Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 287: Single-plank bridge

"Where is the bridge?"

"Where is the bridge?"

Everyone is a little unclear, so I obviously didn't see the bridge!

But there are some people who are trembling: "That is, the glass bridge!"

After hearing the glass bridge, everyone suddenly became quiet.

When they fixed their eyes on the past again, there was indeed a bridge in the sky, a glass bridge, and it was really a single-plank bridge.

It is actually a thick transparent glass,

There is not even a guardrail.

A female student following Su Yuyan hid behind Su Yuyan with an "Ah": "It's a dozen meters away from the ground! Are there any safety measures?"

When many people saw the glass bridge, their legs were already weak.

"This glass bridge can only be passed by one person in total!"

"Is this training courage? This is simply walking a tightrope!"

"Who is a tightrope walker, try it?"

"What a tightrope walker is acrobatics!"

For this kind of training method, most people questioned it, because it is not a serious training at all.

Is walking on such a tightrope-like glass bridge really useful for training courage?

The answer, of course, is that there is little use, but not much.

The danger between life and death is different from the danger of standing high. Being able to overcome the fear of heights and the fear in the heart does not mean that the fear of death can be overcome.

Even if you really walked past it, it didn't mean that you would be able to deal with the enemy's sword freely.

But it doesn't matter, this is just the beginning.

And because it's not very useful for guts, it doesn't mean it's really useless.

Chu Feng said: "After you become a martial artist, both your physical fitness and your coordination ability have been greatly improved. The reason why you think you cannot pass is not because you really can't do it, but Because you think you can't do it, you come up."

Xu Wei and Tian Jing walked onto the high platform upon hearing this.

Think you can't do it?

Everyone thoughtfully.

Chu Feng said: "Do you think that becoming a martial artist is just a little stronger and faster than ordinary people? I tell you that after becoming a martial artist, the improvement is all-round. If you are willing to develop your physical potential, you can become a strong person. By."

With that, he turned to Tian Jing: "Go and show them."


Tian Jing walked towards the single-plank bridge without saying a word.

Seeing Tian Jing walking up the glass single-plank bridge without hesitation, everyone felt that their breathing was about to stagnate.

Can such a weak-looking woman really do it?

You know, the width of this single-plank bridge is less than 20 cm. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at an altitude of more than ten meters.

That is to say, everyone's eyesight has now been improved, only then can we see.

It really takes a lot of courage to walk on such a glass bridge.

Then, something that shocked them happened.

They thought that Tian Jing would walk over cautiously, and even a thrilling scene that almost slipped off like on TV.

But when the weak girl stepped up, they were surprised to find that she was walking on the glass single-plank bridge at no slower speed than walking on the ground.

It is even suspicious that she is not walking on the glass bridge at all, but on the ground.

As for fear? For Tian Jing, there is really nothing terrifying.

It was the first time that she had done this kind of training, but in the previous training, she had already learned the limit of what she could do from Chu Feng, so this kind of thing really didn't mean much to her.

Therefore, in just ten seconds, Tian Jing walked over a 30-meter glass single-plank bridge.

Chu Feng said to everyone, "Just like you, she is not an awakened person, but a martial artist who is constantly improving on her own strength. Even before that, she was just a student. The reason why she was able to do this The thing is not long-term training, but her own ability."

Then, he also gave Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua a color, so that they would also pass by.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua also walked over easily as if they were walking on the ground.

This scene made everyone wonder, is this glass bridge really so easy to walk?

Su Yuyan showed an expression of interest.

She could see that Chu Feng did this to increase people's confidence in themselves.

"I will try too!"

A member gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, with our current physical fitness, even if we fall from a height of more than ten meters, we won't fall to death. It's okay to try."

With that, he walked onto the glass single-plank bridge.

When he looked down from the top, he felt dizzy for a while and his legs felt weak.

But in a moment, this feeling of incompatibility gradually subsided.

"Why, why do I think I can pass?"

He tried to take the first step. The smooth glass bridge almost made his feet slip, causing his feet to stagger, and the people watching underneath were also suspended.

But then, he found that he had quickly gained a foothold.

At this time, he suddenly realized that after he became a martial artist, not only his speed and strength have been improved, but his balance has also improved so much.

So he tried to continue to move forward. Gradually, his courage became stronger and he walked faster and faster on the glass bridge.

When he walked across the glass bridge, he found that the audience in the audience was stunned.

If it is the people around the leader, it is not strange to do such a thing, but this is only one of them, it is incredible to do such a thing!

Or is it really easier than imagined?

Those who walked through the single-plank bridge shouted to everyone: "Don't be afraid, it's actually easy to walk across this bridge, as long as you don't be afraid."

With so many attempts, everyone has more confidence in their hearts.

"I'll try it too."

"I'll try it too."

"Don't fight with me, let me come first."

"If you have the ability, don't hide behind me and say this."

When everyone really walked across the glass single-plank bridge one by one, they found that their body's endurance and coordination capabilities could really keep them safe and sound.

Even if I was a little scared at first, and my heart was a little uncoordinated, my body would be able to adjust immediately, as if I could do these things in the first place.

"I'm past."

"Haha, I passed."

"It turns out I can really do it."

"It's too easy, is there any training? Come together!"

"Yes! The second training, come on!"

Seeing everyone's excitement, the corner of Chu Feng's mouth opened a radian.

Su Yuyan shuddered involuntarily when he saw this scene accidentally.

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