Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 295: Avoid water drops

The water in nature is endless, because water will not be really consumed, it will only enter the water cycle and be reused.

Moreover, although this disaster has caused great harm to mankind, it has also promoted the development of many technologies, including water purification technology.

However, the problem of water pollution in the later period is still getting more and more serious, and the requirements for water purification equipment are getting higher and higher, and the amount of water that can be purified within a unit time is also limited.

Of course, this is not the main problem. The most important thing is that some powerful people have used their own force to forcibly control all water purification equipment. By providing water for other powerful people for free, they have attracted a large number of allies, and then they have Strict control has been carried out, which has greatly increased the value of water.

The founder of this method is Chu Feng's biggest opponent, Long Ao.

"Is this thing precious?" Chu Xiaorou asked.

Chu Feng nodded: "It will become more and more precious in the future."

The number of Qingjiang sturgeon was originally very rare. Even if the Qingjiang sturgeon in the entire Yangtze River is killed, the number of dragon **** that can be obtained is estimated to be a dozen.

Now they can get a dragon ball, which is definitely a surprise.

"Really? But why don't I think?"

Zhang Ziqing took another dragon ball from the brain of another Qingjiang sturgeon.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched: "Maybe we are the children of luck!"

However, when Zhang Ziqing took out the third Dragon Ball, Chu Feng was not calm.

The three Tier 5 Qingjiang sturgeons are already a surprise, and now all of the three have exploded with a thousand miles of dragon balls. Could this be explained by luck?

"Could it be that this river bottom has a node of water vitality?"

Chu Feng was a little puzzled, he was a little doubtful whether there was something under the river water.

After all, a Tier 5 monster needs a lot of vitality to grow, and the cohesion of the Dragon Ball is the same, and it all needs vitality.

Now the time for the great changes in the world is only one month, and the number of "strong people" that can be supported in each place is extremely limited. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to produce so many things at once.

Of course, considering the fluidity of the river, this possibility is not without it.

But Chu Feng was more willing to believe what was under the river.

"You count the gains here. I will refine a water-repellent bead and take a look underwater."

Chu Feng didn't intend to let go of such an opportunity, because his current strength was able to deal with most of the dangers. If he didn't ask for such an opportunity, then he would have no future.

He knows that he looks very powerful and has a unique position in the Dawn Alliance, but his talent is still a bit worse than those of the true goddess, and he can only make up for it through the particularity of the technique.

However, Gongfa can make up the gap in talent, but it can't make up the gap in resources.

The resources that a person can obtain are limited, but Chu Feng, through special weapons, food and water, has put almost 30% of the harvest of the Dawn Alliance in his own bag, and he thinks that the harvest is more than that of a person alone. More than a few times.

This is not a loss for the members of the Dawn Alliance, because the weapons they obtained have brought them a much greater increase in strength than the crystal core they handed over to Chu Feng.

This is a win-win cooperation.

Chu Feng sits on a Dawn Alliance with a scale of 10,000 people, and can get so much gains. Then, what about those strong men who control the lives of 100,000 people through iron and blood?

Although no one would hand over their things obediently in this era, there are still some people who can do this kind of thing. Although they are exhausted, the speed of improvement within time is terrible.

Even if an ordinary genius obtains enough crystal nuclei, it also takes a certain amount of time to grow, but if it is a child of luck like Long Ao, the growth rate will be even more terrifying.

If Chu Feng didn't even dare to take risks of this level, then he should be a native emperor in the south obediently!

This way, at least before Long Ao attacked the south, he would live very well.

However, how could Chu Feng, who had experienced the darkest years, allow himself to make such a mistake again? Even if he died again, he did not want to sit still.

It took more than twenty minutes to refining the water avoiding bead, and Chu Feng was ready to enter the water.

Zhang Ziqing saw that Chu Feng was about to go into the water, and his eyes reddened: "Although I don't know what is under the water, it is definitely dangerous. Do you have any reason to take risks now?"

In her opinion, Chu Feng is already the overlord of the party, is it not good to consolidate his position obediently and spend time to build his own foundation? Why do you have to take risks?

She didn't know what was under the water, but knew that human beings must be greatly restricted under the water.

Chu Feng smiled and stroked Zhang Ziqing's hair: "Don't worry, isn't there still you, a Tier 5 master? If there is any danger to me, with your ability to control the water, wouldn't it be possible to save me? ?"

Zhang Ziqing bit her lips tightly and wanted to continue to persuade, but she also knew that she could not influence Chu Feng's decision at all.

Chu Xiaorou wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

It's not that she was unwilling to persuade Chu Feng, she just felt that her brother had something on his mind, like a reminder, forcing him to move forward.

Chu Feng put the water drop in his mouth and walked towards the river. Then a magical scene happened. Within three meters of the water drop as the center, the river water was divided.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Ziqing opened his mouth wide, and at the same time felt relieved.

Since the water can be separated, at least Chu Feng's actions will not be affected too much.

As long as Chu Feng can exert his full strength, he will be invincible.

And Chu Feng was also relieved. It was the first time to refining avoiding water droplets. He didn't expect to have such a good effect. The distance of three meters was enough for him to make enough reactions.

As long as he does not encounter a Tier 5 monster under the water, he will have the power to fight.

After Chu Feng went into the water, Ye Xiaohui said to Chu Xiaojuu: "Who is your brother? What has he experienced before? I feel that there is a reason urging him to become stronger in his heart, so that he can continue to forge ahead, even if For this you need to take risks with your own life."

She and Chu Feng are the same kind of people, and both have terrible enemies that they have to face. It is precisely because of the oppression of such enemies that she will work hard.

After her daughter's return, she felt more deeply about it.

Chu Xiaorou shook her head: "I don't know, but since I can't stop my brother, I can only make myself stronger and help my brother share the burden."

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