Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 286: Devil training

When the convener went to the training venue, Su Yuyan curiously asked Tian Jing: "Is Chu Feng's training cruel? Why do I feel you are so scared?"

Tian Jingxin said with lingering fears: "This is not a question of whether you are afraid or not, this is real devil training."

Xu Wei also agreed: "We have also seen the army conduct devil training. The boss's devil training may not be as tiring as the army, but it is really scary."

Tao Jinghua looked unbearably looking back: "It's not just scary, it's true..."

At the end, he didn't know how to describe it.

Su Yuyan was even more curious when she saw them like this.

You know, everyone has experienced life and death battles several times, all of which have been fighting monsters and enemies all the way.

If it is not for life and death training, can it really make them feel scared?

Moreover, why did not one of them refuse to train? Could it be that this training is really useful?

Her heart seemed to be scratched by a cat, itchy.

"I just see if he will do anything to my students."

Su Yuyan found an excuse for her curiosity and went to the sidelines.

Besides Lu Ming, she brought a total of 21 students. This is her core team. Su Yuyan is also looking forward to their growth.

In addition to a few core members of Chu Feng, there were more than two hundred people who followed Chu Feng before the worms struck. After some people died in the battle, 195 people remained.

These people came to the training venue under the leadership of Su Yuan and Arrangement and Tian Jing.

The training site is specially arranged trenches by Chu Feng, as well as some military bunkers. According to Chu Feng, these are defensive measures used after the energy shield is directly breached.

Under the leadership of Su Yuan, the Dawn Alliance also often conducts training in these areas, the purpose is to adapt to these military defense measures, or to take advantage of the terrain.

After coming here, the people who were called up were obviously disappointed.

After all, it's not that they haven't trained here these days. If Chu Feng's personal training was also like this today, it would be a bit disappointing.

But these losses are not much, because they understand that being able to follow Chu Feng in the second batch, they are already in a higher position than the others in the alliance, and the benefits they have received are already better than those in the alliance. It's a lot more.

Now the leader summoned them suddenly, even if it was just a training camp, it meant that they had not forgotten them.

However, after seeing Chu Feng summoning half of the Light Element supernatural powers in the alliance, many people finally began to drum.

What is this for? Is it actual combat?

If it is not actual combat, why do you have to prepare so many healings?

Standing on a commanding height, Chu Feng explained to everyone: "We have experienced more than one war. On the battlefield, we decide whether the object of death is the enemy or ourselves. The first is our strength and the second is our courage. This kind of courage is not a momentary impulse, but the courage to be able to hold the sword in your hand in a gun."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, many people held their swords tighter.

Not anger, but with some shame.

The same goes for those who watch them out of curiosity.

They did experience the battlefield of life and death, but that battlefield was specially created for them by Chu Feng in a battle environment that was conducive to them.

Anyone who has actually been on the battlefield knows that it is really difficult and difficult to remain calm in the face of thousands of troops.

In the history of China, there are countless examples of the entire army being wiped out because of the collapse of morale, even if the army has experienced many battles.

The Gu family gathered tens of thousands of people, but they were directly destroyed by a thousand people from Chu Feng, but such examples often happened even in ancient times when there was no extraordinary power.

When a camp is attacked at night, a few hundred people can destroy a camp of tens of thousands of people.

Of course it is impossible for hundreds of people to defeat tens of thousands, but it is easy to defeat them with their fears.

Chu Feng continued: "The experience between life and death is the most capable of training people. As long as you experience enough life and death experience, then the surviving person will definitely become a peerless powerhouse, but ah, everyone has only one life. Say this The speaker only saw the one who succeeded in the blood sea of ​​Shishan, but did not see the dry bones under their feet."

After listening to Chu Feng's words, the people underneath and the onlookers of the alliance members felt an emotional resonance.

If it was in a peaceful age, even when they were living in the fortress, they wouldn't have too deep feelings.

But when they experienced the experience of life and death, experienced the death of their companions, experienced the fear of facing the enemy and facing death, they realized that life and death are not so simple things.

Maybe they can be enthusiastic when they are extremely angry, but after learning from the pain, they never want to experience such a terrible scene again.

Not to mention them, even if it was Chu Feng, who was able to survive the 10 years of darkness, he was unwilling to experience it again.

Everyone has only one life, and most people can only become victims when they experience life and death.

If they face the battlefield of life and death again, can they continue to muster the courage?

At this time, someone shouted excitedly: "Leader, let's start training! I believe brothers are not afraid of any training."

His words instantly ignited everyone's emotions.

"Yes! No matter what kind of training it is, we accept it!"

"We have enough courage to face all difficulties."

"If you don't work hard now, you will die on the battlefield."

Now everyone is in an impassioned look. They know that some people may be injured or even disabled in this training, but they have the courage to face everything.

Because the results of their current promotion will directly determine their life and death on the battlefield.

Chu Feng smiled slightly, and then pointed to another high ground not far away: "Very well, since everyone has the courage to face all challenges, the first challenge is, from my place, along the single-plank bridge in front, Walk to that high tower."

Everyone looked in the direction that Chu Feng pointed, feeling a little surprised.

Single-plank bridge? Where did the single-plank bridge come from?

A courageous member even directly said: "Leader, then take out the single-plank bridge! I believe we will be able to pass."

At this time, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

A young man supported him, rolled his Adam's apple, and said tremblingly: "There is a bridge there."

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