Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 282: More important than life

"...That's it. I was forced to separate from my daughter, and finally escaped. Finally, when I was helpless, I was rescued by the military into the fortress." Ye Xiaohui told her past calmly.

Her past is also very simple.

Yiyi was also an early awakener, but she seemed to be a little special as the awakened one, and she was quickly spotted and stared at by the senior officials of Jinling Biology.

They took Yiyi as a test subject, and it seemed that they had developed something incredible.

Ye Xiaohui wanted to stop all of this, but she couldn't do anything, and even caused the dissatisfaction of the Jinling biological seniors who wanted to kill her.

Later, she also escaped with the help of a man.

This is why Ye Xiaohui would say, maybe, that is really Yiyi's father.

In this world, blood relationship may be a strong bond connecting feelings, but there are always some feelings that do not need blood relationship to maintain, but they are stronger than blood relationship.

Chu Feng said, "I told them to leave just now because there is a very important thing to tell you. You have to be psychologically prepared."

Ye Xiaohui suddenly felt like, "What is it?"

If it were ordinary things, Chu Feng didn't need to avoid those around him.

She has seen Chu Feng's method of gathering the Dawn Alliance. He doesn't even care whether his subordinates are loyal or not. What else needs to be solemnly emphasized?

Chu Feng looked at Yiyi: "There is a strange power in her body. This power is not strong. What I said is not strong for me, but it is very soft. Those powers are almost two extremes, such a soft power, even I have seen it for the first time."

Of course, there are records in ancient books.

It's just that Chu Feng wouldn't say anything about ancient books.

Ye Xiaohui was a little anxious: "How will that affect her?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "That power is very soft and will not cause any harm to her body, but it is also the source of her bad luck. The people of Jinling Biology are using her power to become so powerful, I think, Her loss should make Jinling creatures anxious!"

Ye Xiaohui's heart sank, wouldn't the people of Jinling Biology let go of her daughter?

However, immediately after, she looked at her daughter with firm eyes: "I will definitely protect Yiyi, I didn't have the power to protect her in the past..."

"It still doesn't!"

Chu Feng's cold voice relentlessly interrupted her next words, "You know how much energy Jinling creatures have, you know better than me, you don't think you can compete with such a behemoth!"

The mist reappeared in Ye Xiaohui's eyes: "If Yiyi will bring you disasters, I can take her out of here."

Although not much time together, she has a sense of belonging to the Dawn Alliance.

He knew that Chu Feng was using himself, and she was willing to do so.

But if Chu Feng really wants to drive herself away, then she can only accept it.

She knew the terrifying power of Jinling Creatures, and it was reasonable for Chu Feng to be unwilling to fight against terrible organizations like Jinling Creatures for her own sake.

"What do you think? If Yiyi falls into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be even more serious."

Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry, "Even without you, I won't let Yiyi fall into the wrong hands. You want to take her away alone, I'm not happy!"

The extreme contrast made Ye Xiaohui so moved that she almost cried. She couldn't use any words to describe her feelings: "Thank you, thank you, I..."

"Don't rush to be happy."

Chu Feng said seriously, "I can help you improve as much as possible and give you the power to protect your daughter, but at the same time, you must also promise me one thing."

Ye Xiaohui said seriously: "No matter what it is, I will agree to it."

Chu Feng's eyes were a little unbearable, but he knew that this matter was very important. He had to say: "Yiyi's existence is a huge hidden danger. I can spare my life to protect her, but if there are really people with ulterior motives , Or a more powerful existence than Jinling creatures, wanting to capture Yiyi, I hope that you can not let Yiyi fall into the wrong hands at all costs."

Ye Xiaohui said: "I understand that I will not let Yiyi fall into the wrong hands. No matter what the price, I will not let this happen."

Chu Feng sighed and said, "No, you don't understand. What I said at all costs is not only to pay your entire life, but also something more important than your life."

Something more important than life?

Ye Xiaohui hadn't figured it out at first, but in a flash, her pretty face turned pale.

For her, there is only one more important than life...

"Think about it yourself!"

As Chu Feng said, he walked to the window and rubbed his eyebrows in pain.

He didn't expect Jinling creatures to be able to find and use the existence of this physique, which is a supreme opportunity for those who have no humanity.

But for the people around her who wanted to protect her, it was a disaster.

"How could I make such a decision?"

Reason tells Chu Feng that if he can't be cruel, then only solve Yiyi now, is the only way to solve the troubles, and the best way.

After all, sometimes death is also a kind of relief and happiness.

However, if you really make such a decision, then what if you solve the problems? What if I will be really disease-free in the future?

For their own safety, even an innocent little girl would hurt a person. What if such a person lives longer? The root of humanity has been lost.

The reason why he never gave up hope in the darkest years is because of the last support of humanity.

If this is the most essential thing for a human being lost, then even if there is no zombie virus in the body, what is the difference from the zombies outside?

It's fine if you don't see her, then you won't be bothered by seeing her.

However, Chu Feng knew that there was no if.

After a while, Ye Xiaohui hugged her daughter Yiyi and came to Chu Feng's side. Her tone returned to her usual plainness: "I understand, Yiyi is a kind child, and she doesn't want to see herself as a source of harm to others, so If we really can’t protect her, I will do whatever it takes to keep her from falling into the wrong hands.”

When she made this decision, her heart was full of pain.

However, she also understood that this was the best choice for Yiyi.

If she is allowed to fall into the wrong hands and become a tool used by careerists, then it may be more cruel to her than death.

Chu Feng wanted to say something, but opened his mouth, but only one sentence remained: "I won't let that happen."

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