, he really is Yiyi's father."

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