When these monsters pounced in groups, the three women immediately instinctively wanted to make a full shot.

After all, when facing danger, running away and counterattack are normal reactions of people.

However, at this moment, Chu Feng shouted to his sister:

"Xiao Rou, don't act rashly, specifically kill those above Tier 4."

Chu Xiaorou received the order, nodded, and began to open her bow and arrow.

She hasn't had time to learn the usage of Wind Rhythm, and now she can only try the power of Chu Feng's special arrow.

Zhang Ziqing wanted to shoot, but was stopped by Chu Feng's eyes.

Through these days of training, she also understood the necessity of masters to retain their strength, so she didn't make any moves, but the speed of filling water was slowed down a bit, warning the appearance of powerful enemies.

Most of the monsters that are rushing up are Tier 1 and Tier 2, and a few are Tier 3, and in front of Ye Xiaohui who has obtained the Chiyan Sword, they are not the enemy of One He at all.

She swung the Chiyan Sword, and the surrounding air seemed to have crimson flames. The Wind Wolf, who rushed to the barbecue first, turned into two halves after only one face under her sword.

Feng Lang's upper body was still struggling, but the wound had burn marks, plundering its remaining vitality.

No one sympathizes with it, and no one has time to sympathize with the enemy.

The blood rained, and countless mutant creatures fell under Ye Xiaohui's sword.


Chu Xiaorou is a wind type supernatural player, and she is best at climbing. She quickly discovered that among those monster groups, there was a monster that reached Tier 4.

This is a mutated deer, but even the deer that was originally a herbivore now has bloodthirsty rays in his eyes, and his eyes are burning with the barbecue.

Wild animals found it very difficult to find food originally, but because of instinctive fear of humans, these animals did not rush up at the beginning.

But the smell of barbecue constantly stimulates the nerves of these animals, destroying their remaining sanity, even if they know that these humans are not easy to mess with, they can't care about it.

In the face of the temptation of profit, even human beings who are the spirits of all things often do irrational things. What's more, what about beasts who were originally not very intelligent but have just become wise?

Chu Xiaorou calmly focused her bow and arrow at the mutant deer.

When her wind elemental force was instilled into the arrow, she understood the use of this arrow, because the flow path of the wind elemental force was the function of this arrow.


The arrow moved away from the string, heading towards the target.

The mutant deer selected as the target sensed the danger and wanted to turn its head to avoid the arrow, but unexpectedly, the arrow went over an arc and went straight to its head again.

The arrow was flying too fast, even if it could be seen, it was too late to dodge.

The mutant deer could only watch this arrow approach, and then easily penetrated his head.


The mutant deer let out a cry, and then fell to the ground feebly.

A huge hole appeared in the back of its head and neck, as if it had been wringed by a meat grinder, it was horrible.

But the arrow did not stop after passing through the mutant deer, but a mutant canine monster that pierced through the mutant deer's back.

The mutant dog was shot directly in the abdomen, just about to let out a scream, and then there was no chance to let out a scream.

Its whole body was torn to pieces with the same force as a knife.

Flesh fragments and blood rain fell one after another.

"Unfortunately, almost!"

Chu Xiaorou didn't feel that this scene was **** or disgusting, because in the past few days, she had been taken aback by this scene.

Although there are still some resistances, but even the scene of cannibalism has been seen, of course she will not have too much influence on herself.

The reason why she said it was a pity was because the burst position of the arrow was different.

The arrow originally moved forward in a spiral, and only with the power attached to it, would it cause huge spiral-like hollow damage on the head of the mutant deer.

And it broke out in the mutant dog's body, which is a design on the arrow shaft.

This is a special effect of blasting the arrow itself into pieces after hitting the target, and then using the fragments and the power of the seal in the shaft to cause secondary damage.

Her original expectation was to let this explosion be completed on the head of the mutant deer, but she was a little worse in the manipulation of the space, so she would kill one more monster.

I heard that the mistakes in the operation have expanded her success, but no one can guarantee that every mistake will cause this, so she needs more practice.

But Zhang Ziqing watched Chu Xiaorou easily take away the two monsters with one arrow, and there was a burst of excitement in his eyes.

It would be great if he could have such a powerful weapon.

It was supposed to be a wind system with weak combat power. Now, with special weapons, monsters of the same level can be killed easily, and she knows that these are not the 12 strongest arrows made by Chu Feng for Chu Xiaorou. .

If it is the strongest arrow, how powerful should it be.

"Don't worry, you won't be any weaker than her."

Chu Feng seemed to see through Zhang Ziqing's thoughts, and said with a smile, "After the supernatural person reaches the fifth rank, he will embark on the path of developing the potential of his supernatural ability. Are you still worried that I will teach you less?"

Zhang Ziqing's eyes showed a smile.

Yup! She has the longest time with Chu Feng, what are you worried about?

Although this **** looks a little bit ugly, it's better than anyone I've seen who only knows the brains of the worms. In contrast, a person who can be responsible and able to take responsibility is definitely a complete blow. People who don't recognize people when they mention their pants are worthy of trust.

At this moment, a giant strange fish of seven or eight meters long emerged from the river water, drew a beautiful arc in the air, then opened its mouth and spit out a water column towards Zhang Ziqing.

"heads up!"

Chu Feng raised his hand with a blazing talisman and exploded the water column to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the generally black long sword appeared in his hand, his body suddenly violent, and then cut down in the direction of the strange fish.


Zhang Ziqing was a little dazed at first, but then she reacted, and an ice wall technique blocked the strange fish in front.

But this ice wall did not exert its effect. When the big fish hit the wall, the ice wall turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground.

At this time, the river set off a huge wave.

The big fish is about to return to the river water after riding the huge waves.

"Want to run?"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, such a big prey, you can't just let it run away.

"Dirt wall!"

A rock wall rose from the ground, blocking the way for the big fish to return to the river.

The big fish twitched its tail vigorously, and the huge tail smashed the entire rock wall to pieces, but it lost the best chance of escape.

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