Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 294: Dragon tendons and dragon balls

A black figure flashed past, and Chu Feng holding the sword of death passed by Da Yu's neck, and then jumped back into place.

"It can't live now."

Chu Feng said, and then added to Zhang Ziqing, who was about to relax, "Even if it can't live, but the counterattack before death is not a joke. Don't take it lightly. Don't take it lightly until you confirm that it is really dead. Get close to it."

There are many mutant creatures whose vitality is terrifying. Even fish without mutants still survive after cutting off half of their body.

What's more, this big fish itself is also struggling?

Zhang Ziqing looked at the big fish that was still thumping and splashing countless earth and rocks, and nodded gently.

"Qingjiang sturgeon, good luck."

After reminding Zhang Ziqing, Chu Feng also smiled.

Qingjiang sturgeon, this is a fifth-order mutant monster, the meat is delicious, cough, this is not the point, the focus is on the spinal cord of the Qingjiang sturgeon, but it is a very precious treasure.

After about ten minutes, Qingjiang sturgeon finally stopped struggling.

"Ziqing, make up the knife." Chu Feng ordered.

A frost spear appeared beside Zhang Ziqing, which pierced through the head of the Qingjiang sturgeon.

This is what she learned from Chu Feng, don't take the monster lightly at any time, even if you think the monster is dead, don't approach it rashly.

The Qingjiang sturgeon thumped again, and then collapsed completely.

A dagger appeared in Chu Feng's hand, and then he approached the Qingjiang sturgeon.

At this moment, there were two more almost the same, except that the Qingjiang sturgeon, one or two meters in length, jumped up from the water and rushed towards Zhang Ziqing.

Although Zhang Ziqing focused part of his attention on Chu Feng, after all, he was always on guard, and a giant water curtain shield appeared on the route of the two Qingjiang sturgeons.

In the battle just now, she saw that the Qingjiang sturgeon has the power to turn ice into water, so she directly used water to resist the Qingjiang sturgeon's attack.

"How come there are so many Qingjiang sturgeons?"

With Chu Feng's eyesight, it can be seen that these two Qingjiang sturgeons are also Tier 5, but why do such Qingjiang sturgeons appear one after another?

"Why do these fish always attack me?"

Zhang Ziqing summoned a few water elemental spirits, trapped the two Qingjiang sturgeons on the land as well, and casually complained.

"Maybe your meat is more delicious!"

Chu Feng smiled and displayed the supernatural speed talisman, which suddenly doubled his speed. The death sword in his hand also appeared at the same time, harvesting the lives of the remaining two Qingjiang sturgeons.

Zhang Ziqing pouted and didn't believe what Chu Feng said.

But what Chu Feng said was indeed true.

Zhang Ziqing, who owns the gate of hell, has a fatal attraction to water monsters, just like the smell of barbecue for humans who have been hungry for a few days.

However, the appearance of three Tier 5 monsters in a row is too abnormal.

Ye Xiaohui and Chu Xiaorou also almost cleaned up the surrounding monsters. Only a few monsters who were still afraid to step forward, looked at the corpses in one place, and had to retreat in anguish.

After the battle, Ye Xiaohui leaned on a tree to adjust her breathing, took out the five purified crystal nuclei from her pocket, and began to restore her spiritual energy.

For her, it is the same with or without ability to be able to fight, but the ability of the ability to absorb the advantage of the crystal core is unmatched by the warrior.

And Chu Xiaorou confirmed whether the monsters on the ground had alive, and harvested the spoils.

The meat of the mutant beast possesses powerful energy, and it is easy for ordinary people to be killed directly after eating it, even if it is a warrior, it needs to be digested carefully.

Of course, this is not a bad thing, but can greatly alleviate the food shortage problem.

However, if you eat too much, you will easily be affected by a special energy, so you need to go to the water and light powers to help you purify your body.

This phenomenon was called "pollution" by the people of the Dawn Alliance, and it caused some casualties.

After the discovery of this pollution phenomenon, the Dawn Alliance became more cautious in the face of these mutant creatures, and also even more touted those with light and water abilities.

However, this kind of pollution is basically useless for Tier 4 abilities.

After the battle was over, Chu Feng began to dissect the Qingjiang sturgeon.

He walked to the largest Qingjiang sturgeon, the short sword in his hand stretched out a meter-long sword energy, turned around the Qingjiang sturgeon's head, and cut off the fish head.

Then, Chu Feng began to "crimp the dragon's tendons."

Dragon tendon cramping is a method of extracting the spinal cord of fish. Some folk masters of cramping dragon tendon can even extract the complete "dragon tendon" without harming the spinal cord.

After the mutation of the Qingjiang sturgeon, the spinal cord of the Qingjiang sturgeon has also become tougher, even if it is not a master of dragon tendons, it can extract the complete spinal cord.

Chu Feng cut open the spine of the Qingjiang sturgeon, then pulled one end of the spinal cord and began to slowly extract it.

A minute later, a long "spine cord" was extracted.

"Six meters, really the best."

Chu Feng was also a little surprised. Such a long dragon tendon can be made into a very special bowstring after being tanned by a special method.

Of course, this was not prepared for Chu Xiaorou, but used to make bowstrings for crossbows.

The six-meter-long dragon tendon should shrink a lot after tanning, but it is completely enough to make the bowstring of the giant crossbow.

In the process of gradual elimination of hot weapons, the cold weapons of the old era will re-bloom with a special light in this new era.

In a crisis that Chu Feng knew about in the future, a high-level city defense giant crossbow could play an absolutely deterrent effect.

Now that the most critical materials are already available, then just wait for Chu Feng to be free.

Just when Chu Feng was excited about this, Zhang Ziqing said in a pleasant tone: "What is this?"

Chu Feng fixed his eyes and found that a colorless and transparent ball appeared in Zhang Ziqing's hand.

"Dragon Ball, I didn't expect this kind of thing to be exposed, luckily."

Chu Feng saw this colorless bead and explained, "Dragon ball can increase the water control ability of the water system supernatural person. If it is used to make water avoiding beads, it can weaken the influence of ordinary people when fighting underwater More than 90%, it also has the effect of water purification."

Dragon Ball is a very rare treasure. It is not known how much more precious it is than Dragon Tendon, but its role is auxiliary, and it has limited enhancement of water control ability.

But the effect of water purification is very rare.

In the middle and late end of the world, sometimes a bottle of water will cause a dozen people to fight, but is water really lacking? Will there be a lack of water in nature?

What is lacking is drinking water.

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